"That is, so stupid, can you not be afraid?" Zhao Feilong said with a smile.

"Old man, can we talk well? Be sincere with me." Zhao Cheng almost hung up on the phone.

At this moment, on the other side of the phone, there was a crash, like the sound of some books and papers. Then Zhao Feilong said, "Hey, frost, what are you doing, my..."

"What's yours? Are you interested in pretending to be wise with your son with a stack of materials? " Murong Frost's voice immediately rang.

Then he heard Zhao Feilong's embarrassed and anxious voice, "no, Shuang Shuang, keep your voice down. I can't find some dignity in front of that smelly boy. You're not kind."

On the phone, Zhao Chengfeng was very angry and happy. Well, after working on the manuscript for a long time, he pretended to have a high IQ with me.

At this time, Murong Frost said: "keep your voice down, why, your father and son are the same, why do you pretend to be wise and let my son be a fool."

"My mother still loves me." Zhao Chengfeng laughed, but then he was stunned, "no, what do you mean" your father and son are all the same? "Hey, mom, am I really your own child? Thanks to brother Feng, I have a quick reaction, otherwise I will be surrounded. "

"You see how clever my son is. He's reacting so quickly." Murong frost laughs on the phone.

And Zhao Chengfeng also vaguely heard several chuckles beside him, needless to say, Yuan Shanshan and others.

Zhao Chengfeng once again, next to Tian Xin'er and Shangguan Yan'er face a calm face, but they are biting their lips, small face red, shoulders can't help shaking.

Can't help rolling his eyes, "laugh if you want, don't break your intestines."

Two people smell speech, also can't help but, turn a head respectively, ha ha of smile.

"Everybody." Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes again.

"Mom, let's stop playing. You give dad the phone. I have something to say to him." Zhao Chengfeng reluctantly surrender, for Zhao Feilong he can fight, but in Murong frost here he has no play to sing, can only admit defeat.

"Ha ha, old man, see? My son is the best. He's smart enough to admit defeat when he says he's going to give up. It's like you have a tough mouth every time you die." Murong Shuang laughs and returns the phone to Zhao Feilong.

Zhao Feilong looks depressed. What's the matter? That's the advantage. If you want to praise that smelly boy, you have to find some good words.

Would you mind if you go away?

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Chengfeng is also full of cute money and wants to cry without tears.

Suddenly, Murong frost thought of something, bent over to the phone in Zhao Feilong's hand and said: "however, son, there is a saying that your father is right. You can't underestimate the people in the inner world, let alone the inner world itself."

"Well, I know." Zhao Chengfeng wondered why Murong frost would add such a sentence. He thought that she only cared about herself and was afraid that she would despise the enemy, so he agreed.

"Learn more about the inner world." Murong frost seems to feel that he is not particularly interested, so he added.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng felt that his mother didn't just worry about him, so she nagged.

What do you mean to know more about the inner world? Is there anything special worth knowing about the inner world besides the high concentration of aura and powerful people?

"Chengfeng, you can hear your mother's words clearly. The inner world is not as simple as you think, and the people in the inner world are not as simple and brainless as the Yanshan old man you contacted." Zhao Feilong took the phone, and solemnly said, and this time he did not like the usual stinky boy long stinky boy short, but called Zhao Chengfeng's name.

Zhao Chengfeng in the heart of a coagulation, know that the old man so serious talk, not simple.

"Dad, do you know something? Why don't you just say it?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Today, he wanted to call Zhao Feilong and ask him to find the old Dean in Beijing to find out why the old man wanted to stop grandfather Chen's operation.

Did not expect to have time to say, but heard Zhao Feilong and Murong frost kept talking about the inner world, which must have a reason.

"Some things are hard to say now, because most of them are just my own hunch, and I can't say everything on the phone." Zhao Feilong said in a deep voice.

After a pause, he said, "if you don't say anything else, you just have to think of something like space passage. The current science and technology in the earth world can't be opened, or even used. But the people in the inner world left the earth and entered the inner world through this way as early as countless years ago. It's not just pure force."

"One more thing, the inner world has never really given up the earth world."

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked when he heard the words in front of him. All the time, he really ignored a point. Is the space passage really something that can be opened and maintained by pure force?

Is there another kind of civilization similar to science and technology in the inner world.

But after hearing the last sentence, he couldn't help but be stunned, "what does it mean that they haven't really given up the earth world? Do they want to come?"

Zhao Chengfeng feels incredible.

"Is that possible? The earth world has no aura. What do they come back for? Besides, even if the inner world is unique, their strength is obviously individual strength. Even if this strength is powerful, it is impossible for him to compete with the scientific and technological weapons of the earth world. If all the countries on the earth are really in a hurry, the virtual world masters will be useless, and even the congenital masters may not be able to fight against the nuclear bomb. "

"I can't tell you these things now. In a word, you should be careful in the future. Don't take everything for granted. Use your mind more, son. I'm serious this time." Zhao Feilong has a low voice.

"Well, old man, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feels that there is something wrong with Zhao Feilong today. He can't help but ask.

"Ha ha, what can I do? I'm worried about you. As long as you're OK, I don't need you to worry." Zhao Feilong laughed and then asked, "OK, that's all for gossip. Why did you call? Didn't you just say there was something else?"

Zhao Chengfeng heard him say so, his heart also relaxed, nodded in secret: "also, with the strength of the old guy, let alone the earth world, even the inner world, there is not much to threaten him, Yanshan old man is not a man at all."

He immediately said with a smile, "don't worry. I don't need to worry about it. It's just to use my brain. If it's a big deal, I'll do more in the future. I'll call you today. In addition to contacting the chief executive, there is one more thing... "

Zhao Chengfeng said again about grandfather Chen and the current situation of the hospital.

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