"You, who are you?" Vice President Jiang asked difficultly. As for Bai Jie on the other side, she was shaking all over. Her previous hatred and anger were gone at this time. Some of them were just afraid.

There was only one thought in her mind, "isn't all that said on the Internet fake? Does this young man really have a great background? Isn't he more powerful than all the men I've met before? "

She was originally born in the countryside, and she was also a simple girl. However, because she had no background, she went into the business of TV station. What she saw was all kinds of hidden rules, all kinds of power and color, and all kinds of money and color trading.

Soon she also learned all this, and in which like a duck to water.

By selling her body and clinging to powerful men, she has come to this day step by step, but she didn't expect to offend the most powerful person she met today.

She felt remorse and fear.

Suddenly she saw several girls around Zhao Chengfeng, her eyes suddenly brightened, "by the way, don't you say that he is very lustful on the Internet? Do you have a lot of mistresses? In that case... "

She seems to have a worry in her heart. She immediately puts on a smile that she thinks is very charming. A few tears squeeze out from the corner of her eyes. She walks to Zhao Chengfeng and says, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I have eyes but no eyes. I..."

When she said that, her eyes turned red, and the tears she squeezed out came in handy, and she slipped out of her eyes.

Not to mention that this woman really deserves to work in a TV station. Her acting skills are much better than those of some people in China.

She said, while peeking at Zhao Chengfeng, heart secretly sneer.

"No matter what, as long as you are a man, as long as you are lecherous, I don't believe you can resist the tears of a beautiful woman. Although I offended you before, in the end, you still have to bow down under my skirt and be used by me like those men before!"

Sure enough, as she thought, almost all the men in the crowd saw her crying face. They immediately forgot how hateful this woman was before and showed sympathy on her face.

On the contrary, all the female compatriots showed disgust. Ye Zhuqing, Tian xiner and others could not help but almost fight.

But they are most worried, because no one knows how lustful Zhao Chengfeng is better than them.

"Can't this big sex wolf really take a fancy to this woman?"

Although they all trust Zhao Chengfeng in other things, they have no confidence in Zhao Chengfeng only in their ability to resist women.

However, to their surprise, Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to see the woman at all. He just looked at vice president Jiang and laughed. He didn't answer Vice President Jiang's words and stood up slowly.

Then seriously changed a military salute to the commander, "Captain Wang, I've worked hard for you. Tell brothers, don't interfere in the normal personnel's entry and exit, and don't interfere in the normal hospital operation. There is only one task for you, to ensure the normal operation of grandfather Chen!"

"Yes Wang Dake slapped another military salute.

"That, Mr. Zhao..." Bai Jie saw that Zhao Chengfeng ignored her. She was surprised and thought that Zhao Chengfeng was just for face. She deliberately made a gesture and said again.

"Go away!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng turns his head, he coldly interrupts her and makes her freeze there. After a while, he grits his teeth and points to Zhao Chengfeng, "you, what do you say?"

"Go away, gowoon, go away ~!" Zhao Chengfeng said word by word, and then sneered, "don't do your disgusting performance in front of me. I like women and beauties, but it doesn't include your dirty heart and rotten lung garbage. Besides, I don't make broken shoes!"

"I don't care about you. It's not because you're a woman, and it's not because you think you're beautiful, but because you're not worth it. Do you understand me? So I call it" get out of here before I can't bear it. Otherwise, I don't mind taking all of you and throwing you on the road. Then I'll see what kind of mayor you are doing or not! "

Zhao Chengfeng's remarks are extremely vicious, even enough to make some feminists send him to the guillotine.

But Zhao Chengfeng did not feel that he was too much, because this woman is really disgusting.

Although some people may say that it is not the society that makes a woman like this in this society. Is it not the men who are in power?

But so what? What the hell!

I scolded her when she was upset.

And what he didn't expect was that after he finished scolding, some of the onlookers around clapped their hands, first sporadically, and then took up a large area.

And eight of them are women.

And Bai Jie's face turns from red to white, from white to green, and finally from green to red. It's like overturning the paint shop.

"You, you..." Bai Jie pointed to Zhao Chengfeng, wanted to scold but didn't dare, wanted to cry but couldn't cry.

"Go away, what else do you want? My brother has already told you to go away. What else do you want to rely on?"

A big sister in the crowd suddenly yelled.

All of a sudden, it brought up a large area.

"Yes, get out of here. What's the matter? I really think I'm a big fan!"

"In fact, it's pretty good. It's rotten heart and rotten skin."

"Go away, don't disgrace your female compatriots here!"

Bai Jie looked around and saw that almost everyone was pointing at her.

She didn't understand that it was Zhao Chengfeng who bullied others, insulted women and even beat people. Why did these people, especially those women, even applaud him.

However, as a "weak woman" and "victim", she has become a target.

"By the way, these people must be afraid of the power of this surname Zhao, and these women are more likely to want to cling to this surname Zhao, so they take the opportunity to attack me!"

Even at this meeting, she still did not have the slightest repentance in her heart. In the face of public criticism, she still did not feel that she was wrong. On the contrary, she quickly found reasons and excuses for herself.

In her eyes, people all over the world are the same as her.

The difference is that she dares to face herself, is a real villain, others are hypocrites, are pretending bichi.

However, she also knew that it would never be nice to stay here today, and all the people present were evil people who were afraid of power and fell into the well. She could not win sympathy here, so she immediately gritted her teeth, gave a cold hum, turned and walked out.

The soldiers around her got Zhao Chengfeng's orders, but they didn't stop her and let her go. As for Vice President Jiang lying on the ground, she completely forgot.

She just wanted to go out and find a way to get revenge.

"By the way, it's a big news that the No.1 villain in China actually used the military to control the hospital. If I report this, I may be able to get a boost. With Mayor Wu's help, it's not a dream to return to the golden age."

Bai Jie gritted her teeth and went outside the hospital. Suddenly she had an idea. She suddenly thought of a good idea and couldn't help laughing. "Zhao, if you don't let me use you, I will use you. Don't you say I don't deserve you to care? You just look at how I disgust you!"

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