"Gudong ~"

Vice President Jiang's Adam's apple rolled hard, his face was cold sweated, and he wanted to say something more forceful, but his legs didn't hold up for two seconds, and then he sat on the ground.

"Ha ha ~" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing. "I thought you were still a character, so it seems.

Vice President Jiang took a look at him and said, "you don't have a pain in your back when you stand and talk. More than a dozen muzzles are pointing at you. Try it."

But at this meeting, he knew that what he had said was useless. Although he still didn't believe that these people would shoot, it turned out that he didn't have the courage to gamble, even though he thought he had.

He immediately snorted and stopped talking.

Of course, it's impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to say more to people like him. Even if he has to pretend to be forced, he has no sense of achievement in front of such people.

Just at this time, Zhao Fangzhou actually came by himself. When Zhao Chengfeng saw it, he asked people to call him.

Then he said: "director Zhao, you're here just in time. From now on, everything in the hospital and these soldiers will be under your full command until the operation is completed smoothly. As for you... "

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at vice president Jiang again, "you'd better be honest with me and don't make trouble for me, otherwise..."

Zhao Chengfeng, with a smile, didn't say anything about it. However, there's no need to say more about it. In this way, Vice President Jiang can't stand it. Is it necessary to say otherwise?

Although Vice President Jiang was very depressed, he didn't dare to say a word and lowered his eyelids obediently.

"Good!" Zhao Fangzhou is also Leng for a long time, just came back to God, swallowed the mouth spit, looked at Zhao Chengfeng one eye, and then nodded.

Obviously, he was also frightened by the current situation.

He has been speculating that Zhao Chengfeng would use any method to deal with Vice President Jiang, but he never thought that this method should be used.

"Well, I'll trouble director Zhao. I'll leave it to you next. But you and all the doctors can rest assured that you just need to try your best to complete the operation. I'll solve other problems. Even after this, no one will come to settle the accounts with you."

Zhao Chengfeng was very polite to Zhao Fangzhou, patted each other on the shoulder, and at the same time pacified him, dispelling the concerns of Zhao Fangzhou and other members of the medical team.

The members of the group who came with Zhao Fangzhou are all very relaxed in their hearts. Although they already have the awareness of the worst results, they are all ordinary people. If they don't have to go any step, who is willing to go that step.

As for whether Zhao Chengfeng's words can count, if they still doubt before, do they still need to doubt when they see this scene?

To be able to wave in a soldier is not just a means of having a background. Compared with this, Vice President Jiang is nothing.

"Well, can you put away your guns? This is a hospital after all." Zhao Fangzhou wanted to issue an order, but when he saw the soldiers with guns and live ammunition around him, he was still weak.

So he tried to talk to the soldiers.

"Yes Captain Wang Dake, who had received Zhao Chengfeng's order, knew that they all wanted to listen to the doctor for the time being. Naturally, there was no ambiguity. When he heard Zhao Fangzhou's words, he immediately slapped a military salute, then turned around cleanly and yelled, "stop!"

"Pa ~!"

Around the soldiers immediately snapped up the muzzle of the gun, action neat.

It was a surprise to Zhao Fangzhou, who was trying to give orders, and vice president Jiang, who was sitting on the ground.

The eyes of the former and other people around them brightened immediately, and they couldn't help but praise in their hearts, "how brilliant

Zhao Chengfeng was also very satisfied. He patted Wang Dake and several soldiers around him on the shoulder and said, "brothers, you'll have to work harder next. I'll buy you a drink later. In addition, you can rest assured that I've done it over there, and I won't be punished."

"Hey, we never worry about working for instructors ~! But, drillmaster, you don't need to drink. If the drillmaster must thank us, we'd better have two days of special training for our brothers later. " Wang Dake and others laughed.

"Yes, drillmaster, last time you gave us some guidance, my brothers all felt that they had benefited a lot, but they were not satisfied. Of course, if the instructor wants to buy us a drink after training us, hehe, if captain Wang doesn't go, let's go! " A soldier nearby followed, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he sold captain Wang.

You can make Wang Da angry.

"Ha ha ~" Zhao Chengfeng laughed, pretending not to be angry and said with a smile: "you guys, you are still addicted to training, but I can meet your requirement at that time. When I'm busy, I'll go and tell Mr. Tang that I'll give you some more food. Of course, there are some drinks. Captain Wang won't go."

"Go, who says I won't go." Wang Dake scrambled for the way.

Are you kidding me? If the instructor invited me to have a drink, it must be good wine. I was afraid that I would lose my training after drinking. Would you like to sacrifice something?

If you can have both fish and bear's paws, the fool won't go. What's more, if you can drink with the instructor, you can go back and say that the other company's goods can't be envied. How can you not have such a chance to have a long face.

Zhao Chengfeng and others don't want to burst out laughing when they see this guy's urgent ox eyes staring at the boss.

One of the soldiers said, "see, our captain is just so promising."

"Son of a bitch, no big or small!" Wang Dake glared at the soldier with a red face, and then said with a simple smile, "don't you think that I really haven't drunk wine, but you can also drink with whom and whose wine you drink."

As soon as he said this, all the soldiers laughed, but this time, he did not make fun of Wang Dake, but sincerely agreed.

Zhao Chengfeng is also very happy. If he is not a little tired of the constraints of the army, he really hopes to mix with these soldiers all his life.

I'm not with anyone. I'm relaxed and comfortable with these guys.

Of course, he also knew that even if he could continue to endure the constraints of the army, he would never be able to go back to the barracks now.

If nothing else, he's back in the army. What about Xia Bingbing, Shangguan Yan'er and others? You can't take all the women back to the army. That's not a mess.

"Well, if you get something, you lose something."

Fortunately, in his current situation, his relationship with the military is constantly changing. I miss him so much that I can still go back for two days.


"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Li, prepare the first operating room immediately, check all the equipment... Dr. Liu, nurse Qin, check the spare plasma and oxygen equipment..."

Seeing that a group of soldiers were not as unreasonable as they thought, and his words seemed to be really useful, Zhao Fangzhou also found the strength again and quickly issued the order again.

Other medical staff immediately started again, and the previously suspended preparation for surgery was finally started again.

The soldiers also quickly dispersed the crowd, the corridor was really quiet, the hospital as a whole also returned to normal, in addition to a group of more soldiers, there was no impact.

And people were afraid of these soldiers, but gradually they found that these soldiers did not interfere with the normal order of the hospital, and even because they existed, the hospital became more orderly, so they were no longer afraid.

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