"How can I? Is my brother Feng the kind of person who can ask no three no four questions?" Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of the expression that I am a serious person, but what he said attracted the eyes of the people around him.

"I'll go. What do you mean? Can you have fun? People... Forget it, ignore you guys." Zhao Chengfeng is so angry. Can these guys still have the spirit of collectivism? At least we are one group. Even if I tell a lie, shouldn't my good friends lie to each other?

Immediately, he had to ignore these bastards and asked Qingyi, "elder martial sister Qingyi, do you know the inner world? Can you tell us something about inner world, earth world and Chiba world? "

"For example, what are the essential differences among the three, what are the differences in civilization, social structure, economy and culture..."

"Wait a minute!" Green clothes see him a finger a finger of the board count, quickly interrupted him, and then coldly looked at him, "are you serious in asking questions or joking?"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and said, "do you look like a joke? Is it a joke to ask such a serious and solemn question? "

"Well, solemn? How do you want me to answer any of these questions that you have asked for three days and three nights? " Green clothes a cold hum.

"Er..." this time, Zhao Chengfeng is really puzzled. It's true that if he narrates these problems one by one, it seems that he really needs to talk about them for a long time. If he doesn't talk about anything else, just a twenty-four history of China will be enough for a student to learn from primary school to university.

But he really wanted to ask these questions.

Zhao Feilong asked him to know more about the inner world. He thought about it. It seemed that he could only know something from Qingyi. Other people either couldn't tell him, or the level was too low and they didn't touch much, so they couldn't tell him at all.

Only Qingyi, her level seems to be similar. Although she is from Chiba world, she may know something about inner world.

If you can learn more, you may be able to speculate what conspiracy is in the inner world.

"Elder martial sister, I also want to know about these things. After all, if I am in charge of Qinglian gate in the future, I can't be too ignorant. If you can't elaborate in a short time, you might as well give us a brief summary." Xia Bingbing sees Zhao Chengfeng frowning and smiles. She tells Qingyi with a slightly coquettish voice.

Sure enough, as soon as she spoke, there was no way for Qingyi.

In fact, she always wanted to tell Xia Bingbing about these things, but Xia Bingbing has been very busy since she returned to earth, and she has almost no time to listen to her teaching.

At this time, Xia Bingbing asked, but also put forward the need to take charge of Qinglian gate in the future. Of course, she couldn't refuse, and even felt a little happy.

Even though Xia Bingbing said that for the sake of helping Zhao Chengfeng, he was able to help the younger martial sister learn more about this aspect, which was just a little positive.

"Well, I'll just talk about it briefly. Younger martial sister, if you don't understand, just ask." Tsing Yi then glances at Zhao Chengfeng, which means that younger martial sister can ask, don't be so wordy.

However, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to be wrong. Seeing her looking over, she nodded, "elder martial sister, don't worry, I will ask if I don't understand. I'm such a good person. I'm good at asking questions. I've been praised by my teacher since I was a child."

The corner of green clothes mouth pulled for a while, ignore him no longer, this person's skin is simply invincible.

Next to Shangguan Yan'er and others can't help snickering, "if anyone is angry with this guy, he will be angry all his life."

"This world, no, it should be said that the normal space world of this universe is divided into three levels, namely, the hemiplane, the secondary plane and the main plane. This division is mainly based on the quality level of space. Generally speaking, the higher the level of the plane, the more stable the space is, and the longer it can exist." Qingyi said slowly.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he wanted to ask a question, but Qingyi felt like he was feeling it. Looking at her, he saw a cold light in his eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help clapping in his heart and swallowing his words.

Next to Xia Bingbing, she was amused to see this. However, she was very considerate and asked, "elder martial sister, what level of plane does the earth world, Chiba world and inner gate world belong to?"

When she asked, Zhao Chengfeng and others secretly gave her a thumbs up, because this question is also what they want to ask.

Qingyi looked at Zhao Chengfeng in disgust, and then reluctantly showed a slight smile to Xia Bingbing and said, "little younger martial sister, I will talk about this question slowly, but if you ask me, I'll talk about it alone."

Xia Bingbing smell speech, some bad intentions, "elder martial sister sorry."

Zhao Chengfeng also said: "elder martial sister Qingyi, I'm sorry. I'm a little impatient. Don't worry. Next, I'll try not to interrupt."

"Try? Hum... "Qingyi snorted and ignored him, then continued:" normally, the earth world and Chiba world belong to the secondary plane, while the inner gate world belongs to the half plane. "

"Secondary plane? Isn't Chiba the theme plane Although Xia Bingbing wanted not to interrupt in her heart, she couldn't help but interrupt again.

It's not her fault, because Qingyi's answer is really beyond her expectation. Unlike other people present, she has been to Chiba world. She naturally knows how vast Chiba world is, and her spatial level is much higher than that of the earth, not to mention her spiritual power.

I can't imagine that it's just a secondary plane, just like the earth world.

However, the inner world's spiritual power is far higher than that of the earth, and it is only half plane, even lower than that of the earth's world.

"No Qingyi shook his head, this time there is no blame, just plain way: "the level of space, depends on the degree of stability, rather than the size, or spiritual power."

"For example, the inner spiritual power of potian secret place is higher than that of the outside world, but it doesn't mean that it has a higher level."

"That is to say, space also has life?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Green clothes sneered at him one eye, "this kind of question also needs to ask? This is inevitable. Even the universe itself is not immortal, let alone the space in the universe. "

Zhao Chengfeng's rare old face was a little red. He feel shy. He really asked a nonsense.

"Hum." Green dress is a sneer again, "OK, I take back the words in front."

"Although normally speaking, the earth world belongs to the secondary plane, and the spiritual power level in space is not necessarily related to the spatial level, there are a few records about the earth world in Chiba world."

"According to those records, the world of the earth was indeed a holy land of cultivation comparable to the world of Chiba. It also had a developed civilization of martial arts and magic. This can be seen from the inner world, because today's inner world is actually one of the remnants of the earth's super ancient civilization... "

"One of the remnants?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help asking: "is there the same existence as the inner world? What kind of existence are they? "

Zhao Chengfeng was a little nervous. "An inner world is already very bad. If there is one more thing, it's too good. Is the human beings in the earth still alive?"

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