"These people can't stay, they must be killed!" Feel threatened, Miss than instant kill meaning big Sheng.

But as soon as he thought about it, there seemed to be a kind of power on the woman in red, which was affected in an instant, and MIBI in the dark was surprised again.

"What a terrible power. Who is this woman? Yuxu cave. Is yuxu cave so terrible? How can this woman have such terrible power when she is young?"

"No, it should not be his own strength." Mississibi instantly felt something different. Although the power was powerful, it didn't seem to belong to this woman. It felt more like there was something in this woman's body, and the power was from that thing.

"Moreover, it seems that this power can't be controlled by this woman. I'm afraid it's also because I feel my presence. So maybe it's because of that that that woman can sense my presence. "

MixBy wanted to understand this, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because he felt that once the force was drawn out, he might not be able to bear it.

Immediately a cold hum, "woman, you do have a very terrible power in your body, but you are still a mole ant for us."

"Hum, it's just Yin Shen's big talk. I'll see how strong you are!" The woman in red is also frightened when she hears the words. There are not many people who can detect the things in her body, and the ordinary virtual masters may not be able to feel them.

This Yin God can say it.

There is such an existence in the earth world.

However, she was born with noble background, rigid character, and she was also the master who would rather compromise than bend. She didn't look down on ordinary people at all. She didn't allow others to shout one by one.

As soon as Liu Mei picks up, he will start immediately.

"Wait a minute, Miss Yu. Please be calm." Yunqing stopped her, and then once again toward the direction of the castle with a smile, "Mr. Missibi, please calm down, I know that we rashly come may let Mr. Missibi misunderstanding, but please believe me, we are not your enemies, but your friends."

"Hehe, friend?"

"Not bad, friend." Yunqing said, "I should have said just now that we are here to help MIBI, and I believe you also need our help, such as..."

"Like what?"

"Like a body, a body that allows you to leave the island." Yun Qing's face was full of smiles and every word was slow.

Then he smiles at Ouyang Hu, "brother Ouyang, your chance is here."

"What?" Ouyang Hu was listening to the conversation between Yunqing and mishibi. He didn't know much about it. There was too much information in it. He was thinking, "what's a body? What's the meaning? Does the existence in the island need a body? But we don't have any body with us?"

Suddenly I heard Yun Qing's words, but I didn't react to them.

But then he realized something, and a bad idea floated up, but he doubted whether he was wrong. He couldn't help but ask in horror: "cloud, little master cloud, what do you mean, my chance, you..."

However, he did not understand, the island's missisby but after a Leng, understand.

Although he didn't understand the other party's intention, he had this idea. He just worried about the power of the woman in red. Now Yunqing took the initiative to speak.

He just a little meal, then Jie a strange smile, without saying a word from the dark depths of the sky, hovering in midair, a spirit sweep, to confirm that there is no organ in Ouyang tiger, will body a flutter, according to Ouyang tiger rushed over.

As for what Yun Qing wanted to do and what plot he had, he didn't care. Anyway, after he got the body, it was up to him whether he would agree or not.

"Don't, ah, what are you, cloud..." Ouyang Hu saw a group of shadows rushing towards him. He was shocked and yelled. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't open his mouth any more.

"Brother Ouyang, congratulations. It's a great chance to be Mr. miibi's carrier from now on Cloud Qing embraces a fist toward the Ouyang tiger of double eyes round open arched hand smile way.

If Ouyang Hu could speak at this time, he would scold the eight generation ancestors of Yunqing.

But unfortunately, at this time, he could not even blink his eyelids, let alone speak.

Only the motionless eyes were left with fear, reluctance, anger and doubt.

"Why, why me, because I was born on earth?" He seemed to want to ask.

Yunqing seemed to understand it, and then she said with a smile: "brother Ouyang, you don't need to be so unwilling. This is the best ending for you. Don't you want to be a part of the inner world all the time? Don't you want to be an expert? Don't you want to revenge Zhao Chengfeng?"

"What you're doing now is to contribute to the inner world. Although your qualifications are good, it's a pity that your origin limits you. If there's no accident, you may stop at the beginning of the illusory martial arts realm in your life at most. But now it's different. You and Mr. missisby are combined into one, and your strength will turn the world upside down in an instant. And it's just around the corner for you to get revenge on Zhao Chengfeng. "

"You see, I've helped you realize almost all your wishes. So, you're at ease... "

Yunqing said here, a little meal, eyes flash a trace of pity, and then gently whispered: "disappear from this world!"

It seems that in response to his words, Ouyang Hu's eyelids slowly knock on, and Shun opens them again, but his expression is completely different.

If the eyes of Ouyang tiger before were a wild dog, at this time Ouyang tiger's eyes have become a terrible Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Bloodthirsty, wild, violent, ferocious, evil, cunning!

"Congratulations to Mr. missisby." Yun Qing's smile was as gentle and elegant as ever.

"Cut, a garbage body, how happy? However, I reluctantly accepted your gift. " Ouyang Hu, no, MIBI turned his lips with disdain, and then his eyes tilted. Yunqing licked his lips with a grim smile, "but if you think you can cooperate with us like this, hehe, it's not so simple!"

"Yes, but I think our cooperation has begun." Yunqing said.

"Cooperation has begun?" Miss than a Zheng, feel some bad in the heart, hurry to check, but surprised to find that this body did not do any hands and feet.

Yunqing just looked at him, his mouth slightly tilted, and then he said: "since brother Ouyang's wish has been achieved, we can help Mr. mibibi. Next, Mr. mibibi should need time to adapt to his body and recover his strength, so I won't disturb you. Mr. mibibi, please get off the boat."

Then he made a gesture of invitation to mississibi.

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