"Well, this is really a respectable old man. Such a man must not let him be wronged. You have done it right, and you don't have to worry about it. Isn't it just a villain? My Laozhao family can even break the rules, not to mention a villain Zhao Feilong was angry after hearing about grandfather Chen and his current situation.

Although I am now known as the number one villain in China, my nature is different from that of my unfortunate uncle, OK?

However, Zhao Feilong's answer is quite domineering.

When I think about it, it seems to be true.

What kind of existence is po Tian? It is the existence that even the governments of all countries in the world have no choice but to talk about good and evil, but his strength is beyond doubt.

No wonder the ancients often said that the Confucianists violated the law by writing and the chivalrous broke the ban by martial arts.

Even in modern society, a person's strength is so strong as Zhao Feitian and Zhao Chengfeng. Even though he can't really compete with the state machine, the law of ordinary people is really a joke.

For example, Zhao Chengfeng now, if he really wants to kill a person, he can absolutely leave no trace and evidence. A true Qi can kill people every ten steps. Even when he is on the street, the existing laws can not constitute evidence at all.

And even if there is evidence, if he really fight, give up some things, who can catch him, unless there are people with the same strength.

It's a pity that some people don't understand at all. They think that those behind the scenes give them a chance to be popular and show off, but they don't know that it's a ghost gate.

"However, do you want me to find the old Dean? That's no problem, but do you still have time?" Zhao Feilong asked.

"You don't have to worry about that. I've already made arrangements for the old Dean. I'm also useful. No matter what the reason is, some people can't let him come to a good end now that they jump out!" Zhao Chengfeng light way.

"Ha ha, OK, boy, I know I have a backhand, so I can rest assured. OK, you let it go, or that sentence, I can afford to be a villain. I'll also contact you with the chief. Some people keep them all the time and think that they are the wealth of China. Now it seems that they are wrong, so it's time to correct this mistake. " Zhao Feilong's insipid way.

"Well, I'm sure I won't let you down." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and hangs up.

After thinking about it, I dialed a phone call to Tang Jinhai. After using his soldiers, I always wanted to say hello to him.


"You son of a bitch, you are really lawless. You even encourage my soldiers to do such a violation of discipline, and you dare to call me to tell me that you are too brave." After hearing what Zhao Chengfeng said, Tang Jinhai was a little annoyed, but he was helpless.

"Hey, Grandpa Tang, don't be angry. I can't help it? I don't need this idea. Can you tell me what to do? Let the top say hello and then pass it down level by level. I can't wait as long as the old man. Or should I leave that old man alone? Grandfather Tang, if you say so, I won't recognize you. You are also a soldier. Do you think the veterans below deserve to die just because you become an official? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Put your mother's fart, when I become an official, I don't care whether the soldiers live or die. Did I say I won't let you do it?" Tang Jinhai was furious and scolded.

This little son of a bitch, what he said in the front is quite decent, but what he said in the back is that when he became an official in the Tang Dynasty, he didn't care whether the veteran was alive or dead. It's just too much deceiving.

Feelings you encourage my soldiers to violate discipline, my mother can't complain a few words?

I'm so angry!

"Don't be angry, don't be, grandfather Tang. It's bad for you to be angry. I don't care if you are angry. But if you are angry, you will feel sad. I'm not happy. I'm just making an analogy. I didn't say that you are such a person, but if you are such a person, do I dare to do it? I'm going to do this. Those brothers can't be punished, they can't be locked up. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

He didn't take Tang Jinhai's anger seriously.

At the end of the sentence, Tang Jinhai didn't breathe for a long time. After a long time, he was very angry and laughed, "what do you mean, I can't punish them or close them up, or I'll be the one who doesn't care whether the veterans live or die when I become an official, right? Do I have to reward those boys? "

"Good boy, you're not angry with me today. You're here to murder me, aren't you?"

Is this special human talk? It doesn't matter if I'm angry. If I'm angry, I'm a little sad. You're not happy. If you're not happy, you should speak human talk well.

"Ha ha, that's not very kind. I'll take you brothers to thank general Tang first, but don't praise him too much. Just give him a second-class merit or a first-class merit. Don't give all of them to special-class merit, so that no one will gossip." Zhao Chengfeng is very modest and shy.

It seems that Tang Jinhai really wants to be rewarded, and the person who is rewarded is still him.

"Gossip about your sister." Tang Jinhai was so angry that he scolded all the network catchwords he heard from the big soldiers.

What's that? It's extra meritorious. I've got too much extra meritorious.

"I'll give those soldiers to you now, and I won't settle with them. I'll settle with you, boy. Don't let me see you again!" Although Tang Jinhai was angry, he couldn't help it. He was frozen by Zhao Chengfeng's words.

He really can't punish those soldiers now, or he will become an official who doesn't care whether the veterans live or die. He has been a soldier all his life. Can he carry this reputation?

Of course, more importantly, he also admired grandfather Chen, a veteran in his heart.

This old man, in the war era, for the sake of this country and this nation, he shed his blood and peace. When the country did not give him pension, he had no regrets. When he gave him pension, he even offered these pension to this society again.

Such a person, he Tang into the sea also feel inferior, such a person does not respect who.

Such a person, now lying in a hospital bed, is in danger, and someone even prevents him from receiving treatment for some shady reasons.

It's no exaggeration for such a person to say that he is heartless. If Tang Jinhai is in the position of Zhao Chengfeng, he can't just sit back and ignore him.

No, if Zhao Chengfeng didn't know about it, he would do the same.

Although he knew that if he gave the order directly, the consequences would be much more serious than the violation of discipline by several big soldiers.

But a man who does not do something must do something.

The old general has always attached great importance to military capacity and discipline, but this time he acquiesced.

Also understand that Zhao Chengfeng did not call him first, but first encouraged several soldiers to directly violate discipline.

Of course, understanding is understanding, but the appearance still needs to be made, and this smelly boy's words are really irritating.

"Turn around and let me clean him up." Tang Jinhai thought bitterly.

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