Of course, that is certainly not enough.

At this time, another post appeared, the title is very arrogant, pull hatred.

[people, please open your eyes and look at the world. Don't take your ignorance as the truth]

This post also has a subtitle, "in response to some people who deny the existence of the guwu family, please see the evidence.".

And this time, the post is no longer a big ghost, but a big network V number.

This is a real big V, very active on the Internet, the number of fans reached nearly 10 million, such a degree is generally very popular stars to achieve.

It's not easy for the big V to reach this level. So no one doubts that the ID is just a vest.

Moreover, this ID is often wordy on the Internet, but every time it makes a speech, it is poisonous, but it often has something to say, and it can often disclose some dry goods that ordinary people don't know.

This time, it's like this. It's like this. It's like this. It's like this. It's like this. It's like this. It's like this. It's like this.

A lot of people who were just laughing at this post can't help but wonder, "isn't there really an ancient martial family in this world? Shouldn't all those things appear in novels?"

If the post is a general ID, there is no such effect, but the shadow of people's name tree, celebrities naturally have celebrity effect.

What's more, there are so many water forces and pusher groups behind it, so this post soon attracted a lot of attention.

Both sides can't help but take a look.

Many people can't help but be surprised.

The full text of this post is more like a thesis than a post.

It lists a large number of evidence and information, as well as a large number of pictures and video materials as evidence.

More importantly, this post disclosed the detailed information of several ancient Chinese martial families, including the venue and core members.

Among them, the most detailed are the Ouyang family, the Chen family, the Ge family, and so on. Even the family pedigree is clearly listed. Without exception, the main members were provided with photos.

"Damn it, this is a bull force. It's really a matter of fact and basis. It's worthy of being a great God and a great V, I'm convinced!"

"Ha ha, I'm convinced, but after reading this post, I found that there are several people I know. They are really mysterious and influential in the local area. I didn't expect that they are the guwu family!"

"I know someone in the same building, but I don't know if it's really an ancient martial family. It's an expert who wants to know."

After reading the post, many people are surprised to find that some people mentioned in the post actually know each other. Although they generally hear about it, they at least prove that these people exist in fact.

Soon, many people who are known as insiders jumped out and confirmed that these people do exist and have extraordinary influence in the local area.

And the family in which they are located in the local is a powerful family, very mysterious.

In fact, not only ordinary netizens were surprised, but also the members of the guwu family who had been watching and laughing at this post were shocked.

What's said above is too detailed, and there are many things they found, even they don't know.

"Who is this man? How does he know so much about our guwu family? Isn't he also an insider of our family? "

"What do you mean no? I'm sure that this person is not only someone in our family, but also a high-level person. It's just why the senior management suddenly exposed these things. Do those old people want to change their strategies? "

"Haha, it's time to change. I always don't understand why those old guys always hide. As ancient warriors and strong men, we should live in the wind and shine. Why do we hide and tuck in?"

"Well, you say, am I going to report this to the above?"

"You don't think you know what to report. It's probably the arrangement of those old guys. If you want to tell them yourself, I don't care, so that you won't get good and get criticized again!"

"I don't think it's necessary. You see, they don't speak ill of us."

"Well, that's what you said. I don't care."

A more cautious son of a family still wants to report the situation to his superior.

But I couldn't help changing my mind when I heard my companion say it.

Indeed, as his companion said, the whole post hardly said a bad word about the aristocratic family, and the first half was neutral after all.

In the latter part, it nominally states the historical origins of these ancient martial families, but it also lists some historical materials.

But most of them are bragging about the honor of these aristocratic families.

Even many legendary historical celebrities have been gathered into the family.

This is also why the children of those aristocratic families thought that they were the ghosts of some old family member of their own family.

Otherwise, in addition to the family's internal people, who will put money on the family's face?

"I think that since the old guys have changed their strategy, should we stand up and show up?"

"That's not good. If it's not the old guys, I'm afraid it will be bad luck."

"I think it's OK. Even if it's not made by the old guys, what should be exposed now is also exposed. Why are you still hiding? It's our brother's turn! "

"Yes, you see, everyone is also ancient warriors. I hear the elites of inner gate say that they call a scene in the inner world, and the inner world is basically the ancient martial arts has the final say, that is the nobility, for ordinary people want to fight, fight, kill. If you look at us again, it's called a coward. "

Some of the world's young people are itching. They feel that if they stand up at this time, show their identity and show their hands again, they will surely have a wonderful scenery and be admired by countless people.

But they still have some scruples.

Just at this time, a son of an aristocratic family suddenly called out: "Damn, we are still hesitating. Someone is faster than us!"

"True or false?" After hearing the speech, several people immediately came to the man's screen. Sure enough, a video was playing on the screen. In the video, a young man about their age was performing a set of ancient martial arts.

"This boy feels a little familiar. Which family is he from?" Some people feel that the young people in this video are familiar, but they can't remember which family they belong to, so they can't help asking.

Others shook their heads. "I can't remember it, but it seems that the routine is from the Ge family in Northwest China. Damn, the Ge family has been done once before, and now it has declined. You see, the tripod Kung Fu is so interesting!"

A few people look at the skill of the person in that video very disdain.

But they look down on them, but the ordinary audience is astonished. That move is in one form, the wind is magnificent, very amazing.

And there are a lot of actions that ordinary people can't do at all.

For example, how high a person can be if one of them soars into the sky, which is amazing to ordinary people.

"Is Gu Wu really so strong, isn't it a special effect?"

"It doesn't look like special effects, and there's no sign of hanging Weiya. It seems to be true!"

"Ha ha, as expected, we are still strong in chemical martial arts. What we come out with is rubbish. This is the real master."

The following comments are skeptical, flattering and amazing. But none of them is not shocked.

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