Of course, for the news on the Internet, the guwu family doesn't know nothing about it.

Many people in the guwu family have even seen the microblog sent by the ID "guixiaoda" of Xiaogui's pseudonym.

Guwu aristocratic family is also human, especially some young people, it is impossible not to contact the Internet.

But they didn't care. They just thought it was funny.

"These idiots, up to now, haven't realized that we are behind the operation of the No.1 villain in China." Some young people of guwu family feel a sense of superiority when they see the news about Zhao Chengfeng still fermenting on the Internet.

At this moment, they felt that all the people in the world were stupid idiots except the people in their guwu family.

I think the ordinary people in this world are really stupid and easy to cheat. They are simply puppets that they can manipulate at will.

At this time, on the Internet, the Weibo of guixiaoda has reached a staggering 200000, with tens of millions of clicks and millions of replies.

However, there is no news about the little people and the big ones, so many people who follow the trend are angry. They feel that they have been fooled.

A lot of people go to the microblog of little ghost to leave messages and abuse.

"Blogger, what about the good dry goods?"

"What's so special about 100000 forwarding updates? Now it's 200000, but it hasn't been updated yet. You've lost your integrity, blogger!"


People are so strange.

Originally, there were 800 such water stickers even though there were not 1000 on the Internet every day. That is to say, there may be people on the Internet who are sending such irresponsible water stickers every minute, and no one cares at all.

And the people who post often do not realize their promises, or even make up their own.

For example, some communities often see, so and so post, "like more than 100 to express so and so."

As a matter of fact, the so and so ghost knows whether it exists or not. He may have praised more than 10000 people, and the mother who even confessed to him has not been born.

People have long been used to this kind of thing.

However, this microblog became popular, so many people who didn't care about it at first paid attention to it for no reason. They just came back with a "23333" or "666" and felt like they had invested a lot.

If bloggers don't keep their word, they lose a lot.

Zhao Chengfeng is not engaged in social science research, so he does not know what phenomenon this thing is called.

But this effect is exactly what he needs.

Look at the heat.

Zhao Chengfeng said to the little ghost: "OK, update it. Huisheng told the guys in your group to be ready. As soon as the little ghost's post is updated, it will be started immediately. It's still divided into two groups, one is scolding, the other is praising!"

"OK, OK!" Both nodded and agreed.

It's the first time for both of them to do this kind of thing. It's very fresh.

I feel shy, everyone, I'm late, I wipe up, so much forward, old fellow, you guys are too hard?

Get Zhao Chengfeng's instructions, has been quiet "ghost small people's Congress" finally again.

Although for the forwarding number, the kid has been watching closely, but after going online, he seems to have just seen it. Let alone the acting, it's really good.

Next to the computer, Zhao Chengfeng and others all gave the kid a thumbs up.

"Kid, it's a pity that you don't go to play."

"Ha ha, I think so, too." Kid ha ha a smile, also very proud.

On the Internet, when you see the kid online, the microblog is boiling.

In an instant, the next speech directly swiped the screen.

"I wipe, toil, the coolies in your group are awesome, and this reaction speed is a professional." The kid looked at the brush post below and said in surprise.

Huisheng shook his head slightly, "no, I haven't informed the task yet. These eight Chengdu are real netizens."

"Ha? no There are so many people waiting for the update. It's so boring, these people. " Zhao Chengfeng thought it was the result of the performance of those coolies in the Huisheng group.

I was surprised to hear that he was a real netizen.

Even the kid was a little shocked.

"Blogger, are you still there? Update quickly. You've taken off your pants. What's the ink mark?"

His side was shocked, there was no action for a moment, and the people below began to urge impatiently.

The kid quickly appeased, "don't worry, don't worry, I'm preparing, and you expect me to update what, also take off your pants, this can only show that you are an exhibitionist, don't put the responsibility on me, this pot, ghost don't back."

As soon as he said this, a full screen of 23333 immediately floated down

This time, the kid didn't delay any more. In fact, he had already sorted out the post. The content was basically made up according to Zhao Chengfeng's proposal.

After copying and pasting, click send.

However, as soon as this microblog was posted, there was no need to go back to life to direct coolie to swipe the screen, and the following was immediately scolded.

"What the hell am I doing, blogger? Are you teasing me? Zhao Chengfeng was born in an ancient martial family. He is still an ancient martial family. Don't you say he is a Xiuzhen family? "

"Don't say that the story of the blogger is made up of leverage. Praise the blogger."

"Why don't you write a novel if you like it

"Blogger, you liar, this NIMA is the truth you said. You cheated me on my feelings that I have cherished for 18 years!"


Although he had been prepared, the kid was still confused by the curse below.

"Boss, is this really OK? How do you feel that this post will be effective?" The kid cried and turned to Zhao Cheng.

"Don't worry, my plan has been modified by those coolies under the control of reincarnation. Now it's absolutely no problem." Although Zhao Chengfeng is a little bit of a drummer in his heart, he is very confident on his face.

Fortunately, he expected the situation at the moment.

Kid, the purpose of this post itself is not to make people believe anything, just to make people pay attention to the four words of guwu family.

This is the first time that the guwu family has appeared in public on the Internet.

What he cares about now is whether the guwu family will be alert.

But he obviously thinks too much.

The young people of the guwu family with their mobile phones brushing their microblogs, when they saw this post, responded with laughter rather than alertness.

"I wipe, who is this little devil, talent? He even knows the existence of our guwu aristocratic family, and then he brings Zhao Chengfeng to our guwu aristocratic family. It's up to him, too!"

"Ha ha, maybe some fool hears about the existence of our guwu family. Then he may find that Zhao Chengfeng is a little bit of guwu. This kind of loser is the best one to associate with."

A few people are talking and laughing, also follow the wind to coax below.

If at this time, really are scolding, then the kid this post is over, will not have any effect.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't let this happen, so at this time, the returning coolie group came into use.

Who are Zhang Xinmin in the group? That's professional. Everyone controls more than ten V numbers, and even there are not a few big V with millions of fans.

So a reply that openly praised the blogger appeared.

Although this reply was accepted by the public as soon as it appeared.

But this is just the beginning.

Soon, one by one, he supported the building owner, insisting that what the blogger said was the truth, and those who reviled the blogger were stupid gossamers who didn't understand the truth of the world.

Although these people are immediately ridiculed as paranoia, living in an illusory world.

But the scuffle under the microblog started.

And nobody noticed a phenomenon.

No one has discussed whether Zhao Chengfeng is a villain, whether he has a background, and whether it has anything to do with the underworld.

The focus of everyone's argument has become whether the guwu family exists or not.

And this is the first effect that Zhao Chengfeng wants.

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