"This man is a treacherous person. Will he really go to Zhao Chengfeng as you said?"

On the sea, the cruise ship slowly drove away from the island. The woman in red looked back at the dark gray island and said something disgusting.

"Don't worry, he is bound to go, because I have observed Zhao Chengfeng secretly, and his talent is really excellent, especially his constitution is pure Yang constitution, which is fatal to the attraction of Yin spirit. This is called Yang Mou. No matter how cunning he is, he can't help being driven by interests. " Yun Qing confidently said with a smile.

"Then, aren't you afraid that Yin God guessed that you have another purpose? When the time comes, let him occupy the body of Zhao Chengfeng, and then turn back to do something bad for us, are you bound up in a cocoon? " The woman in red snorted coldly, as if she could not see him so proud.

"Well, maybe that's true, but I don't think it's likely that this person will come back as soon as he goes." Yunqing's mouth turned up, and she laughed like a fox or a snake.

"I can't come back. Do you mean that Zhao Chengfeng can kill him? Hum, I didn't expect that you are so optimistic about Zhao Chengfeng, but it's just a magic martial arts realm. I can kill him with my backhand. And I'm not sure I can deal with that Yin God. Why is Zhao Chengfeng? " The woman in red turned her mouth.

Then he raised his sniper gun and aimed at a gliding flying fish on the sea. He said, "if you want to follow Miss Ben's plan, you are the Zhao Chengfeng and his gang. They broke our plan. Miss Ben will kill them all one by one. How can there be so much trouble?"


With the sound of a gun, the flying fish was smashed and scattered back to the sea. The woman in red licked her lips and aimed at another flying fish. She said: "you are such a nuisance. Big men are tired of doing things."

Yun Qing was not angry either. He said with a smile, "that's not good. Zhao Chengfeng is nothing and it's not difficult to kill him, but the people around him are not easy. As soon as he died, those people around him completely focused on us. Miss Yu, we didn't come to earth to kill people this time. "

"The success or failure of our thousand year plan of yuxu cave lies in today. Don't forget the orders of Lord Yu."


There was another shot, but this time, the bullet hit the air. The flying fish was frightened and quickly dived back into the sea.

"Tut ~" the woman in red smashes her tongue, then puts away her sniper gun and stares at Yunqing angrily. It seems that the latter is responsible for not hitting.

Yun Qing felt his nose helplessly and wanted to talk. The woman in red waved her hand impatiently, "OK, OK, I know. I don't want to mess with you. You can do what you say, OK? That's too much

"And then, do you want to do such boring things?"

"No, the high-level combat power of the world is a bit beyond my expectation, and the appearance of women in Chiba world is beyond my calculation, but the previous layout should be enough to stop them. And Lord Yu, they should have prepared almost, so... "


"So we're going here next." Yun Qing took out the electronic map and drew a circle in one of the positions.

"The north pole is the node of the world. So, what Millennium Project are you talking about is about to start at last?"

"Well." Yun Qing nodded.

"And then, if it's successful, the earth world can really..." the woman in red's expression also showed a little excited color, but a wave raised, but covered her words behind.

But Yun Qing obviously heard clearly, and he nodded his head hard, "well, this world, it's time for us to come back!"


Beihai city.

"Yan'er, you said that those people in the inner world wanted to distract us from their real conspiracy by letting the guwu family jump out?"

In a secret safe house of little ghost, blood monk and others, Zhao Chengfeng listens to Shangguan Yan'er's analysis, and Jianmei micro coagulates.

Next to the blood monk, imp, Huisheng and others are also slightly frowning.

Shangguan Yan'er said these, they did not expect, but Shangguan Yan'er's analysis, but let them feel that it should be close to the fact.

"In that case, don't we want to let those ancient martial families go for the time being?" Huisheng asked with a frown.

"Well, why let it go?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered, "originally, I was still a little hesitant, because although those guwu aristocratic families have always been selfish, they still think that they are Chinese. Maybe one day they can also have some effect on the nation."

"But now it seems that these people are unfamiliar white eyed wolves. They enjoy the resources of the earth world and the privileges that ordinary people don't have, but they just want to take refuge in the so-called inner world. If one day the people in the inner world really want to do harm to China or the earth, they will be a disaster! "

"Well, it is." Shangguan Yan'er didn't agree with Zhao Chengfeng's overall confrontation with the guwu family. In addition to considering the other party's origin in China, she also considered the other party's deep-rooted relationship in China.

But when she heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, she woke up and said, "yes, these people have cancer. It's better to have a long pain than a short one. In this way, I'll call my grandfather later to report the matter to his old man, and then ask him to report it to him. I think he will also understand the benefits. If we have the support of the state, we have less concerns. "

"But, boss, sister-in-law Yan'er, what about the conspiracy of those people in the inner gate? If we work with those people in the aristocratic family, we will not have time to pay attention to the conspiracy of those people in the inner gate?" Huisheng can't help but ask.

"What kind of bullshit conspiracy? I agree with the boss. Just one word, kill him!" But the blood monk didn't care. He couldn't wait.

"Idiot, you know to kill him, and you only have one word. You tell me how many words to kill him." The kid gave a scornful glance.

"Kid, are you picking on me? I say a word, a word, how, you don't agree with me? I don't want to practice. " The blood monk's old face was red. Then he became angry and angry. He stood up with his sleeves rolled up.

"Oh, I'm afraid of you, bald man. How do you want to practice?" Although the kid is not good at fighting, he can't do it well, but he won't admit it. With a sneer, he also stands up.

Of course, it's impossible for two people to fight each other.

It's more of a pleasure, or friendship, to fight against each other and to hurt each other.

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, "you shut up for me, is one word or two important?"

"Boss, that's three words!" Reincarnation light reminds a way.

"You also shut up, I still use you to teach me how to count, one plus two is not three?" Zhao Chengfeng looks back and stares at me. These guys are so angry that I'm confused. What's the point? Give me something else.

"Conspiracy, then Laozi will smash all his conspiracies. Whoever jumps out will be killed. Is there any conspiracy?" Zhao Chengfeng grinned and turned to ask Huisheng.

"No more." Huisheng covers his forehead, but he sighs in his heart, "boss, you are really on the same level as Xiaoxue."

"But that doesn't seem to be bad." Huisheng quietly licked his lips, and a flicker of eager flame flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing, and then turned to the little ghost and said, "little ghost, don't you want to participate?"

"Who said that? Who said that bullshit? The ghost Lord was the first to blackmail him!" The kid jumped up. Just now, he was still bleeding. When he heard that there was no task for him, he quit immediately.

Are you kidding? If you don't take part in such a big action, what face will you have to fight with doctors and baldness? Can you still raise your head?

"Well, the first task is for you!" Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together.

My brothers have different personalities, but they are not the material for intrigue.

Because we are all soldiers, fighting is their life.

What is a fight, just a word of NIMA - "kill him!"

Conspiracy, ha ha, screw the conspiracy!

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