Vast sea, a little island hanging in the middle of the sea, such as a little humble dust.

In the high altitude, it looks very humble, but when we got close, we found that the island is not small, almost five or six square kilometers.

But I don't know if it's because the island is isolated and inaccessible all the year round, or for some reason, it seems a bit gloomy. The vegetation on the island is also very sparse, with only a canopy of low thorn plants growing among the strange rocks eroded by the sea breeze all the year round.

It feels like an island occupied by dragons or demons in Western fairy tales.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

But if you look at it carefully, you can see that this is not the case, because from the traces on those strange stones and some broken thorns, it seems that not only have people come here, but there may have been battles.

"Master Yun, where is this? You said you wanted to give me a chance. Is it here?"

A yacht slowly approached the island, with three people, two men and a woman, standing on the deck.

It was one of the men who opened his mouth. He was short, coarse-looking, but he looked quite grand.

Looking at the island in front of him, the man looked a little suspicious.

This man is no other than Ouyang Hu, an old acquaintance of Zhao Chengfeng. One of the other two is the cloud master of qianjimen, and the other is the mysterious Miss Yu.

"Yes, here it is."

Hearing Ouyang Hu's question, Miss Yu, who was still in red, didn't pay any attention to him. She was busy playing with a sniper gun in the hands of the person. She aimed here and there, just like a child concentrating on toys.

Yunqing yunshaozhu is a little smile, as always gentle and amiable, looks harmless.

However, Ouyang Hu would never think so, because that day in the manor, he saw with his own eyes that the so-called master Yun Shao, who was not good at fighting, beat all the more than a dozen inner door elites to the ground with his single and double fists.

Then she left with Miss Yu.

At that time, this person also had such a smile. Slender eyes, thin as blade lips, smile like a fox, like a snake, very gentle, but deep in the shudder.

What makes Ouyang Hu very strange is that when he left that day, all the inner elites ignored him, but only invited him and said they would give him a chance.

"Brother Ouyang, do you want to break through the realm of magic martial arts, or even become the top of the realm of magic martial arts, or even the master above it? So you can take revenge yourself. " That's what the man said to him that day.

To tell you the truth, Ouyang Hu doesn't believe in this promise. He is only in the realm of Lingwu now. It's not hopeless to break through to the realm of magic martial arts, but it can never be completed overnight.

But Yunqing's last words moved him, so he followed Yunqing here.

Of course, there is another reason, he did not dare to refuse. Looking at the inner door elite lying on the ground, he was afraid of the cloud master.

But at this point

"Well, little master Yun, it seems that there are stones and thorns everywhere. Will they really have a chance?" Looking at this gloomy Island, Ouyang Hu is inexplicably uneasy.

"Well, probably." Yunqing seems to feel Ouyang Hu's uneasiness completely, very casual way.


"Yes, of course there is a chance, but whether it belongs to brother Ouyang depends on his performance. If it doesn't look up to you, it's a pity." Yunqing turned to look at him and said with a smile.

"Well?" Ouyang Hu was stunned when he heard that. He was surprised by this answer.

"Look at performance, chance doesn't look at me? Is there any chance here, and it's still one person? " Ouyang Hu suddenly some doubt whether he is a little kind as donkey liver lung.

It seems that the cloud master really wants to give me a chance.

"Master Yun, don't worry, I will do well!" At the thought of possibility, Ouyang Hu's heart suddenly became hot.

Afraid that Yunqing was not satisfied, he immediately bowed to Yunqing and added, "thank you very much for your cultivation."

"Well, don't dare to be ~" Yun Qing waved her hand, looking very shy.

Just in the angle that Ouyang Hu didn't notice, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted, revealing a trace of banter.

Ouyang Hu also didn't notice that when he was full of enthusiasm, the woman in red, who was playing with the gun, glanced at him from the corner of her eye like an idiot, and then glanced at Yunqing.

It seems to be saying, "this guy always likes to play such boring tricks. That's enough! This kind of little people also play very hard, really boring

In the meantime, the ship had already landed at a relatively gentle position.

"Master Yun, Miss Xu, shall we disembark now?" Ouyang Hu can't wait. He wants to jump down to get the chance in the legend and become a super master.

But he did not dare to be bold in front of Yunqing and Miss Xu in red. He remembered to scratch his ears, but he could not resist the urgency in his heart and asked the young master of cloud.

Yun Qing took a meaningful look at him and said with a smile, "don't worry. Since you come to someone's site, you have to say hello first."

"Yes, yes, say hello, say hello!" Ouyang Hu nodded in agreement.

But his eyes couldn't help glancing at the island in front of him. He muttered in his heart, "is there anyone here?"

The next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes, because his eyes swept, actually saw a corner of a building.

Although it's only a corner, it's obvious that it should be an old castle style European architecture.

It's just that the location of the building is in a depression of the island, and the color is as dark as the surrounding environment. It's really hard to find if you don't pay attention to it.

"There are buildings here. It seems that we can't be wrong." Ouyang Hu's excited heart was beating wildly, but at this moment, I don't know why, he suddenly felt a piercing cold sweeping from his body.

Although it was fleeting, it made him feel frozen all over.

"What was that feeling and how could it be? Well, who are the people living there? No, what are they? "

Ouyang Hu's eyes flashed a trace of panic, and the fear in his heart spread with the cold, like some plants growing in a dark and humid area.

And quickly from the heart, has spread to every cell around the body.

Then he turned to see Yunqing, who was still standing there with a smile, as if he had no feeling.

Instead, Miss Xu in red frowned slightly. The sight of the sniper gun was still in the direction of the gloomy building.

Seeing her reaction, Ouyang Hu was sure that he was not an illusion.

"Cloud, cloud little Lord, this, here..." Ouyang Hu wanted to speak, but found that his tongue seemed to be frozen, not very obedient. A word is not complete, the rest is the sound of teeth collision.

"Brother Ouyang, don't be impatient." Yunshaozhu gave a smile, then put his fist in the direction of the building and said: "yuxu cave, Yunqing of Qianji gate has come to visit Mr. MIBI. Mr. unknown is willing to give him a gift."

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