A group of aristocratic children couldn't help it. They were itchy, but they were afraid of the family rules.

But now I see a guy who is not as good as himself. He is so beautiful in front of people. One by one, I can't help it.

Not only them, but also the inner elite who had stayed in the manor to die.

"The ordinary people in this earth world are really ignorant. They are excited by these airs?"

"It's true, but the ordinary people in the earth world feel very good to fool."

But others disagree.

"What's the use of fooling these people? They can't provide anything. Are they the so-called rewards? What's the use for us? How can the elites of the inner class want rewards from ordinary people on earth?"

When this person said this, many inner class elites also stopped thinking. It's not that they didn't want to be in the limelight, but that they are always inner class elites and high-ranking people, and they are particularly resistant to the word reward.

Reward in their world, that is the word used by noble people when they reward their servants.

However, the aristocratic children don't care about this, and even sneer to themselves, "some aspects of these elites in the inner world are really pedantic. How can they know what a wonderful thing fire is in the earth world?"

"It's not just about money and vanity. It's so cool to be worshipped by millions of people. It's also said that there are female fans who throw themselves in their arms and arms..."

A few people sent out a wretched smile.

They are not short of women, but they feel different from women who are worshipped and offered money or money.

But they didn't know that the children of that performing family were not the children of any family at all, which was arranged by Zhao Chengfeng.

In order to lure these aristocratic children to come forward.

It's just that Zhao Chengfeng thought that it would take a lot of effort, but he didn't expect that as soon as the video came out, there would be dozens of Related videos on the Internet the next day.

Eighty percent of these videos are real family children.

"Boss, is it time to start the third step?"

Looking at the video of an aristocratic son's swaggering performance.

Hey, kid, smile.

"Well, almost!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded, touched his chin and said with a smile: "from now on, give me a strong scolding. In a word, the video of all people's family children will arrange for me to send them out in the dark."

"Yes Several people smell speech all excited promise.

I've been flattering these bastards for a long time. Now the pit has been dug almost, and finally it's time to start burying.

A group of aristocratic children never expected that when others performed, they were all amazed and praised, even if they doubted.

But when it comes to them, the style of painting has completely changed, and the following has become a water of doubt and abuse.

All the voices are accusing them of fraud.

"I'm sure there are ancient martial arts in this world, but you should be more serious even if you want to pretend. I'm convinced of this stunt. It's more than 50 cents, isn't it?"

"Ha ha, there must be more than one, at least one."

"It's so grand upstairs. It's only one piece. It's sixty cents at most. I won't give you any more!"

Looking at the irony and ridicule, a group of aristocratic children almost vomited blood.

Immediately also can't help fighting back, "a bunch of idiots, true and false are not clear, blind, Laozi this is real Kung Fu!"

However, compared with fighting, ordinary people are definitely not opponents. However, compared with swearing, they are all professional, and everyone controls a group of water forces.

There are hundreds of people waiting for them before they open their mouths. As soon as a line of words is typed, there is no shadow.

It's called holding back, it's called anger.

"Well, since you say I'm a fake, I'll let you know what's true. At 2 p.m. the day after tomorrow, in the center square of Linshan City, the challenge arena will be set up for live broadcast. If you don't agree, you will fight! "

Finally, there is a son of a family who can't help but record a video to challenge the whole world.

Seeing this video, the IMP and others were stunned, "I'll go. Are these aristocratic children brain disabled? It's so obvious that they jumped out so easily!"

Zhao Chengfeng also didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but he shook his head and said: "it's not their fault. It's not that they are too stupid, but that they have never met such things before, so they have no experience. It's the same with us before. People can only have a long memory if they have suffered a loss! "

Hearing the speech, they nodded and felt that it seemed reasonable to say so.

The main reason is that before that, the children of aristocratic families had no natural enemies in this world. Any person, or any creature, will lose their vigilance once they lose the threat and natural enemies.

"Now what? Do you want to do it? " Shangguan Yan'er asked.

Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a while, then shook his head and sneered: "don't worry, let them be proud first. My goal is not to lead out one or two minions, but to bury the whole family."

"However, we have to go there. If we have a chance, we can't miss it!" Zhao Chengfeng immediately added.

"OK, I'll arrange it!" Shangguan Yan son also has no objection, a nod initiative way.

At the same time, the elite members of the family who came out in the limelight were finally known by the senior members of their respective families.

Almost all the high-level reaction was outrage.

"How many times have I told you, you trash, that our aristocratic family can never easily show up. Are you little beasts not listening to me when I am old?"

Songjia, Linshan City, Jiangdong province.

Song Quan'an, the oldest and most respected elder in the family, claps the table angrily.

In front of him, two young children of the Song family kneel on the ground with fear.

One of them is officially the first one to come out on the Internet and set up a challenge arena for live broadcast.

His name is song Ke. He is also a gifted disciple in the Song family of Jiangdong province. In the past, he wanted to be loved by song Quanan.

I didn't expect to make my ancestors so angry today. Song Ke was a little afraid. He knelt down on the ground and said in a low voice, "stop your anger, my ancestors. Ke Er doesn't dare!"

"Not now?" Song Quanan snorted coldly, "your words have already been put out. Do my sons of the Song family want to eat their words?"

"This..." when song Ke heard this, he didn't dare to say it. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer the question. Fortunately, he was a little clever and knew how to please his ancestors. He immediately said, "it's all up to his ancestors. If the ancestors allow Ke Er to continue, then Ke Er promised that he would never let the Song family lose face and the guwu family lose face!"

"Well." Song Quan'an narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone eased a lot. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with song Ke's answer.

"Our generation of martial arts advocates to march forward bravely. We didn't allow you young people to show up in front of others, and we didn't allow the situation of aristocratic family to be excessively understood by ordinary people. That's also because of the special situation of ancient martial arts on earth."

"Now that heaven and earth are about to change dramatically, and you have shown yourself to others, you can't shrink back. If they want to see it, let them see what kind of existence our guwu family is. " Song Quanan gave a sneer.

Then he said slowly: "in any case, we didn't take the initiative to jump out before the aristocratic family was revealed. Even the people in power in this world can't say anything."

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