"Shuxian, Xin'er, the operation here will start normally soon. The current situation of grandfather Chen, director Zhao said, is very good, so there should be no problem. Yan'er and I are going to the detention center to see how Liu Qinglong is. Zhuqing, you and Xin'er stay to help Shuxian. Call me if you need anything

Zhao Chengfeng did not solve the problem of Liu Qinglong and worried about the situation of the perfume lily. So after seeing that there was no problem for a while, she went into the ward and Chen Shuxian.

"Go ahead, I'm here!" Although ye Zhuqing also wants to work with Zhao Chengfeng, she also knows that although most of the problems have been solved, Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner have no force after all. If there is a problem, there must be someone to take care of them.

So the promise was very straightforward.

Chen Shuxian was grateful to Zhao Chengfeng, but they didn't need to say more about their relationship, so she nodded and said, "Chengfeng, you don't have to worry. There shouldn't be any problem here now. You go to work. By the way, Bingbing elder sister, you can go to have a look. Although she is much more powerful than me, she is also a woman after all..."

"Well." When Zhao Chengfeng heard her words, he was very happy. But he didn't say much. He just looked at Tian Xin'er, "Xin'er, it's hard for you."

Tian Xin'er's pretty face was slightly red, and she shook her head heartily and said, "I have to rely on sister Shuxian for all my hard work."

Then he stood up and said, "I'll take you to the door."

"Good." Zhao Chengfeng is about to say that there is nothing good to send, but Shangguan Yan'er rushes to agree.

"That's fine." Zhao Chengfeng heart fretting, ha ha a smile nod.

Then he nodded to Chen Shuxian again, "Shuxian, if anything happens, call me the first time. If those media dare to harass me again, let Wang Dake call them directly. You're welcome. There won't be any trouble."

"Well, good!" Chen Shuxian also stood up and took them to the door of the ward. She glanced at Shangguan Yan'er enviously and said, "Yan'er, thank you so much for the whole day today. In addition, I don't have any skills here. I can only add a burden to him. You and Miss Xia have great skills. Please."

Shangguan Yan'er's eyes flashed a trace of complexity. It's natural for her to help her man. Another woman said please to herself. It feels strange and a little uncomfortable.

However, when Chen Shuxian's eyes were touched with deep worry, admiration and powerlessness, all the discomfort turned into a slight pain and turned to glare at Zhao Chengfeng. That means, "see, it's all your fault. Let so many good women in order to hurt, how can you? "

"Hehe ~!" Zhao Chengfeng's face was red, and he laughed, but drooped his eyelids. Of course, he understood Shangguan Yan'er's meaning, but he thought shamelessly, "can I blame this? If you blame me, you have to blame Zhao Feilong and Murong frost. Who let them make me so handsome and capable?"

Ah, is excellence also wrong?

Shangguan Yan'er probably guessed his shameless idea, and she only gritted her teeth. But she said with a smile to Chen Shuxian, "sister Shuxian, don't worry. If you have me by his side, you are all here."

Her this you, equal to ye Zhuqing and Tian xiner also included, after two people in the heart is a move, follow Chen Shuxian together to show a trace of warm smile.


"Xin'er, do you have something to say?" Three people go to the door of the hospital, Zhao Chengfeng is about to wave Tian xiner back, Shangguan Yan'er suddenly mysterious smile toward Tian xiner, asked: "is it about those media?"

Tian xiner smell speech a Zheng, surprised open eyes, looking at Shangguan Yan'er, obviously did not expect Shangguan Yan'er can guess.

"Well, by the way, Xin'er, you said before that you have a way to deal with those public opinions. Do you want to send us out to say that?" Zhao Chengfeng also remembers that Tian xiner did say something similar before.

Because of the chaos, he almost forgot about it.

This meeting the officer Yan son a mention, he also remembered, eyes slightly a bright, to be honest, he really a little bit for this matter.

It's OK for those traditional media. They have some scruples. If they can't, they can think of a way from the top. As long as they say hello, they dare not make random comments.

But Internet media is different. Compared with traditional media, they have no scruples and no bottom line. Moreover, anyone who takes a mobile phone or a computer to take a video or write a text can send it.

Even if he is to find those websites, there is no big use. It's easy to say that there are so many small websites?

The government can't manage it, let alone him.

Depending on his fists, he can't fight anyone, let alone wipe out the netizens all over the country.

Different from him, Tian Xin'er has worked as an anchor before. He certainly knows better than him in this aspect, or he really has some way.

"Xin'er, what's your idea? Come on!" Once Zhao Chengfeng is interested, he can't help asking.

Tian Xin'er really wanted to talk about it. She was hesitant. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was so interested, she was inspired.

Nodded and said: "I can't say what I think, but I have a little understanding of the characteristics and operation of hot spots and news on the Internet, so I want to tell you what I know, so that you can have a reference..."

Tian Xin'er said that she immediately told Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er about her understanding of Internet news and hot spots one by one.

For example, what kind of water army, what kind of operation team, and several well-known water army groups and operation teams in Huaxia network, etc.

"Unexpectedly, there is such deep water behind the network news." Although Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er have heard of some things, such as the water army, of course they all know.

And on the Internet, when people scold each other, they almost call each other Shuijun, Dixi party and so on.

But after hearing Tian xiner's explanation, I was deeply shocked by the complexity behind it.

There are so many kinds of water forces. The operation team has so much energy. There are traces of these people behind many Internet hotspots that they are familiar with.

It can almost say that the black is white and the white is black. It's almost entirely up to them to decide.

And there are even cases of forcing the whole family to death through hype. It's unbelievable to hear that Zhao Chengfeng, the king of soldiers who thinks he is killing people like hemp.

"There is such deep water behind those hot spots on the Internet. So, is there anything real on the Internet?" Shangguan Yan'er is also shocked.

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