"No matter how many high-tech weapons you have, do you dare to use them freely? Unless you're going to burn all the stones. "

And the other side are all experts. If you break up the whole into parts, you can easily sneak into major cities. Ordinary police and soldiers can't defend themselves.

What will it turn out to be.

Just like a master like Zhao Chengfeng, if he sneaks into cities like niuyue and Washington, do the Americans dare to use weapons of mass destruction like missiles?

Not to mention the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and so on. I'm afraid that if the government uses it, the people will be in chaos first and the internal situation will be reversed first.

Not only him, but also Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, and he didn't think so deeply.

Or Zhao Feilong always says that he doesn't like to use his head.

It's not that he's stupid, but that he's getting stronger and stronger in recent years, and he's used to being loose at ordinary times. Even if he uses his brain, he's still on the wrong track.

As for the enemy, we just need to use our fists. If we can't use them, the relationship will be solved. We don't need to use our brains any more.

This is also a biological characteristic. When one aspect becomes stronger and there are no natural enemies, other aspects will weaken.

Until recently, it was Missibi first, and now it is the guwu family and the inner gate.

It makes him feel like he doesn't use his head.

But habits can't be changed in a day or two.

Until this time, he was suddenly alert, "brother Feng, recently I think the problem seems to be really more and more shallow."

"Think more, think more." Zhao Chengfeng secretly urged himself.

It's wrong that I didn't even think about such a simple problem.

"So Yan'er, what do you think their plot is?" He is honest. He feels that he is weak in using his brain recently, so he is not ashamed to ask questions.

Anyway, it's all my own women and brothers, and there's no outsider.

Shangguan Yan'er thought about it, then shook her head, "the information we have is too little to analyze, and we almost know nothing about the inner door. We don't know what they have, and the information is not equal."

"Hum, it's all the old people's words. Now Yan'er, you don't have enough information. I'll call him again to ask him!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng hears about the lack of information, he immediately spreads his anger on Zhao Feilong.

"You can't respect your father-in-law. He's your father. He's immortal." Shangguan Yan'er couldn't stop him. "As for the phone, you don't have to call. I think father-in-law probably doesn't know much about it. In addition, I guess my father-in-law probably thinks that you are becoming more and more arrogant and slack recently, so I want to give you some pressure. "

Although Zhao Chengfeng also realized this point, but by Shangguan Guan Yan direct to speak out, or could not help but face a red, muttered: "cough, this, I am also introspection."

"However, I have such a beautiful and smart wife, it's OK to be slack, little blood, don't you think?" Zhao Chengfeng's smile.

The blood monk in the driver's seat turned his eyes, "what can I say?"

"You Shangguan Yan'er can't laugh or cry, but she is sweet in her heart.

Then he said, "but there's one thing I'll think of at that time."

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng asked quickly.

"Why did the guwu family suddenly spare no effort to deal with you? I'm afraid it has something to do with someone in the inner door?"

"Dear wife Yan'er, you are too smart. How do you think of it? Old man, cough, my Lao Tzu also said so." Zhao Chengfeng is surprised, and is surprised to embrace Shangguan Yan'er, half serious, half exaggerated cry. Then he gave a kiss.

"Why do you hate it!" Shangguan Yan'er saw that he suddenly made such an intimate move, and there was the blood monk nearby. Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she wanted to push him away, but she didn't push him.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Xiaoxue has already turned 18."

The blood monk could not help but rolled his eyes and said, "I've been running for three years, and I'm still 18 years old."

"Is Ben San over eighteen?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"This, pour also calculate is..." the blood monk has no words to reply.

Shangguan Yan'er chuckled and didn't push it away. Thinking that the blood monk was not an outsider, he held him, but gave him a white look and warned someone not to push.

"It's what it means. It's what it is." Zhao Chengfeng pretended that he couldn't see the warning look in his eyes. He was proud in his heart. He continued to hurt his blood and said: "you still have reason to run three. You don't have a girlfriend after running three?"

Blood monk wry smile, "the world does not tear down, boss!"

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and hummed, "lovers on the street hold hands vaguely. You also hold hands, left hand holding right hand..."

"OK, the human small blood is pitiful enough..." Shangguan Yan'er hit him with a smile, and looked at the blood and Shangdao sympathetically.

But the blood monk in front of him didn't feel comforted at all, and his tears flowed down.

A single dog asks for light.

"I'm urging him to get rid of the bill as soon as possible." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but in his mouth, he stopped for a while in a certain place, which changed the original normal word.

Quietly, he made up for the blood monk.

Looking in the rearview mirror, the blood monk had already cried into a dog's face. He sneered in his heart, "smelly boy, you dare to give brother Feng white eyes."

That's how this guy keeps his grudge.

But his unusual blood monk understood, Shangguan Yan'er didn't understand his silent yellow tune.

Instead, he nodded and said, "well, this is reasonable. Little blood, you should really consider finding a girlfriend."

"Sister Yan'er, can we continue to get down to business? You can think that it has something to do with someone in the inner door, but you must know the reason why that person did it? " The blood monk quickly brought the problem back, and the two men were completely crooked.

When he said that, the two people in the back seat also reflected that they really seemed to have been too crooked.

Shangguan Yan'er stares at Zhao Chengfeng, "if it's all you, it will be nonsense. Little blood is much smarter than you. "

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the blood monk's words, he was about to say to him, "do you still need to ask? It must be the ghost of Ouyang. He wants to avenge his brother and master."

But when she heard Shangguan Yan'er say that, she was stunned and immediately swallowed her words. She was a little surprised and glanced at the blood monk. "This product is smarter than me, isn't it scientific? It seems that brother Feng will really use his brain more in the future. "

But in the mouth dead don't admit to the debt of the pie mouth way: "cut this words I want to ask for a long time, smelly boy unexpectedly rob my words, seek to die!"

Blood monk heart speechless, "never seen such a brazen person."

But Zhao Chengfeng ignored him, turned his head and asked Shangguan Yan'er with a smile, "good Yan'er, tell me, what's the matter with some goods in the inner door? I know it's not as simple as Ouyang tiger's revenge."

"That's what you really think, isn't it?" Shangguan Yan'er chuckles, but keenly catches Zhao Chengfeng's clever words.

The blood monk wanted to be happy, but he was afraid of revenge, so he had to work hard.

Zhao Chengfeng's old face is red, "Grandma's careless exposure."

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