"There must be real things, but those real things, those people who really reveal the truth, are mixed in the news hot spots which are operated by more people, either they are buried, or it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false." Tian Xin'er said.

Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er nodded slightly when they heard the speech.

After the event in front of them, they know that what Tian Xin'er said is true.

For example, Zhao Chengfeng himself, now on the Internet about his rumors, or news, there are a few are true, but if you want to say that he is false, it is not that there are no facts at all, but these facts are taken out of context by those who intend to, and mixed in the fabricated false information, the meaning has completely changed.

However, there are several netizens on the Internet who have the ability to distinguish, and these fake messages are often carefully fabricated for the weakness of human nature, which can often make ordinary netizens be incited at a glance.

"Xin'er, do you mean we need to find those operation teams from the source?" Shangguan Yan'er asked.

"I'm afraid it's useless." Tian Xin'er didn't answer, but Zhao Chengfeng shook his head first.

"The problem is that the so-called operation teams of this kind of news hot spot can only initiate, or guide, or add fuel to the flames. I don't believe they can control it!" Zhao Chengfeng sneers.

He doesn't know as much about the network operation team as Tian Xin'er, but as a person of this era, anyone can think of a little bit.

What's more, he doesn't know. The kid never doesn't know.

So he naturally considered these back pushing, but he estimated that it would not have much effect.

"Yes, Chengfeng is right. This kind of hot news is like Pandora's box. It's easy to open it, but it's hard to take back the released demons." Tian Xin'er nodded slightly.

Shangguan Yan'er shows a slight frown.

Tian Xin'er added: "so I don't mean to find out those teams, but to guide them according to the situation. We can't eliminate these hot spots, but we can flip them. We can use the current heat to guide negative news into positive news."

"For example, the welfare home and grandfather Chen are living facts, which may bring a lot of sponsorship to the welfare home."

She said this, Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er eyes are a bright.

However, Zhao Chengfeng immediately gave a wry smile and shook his head: "it's really good to do this, but Shu Xian certainly won't agree, because in this way, the fire in the welfare home will be on fire, and I'm afraid it will be hard to be clean again. I don't want to see that kind of situation."

"Well, it's true. That's why I didn't say it in the ward just now. I'm afraid sister Shuxian will scold me." Tian Xin'er sticks out her tongue.

Shangguan Yan'er and Zhao Chengfeng both laughed and said in secret: "Shuxian's temper is not as good as scolding, but it's certain that she doesn't agree. Although Shuxian wants to open source for the welfare home, she will never sacrifice the peaceful life of the elderly and children."

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want the welfare home and Chen Shuxian to be concerned by so many people. Another thing is that grandfather Chen is the person he admires. Such an old man, he is not willing to use him to hype.

"It's really not appropriate." Tian Xin'er himself was also a little embarrassed and said: "in this case, just give him his own way. Those media, those anchors want to rub hot spots on us, so why don't we just help them and turn them into hot spots, but it's up to us to decide what kind of hot spots we become. "

Tian Xin'er's silver teeth are biting in secret. He hates the way. Obviously, I really hate those anchors and the media. Otherwise, with her character, I can't think of such an idea.

"It's a good way to treat people in their own way." Shangguan Yan'er clapped her hands and said, "what's more, there's another advantage of doing this, which is to divert the attention of those netizens. Didn't Xin'er just say that another feature of the network is forgetfulness? Then we will create more and new hot spots, and no one will pay attention to us then. "

"Yes, that's a good idea. Xin'er, you deserve to be my brother Feng's woman. Every one of them is very powerful. " Zhao Chengfeng also agreed with the big point of his head, and shamelessly to wear a high hat, at the same time toward Tian Xin'er threw a look, hehe said with a smile: "back wind brother will reward you."

Tian Xin'er blushed, while Shangguan Yan'er next to him kicked him angrily, "when is the time to die? It's not serious. It's no wonder that he was hacked out."

"What do you mean, xiner? Why are you blushing?" Zhao Chengfeng bared his teeth and pretended to be a fool. Then he made a sudden realization and exaggerated exclaimed: "ah, do you want to go there? Oh, my God, how can you think about this kind of thing at such a time? In your eyes, brother Feng only has this function? "

"Oh, come on, since you think so, I'll work hard tonight. Ah, I can't help meeting a group of female sex wolves."

"Ah, brother Feng, sister Yan'er, what are you talking about? People or babies don't understand. I'll go back first, so that sister Shuxian won't worry. " Tian Xin'er's face seems to be getting thicker. She even pretends to be stupid and innocent. But her skill is here. After that, she seems to run away.

"..." Shangguan Yan'er is stunned and speechless. There are no honest people these days.

Then he glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "what do you think of Xin'er's idea?"

"Very good." Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin.

"And who are you going to target? Is it the former anchor or the female reporter just now? " Shangguan Yan'er asked.

"They?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and sneered, "although they are hateful, their weight is not enough. Even if they are black, they will not attract much attention. And if it's very dark, they just hang up on their own and play with it. "

Shangguan Yan'er is stunned and glances at him. She knows that this guy's mouth is cruel. In fact, she doesn't want to bully a woman. Even though that woman is disgusting, she always takes a woman and doesn't care to do it.

However, what Zhao Chengfeng said is also true. As Zhao Chengfeng is now, those people really don't have enough weight.

"Look at your face, do you have a goal?" Shangguan Yan'er also knows Zhao Chengfeng. You can see from his expression that he probably has a goal.

"Well, there is a goal." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed slightly and flashed a cold light.


"Guwu family."

"Guwu family, which one?" Shangguan Yan'er is surprised to hear that Zhao Chengfeng says that she wants to take the guwu family as the target, but she is not too surprised. She just feels that Zhao Chengfeng's tone is not right.

Zhao Chengfeng is very casual smile, way: "all!"

"All?" Shangguan Yan'er's heart clapped. Just now, Zhao Chengfeng just said about the guwu family, but she didn't say which one. She felt that it was not good, so she asked which one. Unexpectedly, she was right.

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