The inner world is not originally called the inner world, and people in the inner world will not call themselves people in the inner world.

Its original name is yuxu cave, the inner gate world, which is just the name of the guwu family of the earth world.

In their view, the passage between the two worlds is like a door. They are the people in the world outside the door, while the people on the other side are naturally the people in the world inside the door.

At the same time, because many of the guwu aristocratic families had the support of the inner clan, they regarded themselves as the outer clan in order to make up with each other and called the inner clan behind them.

Many people in yuxu cave disdain this.

It's just like a poor relative who has the cheek to stick it on a high-ranking family. Of course, the high-ranking family is despised, but unconsciously, it is also affected.

Slowly, a large number of people in yuxu world began to call themselves Neimen world, at least to the earth world, they would call themselves Neimen world, not yuxu cave.

In fact, this appellation is unreasonable, because there is no outside world. How can there be an inside world without outside world?

And as we all know, there are many schools in the inner gate world, and there is no so-called inner gate.

But a lot of times, it doesn't matter if you get used to it. Especially Ouyang Hu, who himself is going out from the earth, can't remember the title of yuxu Dongtian.

At this time, hearing Yunqing claiming, "yuxu Dongtian, Yunqing of Qianji gate", Ouyang Hu was stunned and subconsciously looked at the building.

"Is the existence in that building also a person in the inner world? No, if so, he could call himself Yunqing of qianjimen. Why add a yuxu cave? "

"Or that being, like itself, comes from the earth, goes to the inner gate, and then comes back to the existence of the earth."

Yes, it should be.

But the name of the other party seems to be a westerner. Is there a westerner in the inner world?

"Yes, it's really strange. Why is there no Westerner in the inner world? So where did those Western experts come from? "

Ouyang Hu is thinking of himself.

"Yuxu cave? Oh, I seem to have heard it. I can't remember it for a long time. Then, why do you come here to disturb my deep sleep

Then I heard a piercing sound from the depth of the island building.

It's not so bad, even a bit elegant and lazy, just like the sound of an existence who has been sleeping for countless years after being awakened from sleep.

It's full of vicissitudes.

But when people listen to this voice, they can't help but tremble, and all kinds of dark thoughts come into being.

I feel that all the evil and evil in my heart are swept up like dust, flying in my mind.

"I'm very sorry to disturb your rest, Mr. missisby. But I didn't mean any harm when I came here. On the contrary, I came here because I thought Mr. mixBy might need some help. " Yunqing's voice is elegant and light, neither too high nor too low. It doesn't seem to be affected like Ouyang Hu.

"What, help? Just like ants, you dare to say that we need your help. Are you blaspheming us? " The voice sniffed, scorned, satirized and irritated.

Although it was just a little annoyed, it made Ouyang Hu, who was full of thoughts, seem to have been doused with a basin of cold water, and all his thoughts turned into fear again.

On the other side, when the woman in red heard the word "mole ant", her face turned up carelessly with a willow eyebrow on her face. "She's so presumptuous, she's just a god of Yin. How dare she say that she's big in front of me!"

He said that the sniper gun was aimed at an unknown place in the strike.

In the dark, missisby was surprised. In fact, he was not sleeping as he said. Although his current state, indeed, most of the time, needed to enter a state of deep sleep in order to save himself.

But since fighting with Zhao Chengfeng, he has never been in that kind of deep sleep.

Because after meeting Zhao Chengfeng, he is not willing to continue to exist in such a state of being neither human nor ghost.

And to his point, especially his state, there are some feelings that ordinary people don't have.

He felt vaguely that there might be a big change in the world.

This big change, may let him completely get rid of this kind of state, usher in a transformation like sublimation.

But he is in such a state that he can't even leave the island. Even if there is such a big change, how can he fight for it.

So he must have a suitable body, and the best goal of this body is Zhao Chengfeng.

However, the problem is back to the origin. If he can't leave here, how can he get Zhao Chengfeng's body?

Do you expect his people? Don't pull it. It's wishful thinking to capture Zhao Chengfeng with those people's ability.

Just like Zhao Chengfeng, who can't think of an idea to kill him, he is also in a dead circle.

This made him extremely anxious for so many days. Under such circumstances, how could he go to sleep.

When he was anxious and bored, he suddenly found that another person had come to his site, and it seemed that he was the one who came for him.

I thought it was Zhao Chengfeng who came here. I was pleasantly surprised, but I let out a sense to have a look. I was disappointed to find that it was not Zhao Chengfeng.

However, on another look, it was found that the sailors on the ship did not mention that three of them were not ordinary people.

Especially the man and the woman, it seems very unusual, and among them, a woman in red is the most indecisive.

Missisby was not surprised to find this.

"If it's appropriate, these three people's bodies are not the Chinese boy, but it's just right to be a temporary carrier. Hehe, I want to leave the island to find the Chinese boy, but I'm worried that I can't find a body that can completely carry me. Is it because God has heard my prayer? No, Lord Satan should have heard my prayer, so he sent me these three materials."

On the surface, she pretended to pose, but in the dark, she quietly separated a thread of distraction from the noumenon. Just as she wanted to observe it carefully, unexpectedly, the woman in red found the location of his distraction.

Unexpectedly, he took the sniper gun in his hand and aimed at him, which surprised MIBI.

"Coincidence? No, no, she did lock me in, but, how is that possible? By the way, they seem to be people from yuxu cave? "

He was not afraid of the sniper gun. What surprised him was how the woman in red found him and locked him.

In the long years, he has met some powerful characters, but he has never met anyone who can lock him in an instant.

It made him feel threatened.

At the same time, it also made him have the idea of killing.

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