But the opposite side still has something to say.

"No background, no evidence, no existence? Who told you the theory? I tell you, on the contrary, so many people can't tell his background, which in itself shows that he has a background. "

"The background that can't be found is the most powerful one."

"Fuck, God theory, capital suit. But why do I think it makes sense? "

"Sister, can you talk to others? After a long time, what's the background and origin of Zhao Chengfeng? No dry goods, say a hammer

Just at this time, a network ID called "Gui Xiao Da Ren" suddenly jumped out and posted a microblog, "you can't know the background of Zhao Chengfeng. Even if you know it, you dare not say it, but I know it and dare to say it. This post has been forwarded to 100000 ghosts to update dry goods. "

This was originally a lost in Du Niang's home page, no one will look at it, reply to the top day will not exceed ten digits of the post.

"Are you losing your mind?" One really can't help but reply that he contributed his first reply to this microblog.

But the miracle happened again.

This ID, which had few fans, sent this micro blog, but was instantly surrounded by a group of big V's, and the number of fans went up.

Such a water post with no quality can be said, it was really quickly forwarded, the netizen just refresh, surprised to find that his reply has been invisible, not deleted, but submerged.

I can only see so Kung Fu, the following reply has been over ten thousand, there are thousands of forwarding.

The next water, "waiting for the landlord update."

"I feel there will be big news in this wave."

"Tongs, Liu Ming!"

"The great God."

"Wife, come and see God!"


"Grass, blind my titanium alloy dog eyes, this can also fire?" The netizen only saw the cute coin, facing the mobile phone, didn't close his mouth for a long time.

"Is it true that the first villain in China has reached this level?"

This netizen's heart moves, dry busy also in his micro blog sent a similar, in the heart of the secret way: "although we have never thought of doing net red, but this kind of pick up heat rub a rub should not be pregnant?"


Half an hour passed

An hour went by

A long time has passed

The mobile phone screen is almost broken, and there are still only two replies under this microblog.

They are, "from the top!"“ Again

"Damn, how can people be so different? No, I can't. If I look at the previous microblog, I don't believe it. He can really forward it more than 100000 times. "

Fortunately, he has paid close attention to "Gui Xiaoda" before, so it was simple in the past. As soon as he entered the page, he immediately saw the microblog.


As soon as the netizen saw the number of tweets, his chin fell to the ground.

"One hundred and twenty thousand?"

Just half a day, such a water posted forwarding number has reached 120000, following countless posts.

"This NIMA is too fake!"


Yes, it's fake, and fake has no scruples, no cover. False and fair.

It's just a fake word, not a second time, only 10000 times.

It's not just this netizen who thinks it's fake, but almost everyone thinks it's fake when they see it.

But I don't know how this fake is caused.


Zhang Xinmin, 28, graduated from University for five years. Now he is a freelancer, but he is a vagrant.

But the people who really know all know that this person is in fact a bull.

When I was a student, I set up an Internet promoter group called "toxic toilet water". In a few years, I have done several cases called Internet textbook level.

Including the case of Nanhai xiaozhuzhu, which caused a sensation in the whole network, and the case of embezzlement and keeping dozens of mistresses by senior officials in a city of Jiangxi.

In reality, he is just an ordinary jobless vagrant, but in the shadow of the Internet world, he is a golden pusher who can turn his hand over to the clouds and rain.

For example, the two cases mentioned above.

Nanhai xiaozhuzhu case is caused by a middle-aged man who runs a small business in Nanhai city. He hopes that he can find a way to raise some money for him on the Internet.

Zhang Xinmin was still a college student at that time, but he fully agreed to the other party's entrustment.

And when he learned that he had a five-year-old daughter and had a congenital heart disease, he immediately had a plan.

This girl was later the protagonist of the little Pearl case, although the so-called congenital heart disease is just a little irregular heart rate.

But he found a hospital in Nanhai, xiaozhuzhu's attending doctor, and spent 20000 yuan to buy a diagnosis certificate of cardiac diaphragm perforation.

Then quickly hyped on the Internet, a story about a difficult family, daughter seriously ill, wife mobility, husband for the family, for his wife and daughter, selling house and blood, but was forced to go bankrupt by usury.

In this regard, xiaozhuzhu's father was hesitant, but could not bear the pressure of enterprise funds and his encouragement, and finally agreed.

As he expected, the news immediately attracted the attention of countless well intentioned netizens.

In just one week, more than two million people were raised.

But at this time, Zhang Xinmin found Xiao Zhuzhu's father and asked for the price of 200000 yuan, which was too little, one million yuan.

Naturally, the other party could not agree with him, not only refused him, but also pulled him black.

However, the middle-aged father had no idea what kind of consequences he had caused.

In less than two days, all the news on the Internet turned over. First, the real condition of xiaozhuzhu was announced, not diaphragm perforation, but simple arrhythmia.

Then the real situation of xiaozhuzhu's family was dug out, and there was no sick mother at all.

Xiaozhuzhu's father is also a business owner.

This is a whole donation fraud.

So the whole network angry, the little Pearl's father also tasted the evil consequences.

At the same time, he also knew Zhang Xinmin's strength, so he tried every means to contact Zhang Xinmin again, but the two sides were originally connected through the Internet, and they never met each other in reality.

When I want to contact again, all channels are cut off.

Unfortunately, the girl named xiaozhuzhu's heart rate fluctuated seriously at this time. She wanted to be sent to the hospital, but her door was blocked by angry netizens.

In the end, he was sent to the hospital too late and died on the way.

Xiaozhuzhu's mother, angry and sad, divorced the man and ran away from home.

Xiaozhuzhu's father looked at the empty home, his wife and children were separated, the enterprise was completely bankrupt, and he had to face the legal responsibility, and finally jumped down from the roof of his own house.

The case of xiaozhuzhu is over. Xiaozhuzhu's father betrays his daughter for money and ends up dead. Innocent xiaozhuzhu is sacrificed by adults' desire.

But they didn't get much sympathy, and netizens were all victims. Their kindness and kindness were cheated.

The only achievement is Zhang Xinmin's reputation in the network underground world.

Toilet water is poisonous, and has become a famous promoter team in the industry since then.

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