"Ha ha ~" but Zhao Feilong was totally unconscious. He laughed again, "now that it's not this, what's the matter?"

"It's not for this matter at all. I've almost got my eyes on the person behind it. I'm going to do a big job, so I need you to help me get in touch with the chief executive. I don't want them to think that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't even say hello to me. It's lawless!" Zhao Chengfeng's voice is very calm.

However, Zhao Feilong has recognized the resolution in his voice. Can his son not understand it? Listening to his words like this, we can see that Zhao Chengfeng says that he wants the permission of the chief executive, and he doesn't want people to think that he is lawless.

But in other words, he will do it even without permission.

"Lawlessness, hehe, you're not lawless." Zhao Feilong laughed, but he didn't dissuade him. Instead, he said with a smile, "OK, it's a small matter. I'll contact you. If you want to do it, you don't have to worry about your family!"

It was the first time that Zhao Chengfeng heard the old man speak so smoothly. He was very happy in his heart. "Ha ha, Dad, I didn't expect you to have such a reasonable time."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to hear you call me dad in your lifetime, but usually at this time, shouldn't you cry" father "

"Well, you can wait for the day when you go to the grave."

"Stinky boy ~!"

"Ha ha, I'll call you dad, and you'll be content to give him back. Do we have this family tradition?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a laugh. Then he turned his tone and asked, "but don't you even ask me who is the black hand behind that? Who am I going to move? "

"Hum, why do I ask this? Anyway, it's just some people." Zhao Feilong groaned haughtily, as if dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's theory of family style.

"Well? So you have eyes? " Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. After he went to Beihai and heard the report from the blood monk, he knew that the guwu family was involved in the matter. Otherwise, he could not easily remember those people. The old man would know when he sat in his home in the capital?

"Ha ha, what's the difficulty. How many people can have this energy, this influence and have a festival with you in China today Zhao Feilong said with a smile: "however, boy, you should be careful of those people in the inner door."

"The inner door?" Zhao Chenggong was stunned, "isn't it guwu family? Well, don't you cheat me? "

"Cut, I need to cheat you." Zhao Feilong said with disdain: "don't you think about what kind of people the guwu family is. Under normal circumstances, they will use their power in the government? Not to mention using the Internet. "

"Hum, if anyone in the world is the most resistant to the Internet and likes to hide in the dark and pretend to be mysterious, they are the dark families in the West and the ancient martial families in China."

"The former always thinks that they are in charge of the world behind the scenes. In fact, the western world is almost in charge. Even the eastern world has been influenced by them in recent years, such as some of our neighbors. Only Huaxia is beyond their control, so the western world has an inexplicable resistance to Huaxia. "

"The latter always thinks that they are higher than ordinary people, and always likes to call ordinary people ordinary, or ordinary world, as if they live in another space like those people in the inner door."

"On the one hand, they use their long-term accumulated resources and their own strength to bully ordinary people. On the other hand, they always like to hide themselves in the dark and pretend to be mysterious. In addition, the government really does not want them to be known and understood by ordinary people, so they become the most mysterious group of people in the world. "

"This mystery is also the root of their pride and existence. If there were no other forces, do you think they would jump out like this and use the power of the government and the Internet? Are they not afraid that you will fight back and lift their veil? "

Zhao Feilong talked and asked repeatedly, which made Zhao Chengfeng fall into deep meditation. Then he said, "do you mean that someone enticed them to do so with something they longed for more?"

"Well, you still have some brains." Zhao Feilong snorted coldly, "then think about it again, what in the world can tempt them like this, even if they lose everything at present."

"Enter the inner door." This question is not difficult to answer. Zhao Chengfeng is not too strange to those ancient martial families. He naturally knows what they want most.

"But isn't the inner passage closed now? Even the mountain old man and the old bastard are not sure that they can go back to the inner gate. Baba comes to rob Laozi's cultivation resources. The rest of Ouyang tigers should not go into the inner gate. How can they be sure that they will go back to the inner gate? What qualifications do they have to promise those aristocratic conditions? Those aristocratic families are not fools. Can they believe them easily? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"This is not simple. There is only one reason, that is, not all of them are Ouyang tigers." Zhao Feilong road.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and speechless. It's really a very simple truth that he has gone to the top of his own horn.

At the other end of the phone, Zhao Feilong was silent for a moment. Suddenly, his tone became dignified and said: "there is another thing, I have done some investigation recently. Although there is no evidence, I have a feeling that the collapse of the inner world passage and a space disorder may not be an accident for so many people from the inner world to be exiled to the earth world."

"It wasn't an accident. What was that?" Zhao Chengfeng smell speech instinct of a surprised, frown ask a way.



"Yes, conspiracy!"

"What conspiracy?"

"I don't know."

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't scold directly, "don't know, you say a fart, feeling let wind elder brother I nervous for a long time, it's all your random guess."

"Smelly boy, how to talk? What's random guessing? I call it reasoning. Do you understand reasoning?" Zhao Feilong was also annoyed, and said: "forget it, forget it, I've never been able to do things with you who only know how to act recklessly, but don't know how to use their brains at all. It's my fault to reason."

"Hello, old man, do you really want to force brother Feng to curse? What do you mean "this kind of guy who only knows how to do things recklessly, but doesn't know how to use his brain?" brother Feng, I always use my brain. Do you know? " Zhao Chengfeng was furious and protested.

No one said that about his son. And when did brother Feng act recklessly? Don't you know that brother Feng has a nickname called xiaozhuge in the 21st century, although this nickname has never been called.

"I don't know." Zhao Feilong replied.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng.

"Come on, brother Feng doesn't want to worry about you. What do you infer?" Zhao Chengfeng can't help but ask again, it is curiosity to be hooked up really.

But this time, Zhao Feilong didn't want to say anything. He hummed coldly and said, "do you want to know? Think for yourself, don't you say you're good at thinking? "

"You ~" Zhao Cheng only gritted his teeth, then took a deep breath, "OK, do you like to say it or not, I don't want to hear it. Isn't it a conspiracy, brother Feng? I think it's my wisdom. I don't want to use it. I'm afraid of using it. "

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