"Bai, Bai Jie, call the police, call the police!" Vice President Jiang didn't give any advice. After getting a kick, he didn't feel afraid. Instead, he had a bit of ruthlessness. He lay on the ground and didn't climb up. He yelled "call the police" at Bai Jie.

I don't care who you are. In the first hospital of Beihai City, you dare to kick me. I also tell you that today you either kill me, or someone will never operate on that old thing. Come on, fight again. I don't believe that there is no law in Huaxia

"Law, ha ha, it's ironic that people like you even say law." Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the old bald man said he was a dean, but he would also use this kind of hob meat method. He couldn't help laughing sarcastically.

But vice president Jiang didn't pay any attention to his sarcasm at all. When he heard that Yan was lying on the ground, he laughed, "ha ha, isn't the law protecting people like me?"

When the onlookers around heard him say this, they could not help but be stunned. They did not expect that there were such shameless people in the world.

But what he said is the truth. Sometimes the law really protects such people.

This makes people angry and helpless.

At this time, Bai Jie also calmed down. She heard Vice President Jiang's words and looked at his style. She was also ashamed. She thought she was shameless, but now she is much worse than President Jiang, who is usually well-dressed.

But see Shangguan Yan'er and ye Zhuqing and others show eyebrows locked, as if really to Vice President Jiang this set of helpless.

I can't help but feel pain again.

He said in secret, "the villain really wants to be grinded by the villain. Aren't you very fierce, Zhao Chengfeng? Today I'll see if you dare to kill this old rubbish named Jiang."

When you say, "OK."

Then take out the phone immediately and call the police.

Seeing this, Tian Xin'er and ye Zhuqing both hesitated and considered whether to stop them. However, Shangguan Yan'er waved to them, "it doesn't matter. Since Chengfeng dares to do it, it's not good to be afraid of his humble means. This kind of little man never knows what the real unreasonable person is

"Er..." Tian Xin'er and ye Zhuqing were shocked when they heard that they were really unreasonable. Who were they?

Both of them look at Zhao Chengfeng together. It is obvious that there is no one else except him.

Sure enough, when they saw that Zhao Chengfeng was a God, they didn't mean to be embarrassed or stop Bai Jie from taking revenge.

"The law protects people like you. Don't abuse the law. Although there are loopholes in the laws of every country, and you people are really better at drilling these loopholes than ordinary people, if you want to say that the law protects people like you, don't be kidding. What are you?"

Zhao Chengfeng chuckled and shook his head. Then he looked at the time of his mobile phone and muttered in a low voice: "it's almost time for those boys to come!"

His voice was so small that most people around him didn't hear it, but he squatted beside Vice President Jiang, and naturally could hear it. Some people didn't know it, so he thought it was Zhao Chengfeng who made a mystery.

But in the heart actually inexplicable feeling some uneasiness.

"Pa - PA!"

At this moment, I only heard a noise outside, and then I heard a rapid and sonorous sound of footsteps rushing towards me.

Even though many people present have not seen the real military action, but I do not know why, hearing this voice, all people unconsciously associate with the kind of fast-moving small army in movies and TV plays.

The next moment, people turned their heads and saw dozens of fully armed soldiers rush out from the corner of the corridor.

The actions of those dozens of people are not uniform as they are said in the general books, but they form an invisible linkage between each other, which makes people know that they are a whole at a glance.

And without a certain distance, someone quickly formed a sentry under the guidance of the commander.

A moment later, the group had come close.

As soon as the commander waved his hand, several of them immediately surrounded grandfather Chen's ward, while the rest continued to spread around.

At the same time, the same scene is also on in other parts of the hospital.

Everyone was stunned at the scene, including Vice President Jiang lying on the ground and Bai Jie, who was about to call the police with a mobile phone.

"Hello, Hello, this is 110 Alarm Center. What happened to you? Please speak up?" Bai Jie has dialed the alarm phone, but forgot to speak. The policewoman who is responsible for wiring at the other end of the phone obviously thinks that something has happened here, and her voice asks anxiously.

Bai Jie stared at all these things in front of her eyes, and only when she heard the voice did she recover. She swallowed her mouth hard and said with a shaking voice: "Hey, we are occupied by an army here..."

Other people are also looking at her, hear this sentence, subconsciously with desperately nod. Seems to want to prove it for her.

"Ha, where's the army from?" Unfortunately, at the other end of the phone, the female police officer could not see their nodding. She was very angry and scolded: "I said, miss, listen to your voice, it's not a child. Is the alarm phone your toy? It's against the law to report fake police, you know?"

"I didn't..." Bai Jie heard that the other party didn't believe him. She was about to cry, but the phone had been hung up.

Bai Jie looked at the phone without tears and said, "I, I didn't report the fake police!"

"Ha ha ~" Zhao Chengfeng and others all laughed, without any sympathy for her. Then Zhao Chengfeng asked Vice President Jiang lying on the ground with a smile, "do you still think you can fix me by drilling a legal loophole?"

At this time, Vice President Jiang's eyes have been straight. Others did not expect that these soldiers suddenly appeared and had any connection with Zhao Chengfeng. Just now, he clearly heard Zhao Chengfeng's murmur.

It's unbelievable, but there's no doubt that this guy got these soldiers.

And other people hear Zhao Chengfeng's words, is also a Leng, surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng, instant also associate with what.

"Are these soldiers here because of this young man?"

"No, he doesn't look like a big shot?"

People are dubious, even if the fact is in front of them, but they can't believe it.

And Bai Jie seemed to shake her head and murmur to herself because of the impact, "impossible, how possible, he is just a gimmick hyped by the Internet, how possible..."

At this time, a commander quickly ran to Zhao Chengfeng's side, slapped a stand at attention, and yelled, "stand at attention, salute ~"

Then he gave a military salute, and said in a high voice: "report to the instructor, Wang Dake leads the Department to report, should arrive at 200 to 200, a certain hospital in Beihai City has been controlled according to your order, the flies can't fly out or come in all the time, ask the instructor for further instructions!"

"..." seeing this scene, everyone lost his voice, and no one doubted the relationship between all this and the young man.

The only thing that puzzled them was what the conductor called the young man.

"Instructor, this young man is actually the instructor of these soldiers. What do you teach?"

When people look at Zhao Chengfeng, they can't feel that he has the temperament of a soldier. If they have to say that, they have the spirit of bandits.

There's also some cynicism.

What can such a person teach these well-trained and resolute soldiers?

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