"Wait a minute!" When President Jiang saw that he said to leave, he could not help but scold him in his heart, "OK, I'm just saying that, you really go straight away. Anyway, I'm also a president, even if I'm the vice president, I'm also the president. You have to be polite. Besides, it's really nothing. Why do I come to you just to see your face? "

"Well, director Zhao, listen to me first. It's really acute." He scolded secretly in his heart, but could not squeeze out a smile on his face. He felt as if he was very intimate with Zhao Fangzhou. He held Zhao Fangzhou in one hand and grabbed the proposal from the latter in the other hand. "Come on, sit down, sit down and say."

But he didn't pull, and the proposal didn't come down. Zhao Fangzhou stood still and said, "Vice President Jiang, you don't have to sit down. If you have something to say, or wait until I finish the operation. I really don't have time now!"

Zhao Fangzhou said while he looked at his watch. Half an hour later, he would have an operation. Now he really needs to fight against the clock. He really has no time to talk nonsense with Vice President Jiang.

No matter what the Vice President Jiang wants to say, it's not as important as his current operation.

"You this person is not a good brain ah, what operation, this operation do not do!" Vice President Jiang hasn't said anything yet, but Bai Jie beside him can't help it. "You are a chief physician. The vice president of Tang Tang tells you that you have to sit down. You talk so much nonsense. You really think you are a character."

"Bai Jie!" Vice President Jiang is still thinking about the words. He didn't expect that Bai Jie was so direct and rushed to stop.

But it's too late. Zhao Fangzhou didn't have the heart to listen to what Vice President Jiang said, but when he heard that the operation should not be done, he suddenly heard it and frowned, "Vice President Jiang, what does this mean? What operation should not be done?"

Even the other medical staff who were going to leave to do the preparatory work stopped when they heard this.

Vice President Jiang zaxia's mouth. Now, even if you don't want to say it directly, you have to cough softly and say, "director Zhao, don't be excited. I've learned about this. Now the patient you are going to do the operation is nearly 100 years old. It's too risky to do the heart operation at such an old age."

"Director Zhao, you are an expert in this field. You should know better than me. Moreover, the old man is now being fired on the Internet, so the result of the operation will certainly be concerned by the media. If it fails in the end, director Zhao, not only our hospital's reputation will be damaged, but also your reputation?"

Sure enough, President Jiang's level is higher than Bai Jie's, not a little bit. At first, it seems reasonable to say that.

It seems that he is really thinking about Zhao Fangzhou.

"Vice President Jiang, you probably don't understand the matter, the old man, he..." another doctor mistakenly thought that Vice President Jiang was really considering the reputation of the hospital, and couldn't help interrupting.

"What I don't understand, what I don't understand, do I understand or do you understand?" As soon as President Jiang saw that Zhao Fangzhou was disobedient, he could not help it. A little doctor dared to interrupt, and his eyes immediately glared and interrupted the doctor's words.

He had to be polite to Zhao Fangzhou, but he didn't have such a good attitude towards the doctor. Then he said, "it's settled. The patient's operation will be stopped immediately. Then he told the patient's family that the disease can't be treated in our hospital, so that they can be transferred as soon as possible."

"What?" Hearing this, the faces of the medical staff changed. Only Bai Jie showed a smile.

"No way!" A cold and resolute voice rang out in the crowd, making the smile on Bai Jie's face stiff. Turning around, it was Zhao Fangzhou.

Bai Jie's Willow eyebrows stand up. She didn't expect a good thing to happen. The chief doctor surnamed Zhao came to obstruct her. She burst into a rage and was about to speak when Vice President Jiang reached out to stop her.

The latter's face was just as ugly. He thought that he would follow the doctor's way of interrupting, and then he gave it to Zhao Fangzhou. In this way, Zhao Fangzhou's face would not be wiped.

Even though Zhao Fangzhou is stubborn, he is at least the vice president. He should not be able to refute himself forcibly, but who knows that Zhao Fangzhou did not give face at all.

This made his face a little uneasy. He took a cold look at Zhao Fangzhou and said, "director Zhao, what do you mean? I'm the president at least. I'm considering this matter for our hospital and director Zhao's reputation. Don't I mean what I say?"

"I don't care whether you are the president or not. I don't care whether you mean what you say or not, but this operation must be done. If it fails, I will bear the responsibility." With a sneer, Zhao Fangzhou glanced at Bai Jie beside Vice President Jiang.

He didn't know the cause of the incident, and he didn't know Bai Jie, but he was a bookworm, but he wasn't a real one. He couldn't see that there was something fishy between them.

What is a hospital, for me to consider someone's reputation, is pure bullshit.

If vice president Jiang really knows about the patient's condition, he should know the old man's current state and the success rate of the operation is very high. Although it's not 100%, there is at least 70% confidence. Moreover, it's still a general doctor. If he comes, this confidence will be increased by a few percentage points.

Such a high probability of success is already very high in the medical field, especially in heart surgery, which will not discredit the hospital, but is a high honor.

The so-called consideration of the hospital and Zhao's reputation is nonsense.

"Presumptuous!" Vice President Jiang didn't expect that Zhao Fangzhou didn't give him face in this way. He immediately got angry. He patted the table and said angrily, "Zhao Fangzhou, you don't know how to praise me. I have good words. You said that you didn't buy it at all. Do you still have hospital leaders and collective honor in your eyes?"

"Ha ha, Vice President Jiang, I don't know why you want to stop this operation, and you don't have to wear a high hat for me. When I was employed in this hospital, the first condition was that I had to have professional autonomy. Moreover, Vice President Jiang, it seems that you are not the absolute leader of the hospital now, so I will naturally talk to the old president about this matter directly! If the old president does not agree, I will resign, but I have to do this operation! "

With that, Zhao Fangzhou turned and slammed the door out.

The others looked at each other and left in silence, but each step was firm, all following Zhao Fangzhou.

It's obvious that they are going to fight Zhao Fangzhou to the end. As Zhao Fangzhou said, once the operation is successful, all participants will have important experience and experience in their medical career, as well as honor. As doctors, how can they let it go.

Soon the whole meeting room was empty, leaving only President Jiang and Bai Jie, who were so angry that they almost vomited blood, and were stunned that they didn't know what the doctors were mad about.

They were silent for a long time. Bai Jie turned to look at vice president Jiang and sneered, "Vice President Jiang, your hospital is really special. You are a vice president, ha ha..."

This "ha ha" almost made Vice President Jiang's baldness red. He turned his head and glared at Bai Jie fiercely. His heart said: "MMB, it's not all your fault."

Immediately a bite teeth, cold hum a way: "do an operation, I let him do not succeed!"

Bai Jie giggles. She deliberately stimulates Vice President Jiang to achieve this effect.

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