"Hello, director, it's me, Bai Jie..." as soon as Bai Jie got out of the hospital, he couldn't wait to dial the director's mobile phone. "Director, listen to me, I have a big news, which will definitely be hot, but I hope you can let me... Ha, no

Bai Jie was about to offer a condition, but unexpectedly, the response on the other end of the phone was unexpectedly cold. She didn't even ask about any news, so she said no.

Bai Jie immediately worried, "director, don't you even ask about the news? What, let me have a long vacation, when? "

"From now on..."

The excited expression on Bai Jie's face suddenly froze, but she immediately seized a glimmer of hope and said eagerly: "director, what do you mean? How can I have a holiday now? I have to do a special topic for mayor Wu later... Ha, Mayor Wu has been double regulated? when? He was taken away half an hour ago... For corruption, and for shoemaking... "

Bai Jie's voice is getting lower and lower. At the last three words, her face turns red to the root of her ears. At least she works in the TV station. Of course, she knows that there is no charge of "breaking shoes" these days.

The other side is clearly deliberately disgusting her.

However, Mayor Wu was double regulated at this time, which was undoubtedly a sunny day for her. No, it should be said that there was another thunderbolt when the snow was heavy.

"And when shall I put it?" Bai Jie felt as if her body had been evacuated. She asked in a very low voice.

"Ha ha, you can put it first. It's rare for you to have a good rest. I'll let you know when the stage is too busy." The other side said with a smile.

Bai Jie wanted to shout, "I'm not tired. I'm not tired at all. I don't need to rest at all."

But she knew what she had said, and after a long time, she tried her best to say, "well, I'll have a rest first. I'll be on the stage..."

She said half, feeling wrong, a look at the mobile phone, the original call has long been over, Bai Jie instant paralysis sitting on the ground.

As soon as she looked up, the sun above her was so dazzling that all she saw was white.

In the vast expanse of white, she seemed to see an innocent rural girl standing on the train waving an admission notice to a rural couple on the platform.

"Mom and Dad, I've been accepted by the TV station. I'm going to be a reporter in the future..."

"Don't worry, I won't get worse. I will report the injustice of society like the XX teacher of CCTV. I want to speak for people like our villagers and fight for their due rights."


I don't know how long, Bai Jie was suddenly awakened by a telephone ring, and then found that he didn't know when, his face was full of tears.

Another look at the caller ID on the mobile phone - MA.

Bai Jie was shocked and cried.

"Jie, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?" An old woman's anxious voice came from the phone.

That voice is clumsy, rustic, Bai Jie more than once disliked, but at this time hear this voice, she only feel ashamed, shameless.

"Mama, I want to go home..." after a while, Bai Jie stopped crying and said with tears.

With these words, Bai Jie felt relaxed.

With these words, it doesn't matter what mayor Wu was double disciplined for, whether it has anything to do with Zhao Chengfeng, or the golden host of the TV station. She doesn't want to know any more.

Now, she just wants to go home.

Go back to the place she used to be proud of, later disliked, even disgusted, but she is afraid, do people like me have the face to go back?

What would the villagers think of me in the past?

It made her a little scared.

She can't remember how much time she didn't have that fear.

Because for a long time before, her motto was, "do your own thing, let others say it."

And always proud of it, for the truth.

But at this moment, the fear came back. The familiar, rustic faces reappeared in her mind.

"You girl, if you want to go home, you can come back. What are you crying about? You just picked fresh Artemisia annua from the field. Come back soon. Your mother will make your favorite Artemisia annua Baba for you." On the phone, the old man's voice was gentle and kind. It seemed that Bai Jie had not been away from home for several years, and was far away in Beihai city. She just hid for a while with the children at the door.

"MMM ~!" Bai Jie stood up, nodded heavily, and then waved for a taxi. She couldn't wait to say to the driver, "to the railway station, I want to go home ~!"


Zhao Chengfeng didn't know that after Bai Jie went out, he experienced a great joy and sorrow in a short time, and finally repented.

What's more, Mayor Wu, who only heard his name but didn't see him, happened to be double disciplined half an hour ago.

Of course, he didn't care about all this. She scolded Bai Jie, but he didn't take it to heart.

As for the mayor Wu who was double disciplined, he had nothing to do with half a cent, and he was not provoked by others. Why should he move others? Although he looked down upon his association with such a woman as Bai Jie.

But there are more people he looks down on. Can he make it?

After driving away Bai Jie, he immediately asked people to go to Zhao Fangzhou and asked him to prepare for the operation for grandfather Chen.

But to his surprise, Vice President Jiang, who was lying on the ground, got up and stopped the soldier who was going to call Zhao Fangzhou.

"No, no matter who you are, you have no right to do it!"

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng is really surprised. I didn't expect that the old bald man would fight like this?

I dare to jump at this time.

All of a sudden, he admired him.

But the soldier didn't care. In his opinion, Zhao Chengfeng's words were orders. It was amazing that someone stopped him from carrying out the orders. With a slap, he lifted the gun up and immediately aimed at vice president Jiang's eyebrows.

"You, dare you? I don't believe you dare to shoot! " Vice President Jiang's face turned white. Just now, he was also blocked in his heart. He was impulsive.

But after all, he was just the president of a hospital. Although he was a bit of a hob meat character, he was really scared at the muzzle of the gun.

Although the mouth said hard gas, but the forehead sweat is down.

Of course, the soldier didn't dare to really shoot. It's OK to give the other side a butt. If he really shoots, no matter whether there are lives or not, the nature of the last thing will be different.

You know, it's against discipline for them to come out.

Although Zhao Chengfeng has already settled Tang Jinhai's place, if he shoots, Tang Jinhai can't even protect himself.

Unless Tang Jinhai directly blocks this matter to himself, and then issues a new order, but then the nature will be different.

However, these soldiers have been trained by Zhao Chengfeng and have really gone through combat. How can a vice president compare their psychological quality.

So the soldier didn't speak and opened the gun with a dead face click.

At the same time, other soldiers around also raised their guns at the same time. With the sound of opening the insurance, more than a dozen muzzles were all aimed at vice president Jiang.

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