Soon, the diagnosis came out.

"Director Zhao, this is all the data of the elderly now, and the situation is very good." A medical worker came over with a stack of data and handed the data to Zhao Fangzhou while talking.

After the latter took over, he quickly and carefully browsed one by one. His face became more and more surprised and excited. He couldn't help exclaiming, "it's amazing, it's amazing. Mr. Zhao, your secret is amazing. If I didn't diagnose the old man's condition or see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it, The world really has this magical means

Other medical staff also said with admiration: "yes, even the heart rate is close to the normal data. If this state can be maintained, it may be OK without surgery."

Zhao Chengfeng is also slightly surprised. The effect seems to be better than he expected. Although it may be a bit shocking, Zhao Chengfeng is very happy to have a better effect.

Next to Chen Shuxian and others are also crying with joy, Chen Shuxian went to Zhao Chengfeng side, low voice: "Chengfeng, thank you."

"What's the matter? An old man like grandfather Chen is the one I admire most. If I have this method, there's no reason why I can't save myself. Besides, we can say thank you or not." Zhao Chengfeng is happy and reaches for Chen Shuxian's shoulder.

Then he turned his head and asked Zhao Fangzhou, "the old man is now in a good state. Are you sure you can cure him?"

"Of course." Zhao Fangzhou eyebrows pick, very confident straightened his back, "the old man is now in such a good state, if I can't cure the old man, then I Zhao Fangzhou also don't deserve to be called the first knife of Chinese cardiology."

Hearing this, Chen Shuxian, Tian xiner and other people in welfare homes were also very happy, and some children couldn't help jumping up.

"Is there no need for surgery?" Tian Xin'er asked.

A doctor did say that just now.

So it's better not to operate.

After all, the old man is so old that if he has an operation, his recovery is also a hardship.

"No, the operation still needs to be done. Although the old man's current condition is close to normal, it's just close. And this is due to Mr. Zhao's Secret effect. No one knows whether it will rebound again. Therefore, the operation must be completely completed when the old man is in the best condition."

"However, the operation can't use the previous plan. I have to hold a meeting with you to work out a new plan, so as to make the effect of the operation better after the operation and minimize the trauma and negative effects of the operation."

"Everybody, you can go out now! Xiao Liu, you go to arrange a ward to transfer the old man. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Xu, you two go to arrange the operating room. The others and I will have a meeting immediately. I want to work out the best plan as soon as possible. "

Zhao Fangzhou is also vigorous and resolute, and then began to catch up with Zhao Chengfeng and others to leave, and quickly arrange other medical staff tasks.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng and others have no reason not to cooperate.

And Zhao Fangzhou's efficiency is not slow, soon grandfather Chen was transferred to the hospital's advanced intensive care unit.

Zhao Fangzhou took people to a meeting to study the best surgical plan. Heart surgery is not a cut of hemorrhoids. It is impossible to do it casually without a detailed plan.

Generally speaking, the preparation time is as short as one or two days, and sometimes some equipment or needed things do not match, so the process may be longer.

But Zhao Fangzhou has promised Zhao Chengfeng, which is naturally vigorous and resolute. Moreover, grandfather Chen's operation is not a replacement of organs, but a heart bypass, so it took only a few hours to come up with an almost perfect plan.

In the conference room, all the participants were excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this plan is the best we can do at present. It can be predicted that the effect of this operation will be good." In the conference room, Zhao Fangzhou was holding the operation plan in his hand. He was a little tired, but he looked very excited.

"Once the operation is successful, you guys, we have created a miracle. It is very rare for nearly 100 years old people to complete heart surgery in the world. What's more, the life function of the old people at that time was almost exhausted, which is an unprecedented case in the whole history of human medicine."

"Although the main contributor to this miracle must be Mr. Zhao, we can participate in it. As a medical practitioner, it is also a moment to be proud of

Zhao Fangzhou's eloquence is tantamount to a final mobilization.

Others are excited, too.

Because, as Zhao Fangzhou said, to complete such a rare case, even if it's just a participant, it's also with you Rongyan.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhang, has the operating room been arranged?"

"All right!"

"Are all the equipment and spare blood bags in place?"

"It's all in place."

"Good. Let's do the final check."


"How is the old man now?"

"It's very good. I've just tested the elderly for half an hour, and all the indicators are very good."

"Go for another test, others will take the time to relax and prepare for the operation in half an hour!"


Zhao Fangzhou constantly asked questions, and the following medical staff answered in an orderly way. When the final order was given, everyone stood up, like an army about to fight.

"Wait a minute!"

Just then, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a bald middle-aged man and a coquettish woman came in from the outside.

"Vice President Jiang?" Zhao Fangzhou saw that the visitor frowned slightly, glanced at the woman who came in with Vice President Jiang, and then returned to the former, "Vice President Jiang, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"Why is it him?" Vice President Jiang also frowned slightly when he saw Zhao Fangzhou. In the hospital, most people would call President Jiang directly when they saw him, because vice president is also president anyway, so as long as it's not a special formal occasion, most people who can speak will remove this vice word.

Only this Zhao Fangzhou, no matter when and where he is, will take this word with him every time. It makes Vice President Jiang feel very harsh. It's like he's specially reminding him.

But he has no way to deal with this person, because Zhao Fangzhou, director Zhao, is not only an expert specially employed by the hospital, but also has a high reputation in China and even in the world.

Therefore, his position is quite special. In name, he is only a chief physician, but in fact, he has a sense of detachment, just like the ancient generals who listened to the tune but did not listen to the propaganda.

"Well, it's no big deal. I just heard that director Zhao has just received a patient." President Jiang pondered.

"Well, yes, I'm holding a meeting about the patient's operation now. Since Vice President Jiang is OK, then I'll go to prepare." Zhao Fangzhou nodded, and then picked up the proposal. He was there, and he planned to go back to his office to check it again.

For a doctor, the perfect medical plan is not perfect.

Every responsible doctor must be familiar with every detail of his medical plan.

At this time, he really didn't have the heart to talk to President Jiang, who himself didn't see very well.

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