"Chengfeng, should you come back so soon this time because of Liu Qinglong or because of the Internet? Do you know what's going on? " In the corridor outside the hospital ward, Shangguan Yan'er asks Zhao Cheng about the air passage.

In fact, Shangguan Yan'er wanted to ask Zhao Chengfeng about it early in the morning, just because she had no chance before.

At this meeting, Chen Shuxian and others were in the ward with the old man. She and Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing were not very familiar with grandfather Chen, and they were too crowded inside, so they stayed outside the corridor.

She finally got the time to ask about it.

"I came back because of Liu Qinglong. As for the things on the Internet, I learned them on the plane. Later I came to Beihai and got to know them a little. If you want to ask me what happened, I really don't know." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "but it's no big deal. It's just being blackmailed. To tell you the truth, I still like the name of the first villain, but it would be better to change it to the first villain. I don't rely on anyone's power."

"Well, you can still laugh." Shangguan Yan'er saw that he was still smiling. She gave him a white look, but then she couldn't help laughing.

But immediately he stopped smiling and glared at someone, "black is not black. You are happy. You didn't ask us whether we are happy or not. You don't see. It's only a long time since so many things happened. It's said that Bingbing is not clean either. "

Zhao Chengfeng also put away his smile, frowned slightly and nodded: "well, it's really a trouble. We're not afraid of it, but they can't stand it."

"What do you mean that we are not afraid? You are you. Don't count me and Zhu Qing. If we are entangled by those reporters, we can't help it. We can't fight. We'll be scolded for nothing!"

Shangguan Yan'er frowned.

But ye Zhuqing said: "I'm not afraid. Why can't I fight? If I dare to provoke my mother, I'll fight!"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "that's right. Why can't we fight? It's really hot. I'll make him feed fish in the sea, and I promise I won't leave any evidence afterwards. They still don't know how to write the word "evil" for "evil youth."

"You're not really going to do that, are you?" Shangguan Yan'er listens to Zhao Chengfeng say finally, murderous gas overflows everywhere, seems not to be like joking, can't help but stare big eyes, surprised ask a way.

"It's a relief, but in the end it's going to be a lot of trouble, and it's likely to hit the guy behind the scenes."

"Don't worry, I won't do it if I'm not really angry. But if I'm really in a hurry, it's hard to say. At that time, you'll all go abroad with me, and we'll continue to sell arms." In fact, Zhao Chengfeng has a headache in his heart.

Although he said ruthlessly, he was not a real murderer after all, and if he did, there would be no place for him in this country.

No matter how the leaders above know his credit, there is no way.

Even Zhao Feilong and murongshuang, as well as all his relatives and friends, had to go into exile with him in the end.

This is by no means what he would like to see.

"Actually, I have a way." Ward door opened, Tian Xin'er came out from inside.

Three people smell speech eyes all one bright, "Oh, what method do you have?"

Tian Xin'er smiles and is about to speak. A little nurse in the distance runs over and sees Zhao Chengfeng. Before she can breathe, she says in a quick voice: "Mr. Zhao, you're in trouble!"

"What's the trouble?" Zhao Chengfeng eyelids jump, frown asked: "is director Zhao back, or what's wrong with the operation?"

"No, it's not..." the little nurse bent down and pressed her chest, trying to calm down her breathing. Zhao Chengfeng glanced at a piece of white light. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Suddenly she felt that someone had kicked her calf. She didn't have to look back to know it was Shangguan Yan'er.

Zhao Chengfeng some embarrassed smile, reluctantly moved his eyes, mouth way: "you don't have to hurry slowly say, how big thing, it's not can't solve."

Tian Xin'er went to the little nurse and stroked her back to help her breathe.

The little nurse then said: "director Zhao didn't go back on his promise, and the plans were all drawn up, which was perfect. Originally, director Zhao planned to have an operation half an hour later, but he was stopped by Vice President Jiang. Vice President Jiang said that the patient was too old and the risk was too high, so director Zhao was not allowed to operate on the old man. "

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows pick, "what Vice President Jiang, since director Zhao is the attending doctor, he said the program is perfect, now grandfather Chen's state is also very good, why does vice president Jiang say the operation is very dangerous?"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know that Bai Jie went to see Vice President Jiang, but by intuition, he immediately feels that there is something wrong with Vice President Jiang.

"Normally, Zhao Fangzhou is an attending physician and an authoritative expert in this field. He knows most about the risks. What's more, even if it's dangerous, as long as our family members agree and the attending doctor agrees, what's Vice President Jiang, and what qualifications does he have to stop the operation? "

"Well, I don't know..." the nurse hesitated.

Because of some things, her identity is not very good.

Zhao Chengfeng a frown, "where is director Zhao, how does he say?"

"Director Zhao is in his office now. He asked me to come to you to discuss it." Said the nurse.

"Let's go then." Zhao Chengfeng did not talk nonsense directly, then turned to Tian Xin'er and ye Zhuqing and said: "Xin'er, you stay to compensate Shuxian, tell her, don't worry, I'll take care of everything!"

Then he and Shangguan Yan'er came to Director Zhao Fangzhou's office with the nurse.

"It's too much, too much. As the vice president of the hospital, for his own ulterior purposes, he plays with the life of the patient and leaves the seriously ill out of the door. What kind of doctor is that?"

Before they entered the office, they heard Zhao Fangzhou's angry voice and the sound of hammering the table outside.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, a chill flashed in his eyes, but some of his suspicions about director Zhao vanished in an instant.

The nurse knocked on the door. There was a pause in her anger. Then Zhao Fangzhou said, "come in!"

The three pushed the door in.

When I came in, it was not only Zhao Fangzhou, but most of the people in the medical team were there.

See Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Fangzhou look slightly changed, face flashed a trace of shame, others also unconsciously lowered their heads.

Although they are not responsible for this, they are part of the hospital. They are also medical workers like Vice President Jiang.

For the people who appear in their own group, they feel angry and shameless at the same time. More importantly, they have made an agreement with Mr. Zhao before.

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