In the past two days, Huaxia network has been extremely busy. First of all, there is a stir about what is China's number one villain.

All kinds of rumors and posts about Zhao Chengfeng are overwhelming, almost black on one side.

But to say the origin of the incident, we have to start with a video in which a beautiful woman tearfully tells the humiliation of her participation in a student union.

One of the protagonists is a man named Zhao Chengfeng. The woman said that one of her classmates was born in the underworld. Her father was assassinated because of his bad deeds.

And this female classmate has become a mistress of Zhao Chengfeng.

Of course, she is a kind-hearted, pure and upright person. She can't help being indifferent to this self indulgent female classmate.

But I didn't expect that I offended the villain Zhao Chengfeng. He was not only insulted and beaten, but also forced to drink urine.

What makes her sad is that her boyfriend is so ungrateful that he has become Zhao Chengfeng's accomplice in order to flatter him.

This video came out and attracted some people's attention. However, most people made fun of it at the beginning, but few believed it.

Even some insiders pointed out, "this woman is usually the most powerful, dislikes the poor and loves the rich. I was also in the classmate meeting at that time. It's true that she insulted others and drank urine. But at the beginning, it was her who humiliated others. People had helped her more than once before, but she got the upper hand and forgot her righteousness. She fell into the well and talked in a strange way. She also said that her boyfriend would go to clean the toilet."

"Although drinking toilet water is a bit excessive and disgusting, I can only say that this kind of person deserves it. What's more, the so-called boyfriend has a wife, and she'll be someone else's junior for the sake of money. What's the right to talk about others? "

But soon another post came out, saying that Zhao Chengfeng was really related to the underworld. Liu's trade union in Beihai City, called the trade union, was actually the underworld. Liu Qinglong, the leader of the trade union, was the brother of Liu Shiyun, another woman of Zhao Chengfeng.

And then there are photos, videos and so on, which is a mountain of hard evidence.

The network immediately hissed.

Then a startling video appeared, in which the woman who said she was forced to drink urine was killed at home.

There was a public outcry.

"It's arrogant to kill people just because of a video."

But the matter is not over, and a man jumped out, claiming that he is a small leader of the Liu's trade union, the woman was killed by him, also has the truth.

In his microblog, he also announced a lot of crimes committed by Liu's trade union, such as murder, trafficking in drugs, organizing gambling, obscenity, etc. he said that on the surface, Liu Qinglong was doing all these things, but in fact, Zhao Chengfeng, a villain, was involved in all of them.

Now, because he can't stand the condemnation of conscience, he plans to turn himself in to the police station. But he is very afraid, not afraid of legal sanctions, but afraid that the local police are colluding with Zhao Chengfeng and refuse to take his case.

In less than one day, another video appeared on the Internet. In the video, Liu Qinglong and a group of people broke into a man's home, and the man was recognized as the leader of the Liu's trade union who had previously indicated that he would turn himself in on the Internet.

Soon the news came out that the man had been killed, and the whole network exploded.

Countless netizens were filled with righteous indignation.

Although some people have raised doubts, is that Liu's Union too stupid? Even if you want to retaliate, you don't have to fight against the wind. Besides, why do you need the boss to do this.

It has also been suggested that no matter whether it is true or not, there is no evidence from the beginning to the end that is related to Zhao Chengfeng and can prove that he is behind the crime of Liu's trade union.

But these doubts were soon drowned out, and the doubters were attacked by groups as soon as they rose up.

The government's response was also unusual. The next day, the Liu's trade union in Beihai city was attacked by the police, but it was the Ministry of public security.

Countless Internet users applauded and praised the Ministry of public security.

But soon some people questioned why Zhao Chengfeng didn't get any punishment?

But this time, the government did not respond. In this way, no one felt that Zhao Chengfeng was innocent.

On the contrary, all the voices agreed that the background of Zhao Chengfeng was too big and the background was too strong.

So about the identity of Zhao Chengfeng, about the background of Zhao Chengfeng, all kinds of posts, pictures all of a sudden on the Internet.

Almost everything about Zhao Chengfeng has been dug out, including several women who have relations with him.

It was not until Beihai welfare home that things finally took a turn. People were surprised to find that Beihai welfare home, one of the black industries known as Zhao Chengfeng on the Internet, was really a welfare home. This welfare home was actually doing charity.

Especially the veteran of the welfare home, so that countless real netizens moved, and those behind the pusher here do not know how to push.

The live broadcast is clear and the facts are hard to prove.

On the contrary, it is the behavior of those anchors who do not speak evidence by any means in order to be popular and agree with the public opinion that makes people feel cold.

At this time, there is another thing that ordinary netizens don't know, that is, those water army groups and operation promoters found that the gold owner who had been promoting this thing had suddenly disappeared and never appeared again.

Without the gold owner, these water army groups and operation teams will naturally stop.

The Internet has entered a natural fermentation process for this matter. The voice is no longer one-sided, but divided into several factions.

Someone said: "no matter who Zhao Chengfeng is, whether he has a background or not, whether Beihai welfare home is doing charity or not, it is always true that he is involved with the Liu's trade union. It is always true that he has so many women. If he is not a villain, how can he support these mistresses?"

The retort sneered, "brain is a good thing, but this one upstairs doesn't have a mistress. Please go to see the status of those so-called mistresses of Zhao Chengfeng, the boss of a large group, and even the second generation of officials. These people need to be mistresses for others."

"The director of Beihai welfare home is a goddess. What kind of things does she do for fame and profit? What will such a woman do for others?"

"Damn, who has no brain? Who told you that a good man can't be a mistress? What if he was forced to do it? Who told you that the second generation of officials can't be a mistress? This just shows that Zhao Chengfeng has a stronger background. " The opposition immediately countered.

"Ha ha, the background is stronger. Do you have any evidence? What's the background of Zhao Chengfeng? " A sneer from Zheng Fang.

What is the background of Zhao Chengfeng?

The opposition really can't answer why, because this public opinion feast so far, although Zhao Chengfeng has been confirmed as the number one villain in China, the specific background of Zhao Chengfeng is still blank.

Everything is said, but none of them has evidence.

What is known is that he is a senior executive of a company.

What kind of background is this.

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