"Who, who speaks?" Vice President Jiang did not expect that someone else would intervene, and he was furious.

Others were surprised, too.

As soon as I looked back, I saw a man and two women walking slowly from a distance.

Bai Jie's face changed when she saw these three people, because it was Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er and Tian Xin'er who were not others.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, their eyes are red. Bai Jie's teeth are creaking.

"Who are you? I'll tell you, don't be strong if you have nothing to do. Did I say it has the final say? Bai Jie knows Zhao Chengfeng, but vice president Jiang doesn't.

See Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er, Tian Xin'er three people, did not think of Zhao Chengfeng body up, think just watching the family members of the patients, heart a evil fire suddenly rose.

"Damn, it's really evil today. First Zhao Fangzhou is a nerd, then ye Zhuqing. Now even NIMA, a passer-by, can't get along with me. It's really wrong of me to be the dean. "

He subconsciously removed the word "Vice" from his mind.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Now the old Dean is going to retire. He doesn't care about anything. He goes to the capital again. There are no tigers in the mountains. The monkey is king.

Although vice president has the final say, the hospital is basically academic and not so fond of such matters. This gives him an illusion that he can calculate.

In addition, he thinks that he can now get on Mayor Wu's line through Bai Jie, and he thinks that his vice word should be removed soon. In this case, it doesn't matter to omit it earlier.

"Eh, these two women are really beautiful, as well as the woman just now and the woman in the ward. How come there are so many beautiful women in the hospital today."

Vice President Jiang's eyes turned and saw Shangguan Yan'er and Tian Xin'er's eyes brighten involuntarily. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. "Hey, it's really strange today. People who can't get along with me are rushing to pile up. This beautiful woman is also rushing to pile up."

Originally, he felt that Bai Jie around him was very beautiful, but as the saying goes, people have to die and goods have to be thrown away.

Compared with the girls he met today, Bai Jie is no different from the street girl. It made him suddenly feel that he was not worth it.

But now, he is no longer completely for Bai Jie, more important is his face, and a breath in the heart.

At least he is also the vice president of the school. Today, he ran into a wall everywhere when he did such a small thing. First Zhao Fangzhou, then ye Zhuqing. None of them took himself seriously. Now, even passers-by dare to jump out. How could he swallow a breath in his heart.

"You don't know me?" Zhao Chengfeng slowly through the crowd, came to the front, some strange asked.

"Che, who are you? Do I have to know you?" Vice President Jiang was happy and laughed.

Otherwise, wine, sex and wealth are the most attractive. The president of Jiang Yuan is cautious and not too stupid.

If people don't know Zhao Chengfeng at ordinary times, they have to cheer up when they hear Zhao Chengfeng's question, because these days, anyone who asks such a question is either a liar or something.

Or as long as he noticed the change of Bai Jie's expression, he could think of who the young man was.

But at this time, he felt that he was going to be in power soon, and he could not help but feel a little floating, and his eyes looked at Shangguan Yan'er and Tian Xin'er.

For Zhao Chengfeng, just a contemptuous glance, "boy, I tell you, mind your own business, don't get angry."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw that the bald uncle even pretended to be forced by himself, he could not help but feel a little happy. He asked again, "don't you know me?"

"Are you sick? Do I have to know you?" Vice President Jiang rolled his eyes and said, "who are you? You really treat yourself as a toy these days."

This sentence amuses Shangguan Yan'er and Tian Xin'er beside Zhao Chengfeng, and both of them can't help laughing.

It doesn't matter. All of a sudden, many of the male compatriots around were looking straight. Vice President Jiang couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He felt hot in his heart. "Damn, I'm dying. I didn't expect that the quality of the patients' family members is so high these days. Should I think of something..."

But then he shook his head and said, "no, it's a critical moment now. It's better not to have side branches. When Laozi is sitting on the throne of the president, hehe..."

Thinking of beauty, he couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was still smiling at him, he couldn't help sneering, "smile, laugh at MMP, what's so special about you? Why do you have such a beautiful female companion around you? The dean of Laozi hall can only arch Bai Jie's rotten cabbage. It's very important to get in touch with some people. "

"But then again, although this boy is not a thing, he's against the Dean, but I want to make friends with him because he has such a beautiful female companion."

He was thinking about it in his heart, but suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng, who was smiling all over his face, took a step towards him again, and then raised his leg to kick it on his chest.


Vice President Jiang is also an intellectual. He hasn't had a fight since he was five years old. How can he imagine that there are still people in the world who are talking well. One second they are still laughing at you, and the next they say they will do it.

With this kick, Vice President Jiang felt that he had been hurt by the roller coaster, and his chest was stuffy. With a "ouch" in his mouth, he fell to the ground and glided along the ground for several meters. Then he banged against the wall of the corridor and stopped.

"Ah ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng this sudden move, the bystanders are also startled, Bai Jie can not help but send out a scream.

"Oh, it hurts!" Vice President Jiang lay on the ground for a long time without breathing. He cried out for a long time. It seemed that he was really kicked.

In fact, this is the result of Zhao Chengfeng's efforts to control. This is also the reason why he is very reluctant to care about these ordinary people and do it, because it is not easy to control himself completely without exerting himself.

Today is also this disgusting baldness, let him too angry, especially again and again to block, also want to directly drive grandfather Chen out of the ward.

And this goods just kept in Shangguan Yan'er and Tian Xin'er upper body Piao to Piao, that disgusting eyes, let Zhao Chengfeng disgust.

If it wasn't for the people around, he would have finished the goods directly just now.

"Ha ha, Vice President Jiang, do you know who I am now?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs and squats on the side of Vice President Jiang.

"You, you are Zhao, Zhao Chengfeng. You dare, you dare to kick me, you... "Vice President Jiang is not stupid. I can't imagine who the other party is. Except for Zhao Chengfeng in Bai Jie's mouth, even if others can't stand him, there's no reason to fight him directly.

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