Linshan City, Jiangdong province.

Central Plaza!

A huge arena has been set up.

At first, many people thought it was just talking. After all, the clamour on the Internet didn't count.

But when this huge challenge arena is set up, everyone knows it's serious this time.

The family of guwu, which has been handed down for nearly half a month, is finally going to appear in front of the world for the first time.

China, the Internet world, and traditional media are boiling.

"It's a farce that the legendary guwu aristocratic family really exists and challenges the world."

"I don't think it will happen this time. After all, if it turns out to be a farce, the so-called guwu family will really become a joke."

"Maybe, maybe he was just a joke. Is it rare that this happened in my great heaven?"

"I don't think so. I've seen the videos on the Internet before. It seems that the ancient warrior is really powerful."

"Poof, you believe in online video. The most unreliable thing these days is online video."


Although it is still two hours before 2 p.m., the challenge arena in the central square is already full of media and spectators.

There was a lot of discussion. Some people thought it was a farce, but others were full of expectation.

Zhao Chengfeng and others also came to the scene, looking at the huge challenge arena in the middle of the square, Zhao Chengfeng showed a funny smile on his face.

"It seems that these aristocratic families have long been afraid to be lonely. Even without me, they will come out sooner or later."

"Ha ha, no matter who has power, resources and always hiding in the dark, they will not be reconciled." Next to him, Xia Bingbing sneered and said sarcastically.

This time in Linshan City, it's not just Zhao Chengfeng, imps and Huisheng. Shangguan Yan'er, Xia Bingbing and ye Zhuqing also came.

What's more surprising to Zhao Chengfeng is that even Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister also came. When she heard the conversation between Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing, she turned her lips disdainfully. "This kind of rubbish strength is also worth seeing. Younger martial sister, your eyes should be higher!"

Although this woman has repeatedly said that she no longer cares about Xia Bingbing's private affairs, her fault seems to be that she can't change it easily.

Although the mouth seems to be the children of those aristocratic families, but the corner of the eye does not live to the body of Zhao Chengfeng inclined, as if for fear that Zhao Chengfeng does not understand that she is pointing mulberry and cursing locust.

Zhao Chengfeng is very speechless, in the heart secretly belly Fei, "this woman is not sick, don't look up, and no one asks you to come."

"I really don't know what this woman is doing if she doesn't stay in the secret place."

However, he thought about these words in his heart. He didn't dare to offend this woman easily. On the one hand, he couldn't beat her. On the other hand, he really quarreled. Bingbing must be on her own side, but he was also a little sad.

After all, through these contacts, he can feel that although this woman despises 120 of him, she really cares about Xia Bingbing.

It is also because of care, so we try every means to destroy his image in Xia Bingbing's heart, so that Xia Bingbing can be disappointed with himself as soon as possible, and then leave brother Feng happily.

So he could only pretend that he didn't understand what the woman said, that he was not moved and that he was smiling.

Give a green dress to the hater, and bite the silver teeth.

Xia Bingbing sees all this in her eyes and knows that Zhao Chengfeng pretends to be stupid just to take care of her feelings. However, she turns out to be very angry with her elder martial sister who sincerely wants to annoy Zhao Chengfeng.

Heart is funny, but also moved, quietly grateful to see Zhao Chengfeng one eye, a smile.

Her smile was as bright as new and clear as snow. Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but smile at her, and blinked his eyes, as if to say, "what's the matter, who are we with?"

This one passes one to send, but again give the green clothes of Qi.

I really regret it in my heart. I secretly said, "I knew I didn't come, but I couldn't manage it. I wanted to make you angry."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng asked her, "elder martial sister Qingyi, can I ask you something?"

"Hum, who is your elder martial sister?" Green dress is angry, listen to him this to ask, don't have good spirit of stare him one eye.

"Well, elder sister Qingyi..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. With a smile, he asked again.

But as soon as Qingyi heard his name, her face became darker. Elder sister Qingyi, am I a silly elder sister in the countryside?

This is the name for a middle-aged woman with a wrinkled face. This bastard used it on his head.

"What's wrong with big sister? What should I do? I can't call you Qingyi directly. It seems that I'm a little too close. I don't care when I get there, but I'm afraid everyone will misunderstand me. What do you say? I don't want to call you miss, but... "Zhao Chengfeng saw that her face was ugly, and he was full of embarrassment.

Green clothes listen to his wordy, black face quickly dripping water, but she also know, Zhao Chengfeng is deliberately angry with her, had better put his anger in the secret place, don't come out, can't hinder him and Xia Bingbing.

Of course, if you go back to Chiba world directly, this bastard will be more satisfied.

However, how can I fall into your plan? I'm trying to hold back my anger, but I don't attack. Of course, she can't let the boy force her down, otherwise she doesn't know what the boy will say.

So he pretended to be indifferent and interrupted: "forget it, you'd better call me elder martial sister."

But she compromised, but Zhao Chengfeng quit. He shook his head with a serious face and said, "that's no good. You and I are not from the same family. If I want to call your elder martial sister, I will follow Bingbing. But you don't want to admit it. If I want to call your elder martial sister reluctantly, it doesn't mean that I disgust you. That's no good. I'm not Zhao Chengfeng. I'd better call you miss. I think it's quite appropriate... "

"Shut up, let you call elder martial sister Tsing Yi felt stuffy in her chest and was about to explode. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's face, she couldn't help but want to step on it several times. How could there be such an angry person in the world.

If there is a realm of anger, she is sure that Zhao Chengfeng must be a peerless master.

Zhao Chengfeng saw her pretty face and cold frost, but he was laughing in his heart. He was about to say a few more words, but he heard a cold voice in his ear, "boy, I advise you not to advance an inch. Do you think I really can't help you? Believe it or not, if I find a chance to take Bingbing and stop beating you, I don't believe you mean to complain to Bingbing!"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng looked at Tsing Yi in amazement, but saw that the woman was black, but her face was expressionless, as if she didn't say what she said just now, and other people around didn't seem to hear it.

I can't help sighing in my heart, "it's a good method, and this woman seems to be really forced. Forget it, I'd better take it when it's good, or this woman can do it."

Damn, strength, strength.

Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart, but kept a smile on his face, "well, since elder martial sister doesn't dislike it, then I'll climb up."

"Then elder martial sister Qingyi, can I ask you a question?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

Green clothes looked at him, show eyebrow slightly frown, obviously don't want to answer him, but afraid that he doesn't agree, this boy and make what pattern, had to hum a way: "you ask, but had better not ask me some no three no four questions."

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