Hacker brother is really anxious this time. At the beginning of failure, his feeling is a little interesting. At the second failure, his reaction is excited.

But the third time he failed, he was a little scared, and scolded, "I wipe Le, this is a master, Hello, Zhang Xinmin, who are you provoking, talking to you, what are you doing? I wipe Le, is it itchy? How long has it been since I took a bath?"

A panic, this is a bit nagging, but in fact are hiding their embarrassment.

In this industry, he felt that he was already top-notch, but he couldn't even solve such a small job. How could he mix outside in the future. Zhang Xinmin is still watching.

Zhang Xinmin had already felt itchy. He was already impatient in his heart. He tried his best to bite his teeth. As a result, when he heard that the goods had failed, he was very angry.

"You don't take a bath. You think I'm the same as you. I'm probably poisoned." Zhang Xinmin can't help but think of the content of the message. Now, it's itching just now. It's about half an hour since he received the message.

If it's a coincidence, it's a bit too coincidental, and the itching is abnormal.

Now it seems that someone has poisoned himself.

"Poisoning?" Hacker elder brother a listen, not from a Zheng, shake head a way: "just a number modification just, have nothing to do with poisoning."

"I'm not talking about mobile phones. I'm talking about people. I'm talking about myself. Oh, fuck, how itchy it is!" Zhang Xinmin could not help but let out a roar, clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes were bulging out. The other hand is trying to grab all over the body.

"What, man, have you been poisoned? Oh, I'll go, Zhang Xinmin. Are you special... "Brother hacker looked back and couldn't help taking a breath of air. Directly, Zhang Xinmin's whole arm and thigh were bleeding, but he was still grasping, as if he didn't realize it.

Is it poisoning or Zhongxie.

"Don't you mind?" Hackers hold for a long time, and finally asked this half sentence.

"Don't you think it matters that I look like this? You'd better hurry up. I'd like to see if it was the grandson who poisoned me... "Zhang Xinmin glared at him fiercely. His teeth were squeaking. He tried hard to hold back the hand he wanted to grasp, but he couldn't help it.

"This, this, this, this thing, I'm not sure. I'm leaving. You'd better go to see a doctor. I'll wipe it. Are you poisoned or evil... "Brother hacker wanted to make a final attempt, but seeing Zhang Xinmin like this, he was afraid.

In the heart secret way, "this special what is poison, this is to suffer to answer clearly?"

As he said it, he put away his things and ran outside.

"Fuck, are you special..." Zhang Xinmin stretched out his hand to pull him, but he didn't hold on. Before he finished his sentence, the hacker brother had run away.

Zhang Xinmin wanted to scold, but he couldn't. the corners of his mouth kept bleeding. His teeth were really broken and began to bleed.

Take an eye to see, but see the 20000 yuan on the table unexpectedly was taken away, in the heart that hate ah, "son of a bitch, maybe still special take my money away."

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly a burst of vibration, "you have a new short message."

He gritted his teeth and trembled to pick up the mobile phone. When he saw that it was still the text message from the 110 phone, he was surprised that the message was sent in groups.

It said: "you should have confirmed the content of my SMS now. Yes, it is the fact that you are poisoned. Now, your first poisonous hair should be almost over. The next poisonous hair will be in an hour. You can use this hour to try detoxification. "

"Of course, I don't care if someone thinks he can stick to it a few more times. In the future, the time of poisoning is almost half an hour, and the interval is one hour. After 24 hours, the time of poisoning is doubled, and the interval is halved."

"Fuck you After reading this text message, Zhang Xinmin could not help gnashing his teeth for a while, but he was surprised to find that when he was reading the text message, it was no longer itching.

It's really like what the other party said. It's poisonous for half an hour at a time.

In that case, in an hour's time, it will be poisonous.

He didn't dare to delay at once. He quickly took a coat and put it on his body. Then he slammed out the door.


Twenty minutes later, Zhang Xinmin came to the largest local hospital.

Although he knew that the other party would dare to say that, he was sure that he would not be able to detoxify, but because of his character, he refused to be slaughtered in this way.

But after a lot of tests, the doctor gave him the results that made him stare.

"What do you mean, everything is normal, there is no sign of poisoning?" Looking at the inspection report, Zhang Xinmin was stunned.

No poisoning. What happened to me just now.

Is it true that the other party lied to him, and the poison can only attack once?

When he thought about it, he felt it made sense.

However, in order to be on the safe side, and there is still time, he rushed to the second hospital, the examination results are the same.

"Ha ha ~!" Zhang Xinmin burst out laughing, "Damn, dare to cheat me. Fortunately, I came here to check, otherwise I would have been fooled by him."

But his laughter did not settle, but froze.

It's an hour. It's back.

Fortunately, he was in the hospital at this time, he quickly grabbed the doctor, "doctor, show me quickly, I have poisonous hair!"

"Sir, we have done a comprehensive examination on you just now. You really don't have any signs of poisoning or pathological changes. Everything is normal. Maybe it's psychological. You should go to the psychology department The doctor just felt that something was wrong with him, and now he is regarded as a psychopath.

"I'll go to your uncle. You are insane. Your whole family is insane. Is it normal for me to be like this?" This time, it seems that poisonous hair is more difficult than before. At the beginning, Zhang Xinmin can't stand it.

Seeing that the doctor took himself as a psychopath, he burst into a rage and swore.

But after scolding, he could not help holding the doctor and crying: "doctor, please, check it for me again. I really can't stand it."

Although the doctor was scolded for starting the fire, he looked really terrible, so he nodded and asked him to do a test.

But the result is the same as before, "everything is OK!"

But this time, the doctor himself felt abnormal. How could a normal person scratch his two arms and crush his teeth.

"I really can't. I'll give you some antipruritic medicine. I don't know if it's effective."

Zhang Xinmin can't speak any more. If it's painful, people have already fainted. But it's painful. I can't even think about it.

I just nodded.

The doctor quickly gave him some antipruritic medicine, and asked the nurse to put it on him, but it was OK not to put it on.

Just a wipe, Zhang Xinmin couldn't help a scream, almost did not scare the little nurse to sit on the ground. It's not a human voice.

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