Twice, just twice, Zhang Xinmin couldn't stand it.

At this time, he only hopes that the other party can put forward conditions as soon as possible, no matter what he promised, how much money he would like to give.

But the other party sent several short messages in a row, all of them were sent in groups, and they didn't ask for conditions.

He wanted to talk to each other, but he didn't even know their number.

At this time, he finally realized what is called, no way to appeal, no tears to cry.

He also thought of the people he had designed, and he felt that it must be someone's revenge on him.

Do you regret it?

Zhang Xinmin really regretted it at this time. He once thought that as long as he was separated from the Internet and exploited the legal loopholes, no one could do anything to him. At this time, he knew that he was wrong, and there were some people in the world that he could not afford to offend.

If you do all the bad things, you have to pay them back.

Just when he couldn't help but want to die, the other party finally got the news.

The news this time is very simple, just a group number.

Without any hesitation, he entered the group almost immediately according to the group number.

Just a search of this group number, but let him almost think he made a mistake - [task release group].

He checked the number again, that's right.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he sent out an application to join the group. When he entered the group, he said, "Oh, there are so many people. When he saw those IDS, he was stunned again. There are so many acquaintances and half of the people in the industry."

"Who on earth is this? How did he poison so many people at the same time?"

We should know that most of their identities are hidden, not to mention outsiders. Most of the time, it is impossible for the neighbors around them to know what they are doing?

But the people behind this group can poison so many people and control them all.

"How much energy is that?" Zhang Xinmin was a little nervous.

"What's more, there are so many network promoters in the circle, the leader of the water army group, or the network big V, the anchor? What do you want?"

Soon a group manager jumped out and sent out a message, "all the people who enter the group change the group's business card according to their profession and specialty. This group is a task group. When they have a task, they will also update it in the group announcement. Each time they complete the task, they will get corresponding points. With the points, they can exchange the antidote for the corresponding time. After receiving the task, everyone must complete it quickly with quality and quantity guaranteed, otherwise the task points will be deducted. "

Seeing the news, Zhang Xinmin immediately knew that he had not come to the wrong place. It was really here.

He is trying to contact group management and ask who the other party is and what he has offended.

But before he said anything, group management first sent a message: "in addition, everyone should not ask group management anything about the boss behind the scenes. I can only tell you that I don't know, because just like you, group management is just my task. All your questions are in the group announcement

"The first task is to forward a microblog, or reply to a message under the microblog. Every 100 ID forwarding counts as a point, and 10000 replies count as a point. First come, appear, cheat, one warning, two deduction points, and three direct kicks. The consequences are clear to you."

Then the content about Weibo is released.

"You don't know the real identity of Zhao Chengfeng, and you dare not say what you know. I know and dare to say that this microblog has been forwarded more than 100000 times, and it's updated dry goods!"

Zhang Xinmin felt a buzz in his mind. With his professional intuition, he immediately keenly felt that all this must be related to Zhao Chengfeng.

And 80% of the people in this group are also people who participated in the previous speculation about Zhao Chengfeng.

Before that, he thought it was a good job. Now he knows what a good job it is. It's a huge pit.

By the means of the other side, whether the person behind it is Zhao Chengfeng's side or Zhao Chengfeng's enemy, it shows that the two sides can't afford to be provoked by themselves.

But it's no use regretting at this time. We can only go one way to the black. Anyway, it's serious to rush to the task.

Because there is no antidote without points, he can't imagine the end without antidote.

As for the point can change to the antidote, he did not doubt.

Because the other side has wasted so many hands and feet, it is impossible to circle them here only once.

Now what he worries about most is whether they can get away at the end of the matter?

He swore in his heart that if he could get out of the business after this time, he would never do this business again in his life, and would never do anything to entrap others.

Natural circulation, retribution, pit more people, will eventually pit themselves into.


In fact, it's not only Zhang Xinmin who has this idea, but also many people have done it after this event. The whole network environment of Huaxia has taken on a new look after this event.

Of course, that's what happened later. At this time, not to mention Zhang Xinmin and others, even Zhao Chengfeng and Huisheng and others did not expect.

But even more unconscious is the other protagonist of this matter, guwu aristocratic family, as well as the inner elite.

Because of the departure of Yunqing and the woman in red, now the aristocratic family and the elites of the inner door have returned to the state of being leaderless again.

There is no one to ask about Zhao Chengfeng.

The inner elites were first shocked by the endless scientific and technological weapons in the earth world, and then all of them were put down by Yun Qing, who was known as not good at fighting.

It can be said that the spirit is lost.

Zhao Chengfeng has long been forgotten.

As for the aristocratic family, I'm confused now.

They originally wanted to take the opportunity to tie up these elites from the inner door, so as to mix up several places to enter the inner door.

Only then did he listen to the inner elites, but he didn't know that from the beginning, Yunqing's purpose was to use them to distract Zhao Chengfeng and others.

At the same time, it is also the use of Zhao Chengfeng to hold the power of these aristocratic families themselves.

After the goal was achieved, Yunqing himself walked away, but the aristocratic families became embarrassed.

Although the other elites are still there, these people are like headless flies. They have no goal except to stay in the manor.

Moreover, after watching the video materials of those scientific and technological weapons, they dare not despise the earth world any more. Of course, they dare not run around. They can only hide in the manor.

I just want to meet the inner world after the inner channel is restored.

As for what the bastard Yunqing is planning, and whether their exile to the earth is an accident or a conspiracy, they don't care.

They really want to control the power of the guwu family, but they don't agree with each other, so they can't reach an agreement on who will control the guwu family and how to control it.

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