"You want to move all the guwu families at once?"

Shangguan Yan'er shows a slight frown.

"I'm not going to move them. They're going to move me." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and shakes his head slightly.

"Do you mean that the culprit behind this incident is the guwu family, and all the guwu families are involved?" Shangguan Yan'er is not stupid either. As soon as she hears Zhao Chengfeng's words, she immediately understands.

At this time, the blood monk has driven the car over, is stopping in front of two people, and then get off the car quickly to open the door for two people, and respectfully said: "boss, sister-in-law, please get on the car."

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, surprised to see a blood monk, "I le a wipe, small blood, you line ah, grow up ah, this flattery is good, I like, after maintain."

The blood monk rolled his eyes at the angle that Shangguan Yan'er couldn't see, which means, "I'm looking up for you in front of my sister-in-law. If you're alone, forget it."

But this white eye was still seen by Shangguan Yan'er. She couldn't help laughing and glancing at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng feels his nose helplessly, but he doesn't really care.

He is just joking. If the blood monk is always like this, he will be really angry. What he wants is a brother, not a slave.

But he glared at the blood monk and said, "OK, monk, give back brother Feng my white eyes. Let me turn back and let Huisheng deal with you. Drive, go with the kids, they'll be with you. "

"No more detention?" Shangguan Yan'er asked subconsciously.

"No more." Zhao Chengfeng changed his mind temporarily. "Originally, I planned to see Liu Qinglong and ask about the specific situation, and then save him. But I suddenly changed my mind. Now that I've planned to do it, I don't have to work hard. As for the boy, let him suffer a little, and his memory will be increased."

Listen to him say so, blood monk doesn't matter, directly started the accelerator.

Shangguan Yan'er shows her eyebrows slightly.

I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so determined. It seemed that he was going to die like you and me in guwu family.

He didn't think that those guwu families could not be destroyed.

Although seriously speaking, the Shangguan family and the guwu family are also related, or even a part of them.

But they have no connection with guwu family for a long time.

Even if there is a choice between Zhao Chengfeng and guwu family, she does not hesitate to stand on Zhao Chengfeng's side.

She is worried about Zhao Chengfeng.

"Chengfeng, I know your strength is very strong, but you can't underestimate the guwu family. They may not be single, but as the saying goes, two fists are hard to fight four hands, and heroes can't stand many people."

"What's more, the guwu family is different from the broken heaven. Although the latter is powerful, it has no foundation, but the guwu family is intertwined in China. I'm afraid it's the first time that I've touched my whole body."

Shangguan Yan'er worries.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "of course I know what you said, but since they have offended me, they have to pay the price. Originally, I was going to clean up a little bit from Liu Qinglong, but just now Xin'er's idea inspired me. "

"It's true that those guwu families are deeply rooted and deeply rooted, but the more they are, the more black history they have. Since they use the Internet to deal with me, it's just right. I'll turn out all their black history. "

"Don't they like to hide in the dark and pretend to be mysterious? I want to expose them all in the sun."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

In the driver's seat, the blood monk was excited and licked his tongue, but he thought that these things seemed to be the expertise of kids, and he had no place to use them.

Can't help but ask: "boss, is it the end of black and black? How boring that is?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, but Shangguan Yan'er couldn't help but stare at the blood monk through the rearview mirror, "little blood, shut up. He's not afraid of big things. Your brother is not his own

"It's not interesting. Do you know how much impact it will have on ordinary people once all the things about those guwu families are made public? Maybe there will be a big mess. It's not interesting. It's already very interesting, OK? "

The blood monk shrinks his neck when he is scolded, but Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

"It's only interesting if it's interesting. As for the trouble, even if I don't move, I'm afraid it will come sooner or later, and it may be even bigger." Zhao Chengfeng said in the end, his voice gradually became lower, but his face became rare and serious.

"A bigger mess?" Shangguan Yan'er hears the speech micro array. What do you mean? Will there be a broken sky in China?

"Probably bigger than that." Zhao Chengfeng seems to see what she thinks and says.

"Big? What's that? "

"Inner door!"

"The inner door?"

"Well, I don't know the details, but I talked to the old man on the phone before, and he revealed something to me. It seems that there is a conspiracy in the inner door." Zhao Chengfeng.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng's voice is calm, but Shangguan Yan'er loses her voice.

If there is any conspiracy in the inner door, it's not as simple as a mess.

It is likely to be a world war, not a world war like World War I or World War II, but a real war between the two worlds.

Although Guan Yan'er doesn't know much about the inner world, the war between the two worlds can't be described by the word "mess".

"Did my father-in-law say anything specific?" After a long time, Shangguan Yan'er asked.

"The old man always likes to tell the story. He just said that the collapse of the inner gate and the earth world passage, and the exile of some people from the inner gate world to the earth, may not be an accident. He also said that he would let me know more about the inner world. He said that the inner world is not as simple as I thought... "

Zhao Chengfeng probably repeated what Zhao Feilong told him.

Shangguan Yan'er and blood monk are puzzled.

"What do you mean, the inner world still wants to invade the earth, and they are not afraid of missiles and atomic bombs? Although he is a master, he has to finish an atomic bomb. " The blood monk has some disdain.

Shangguan Yan'er frowned slightly. "It's not that simple. Since my father-in-law said that, it means that the inner world probably knows us very well. On the contrary, we know nothing about them. How can you be sure that they have no way to deal with high-tech weapons? "

The blood monk opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to say it, but he didn't accept it.

"One more thing, don't forget that the channel opening is controlled by the other party. They come and go whenever they want, but we can't get there. If we really want to fight, there is no doubt that the battlefield is on the earth. " The more Shangguan Yan'er said, the deeper her voice became.

Blood monk a Zheng, immediately tightly shut mouth, the facial expression also dignified.

He used to be a soldier, and later after the slaughter, how could he not understand what Shangguan Yan'er said.

"The battlefield is on earth!" Only this one, let the earth's major powers as tied to a rope.

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