"I don't know. The inner gate world is connected with Chiba world, so I know something about it. But not every half plane is connected with Chiba world, so I don't know about it. But it must have been there. Now, it may be scattered. After all, no one can guarantee how long the half plane can exist."

"Of course, it is also possible that they still exist, or go to a higher level of plane space, no one knows."

Qingyi shakes her head. There seems to be sadness passing between her eyebrows. I don't know if she thinks of Qinglian gate.

Zhao Chengfeng and others were also silent for a moment, digesting the knowledge they heard.

I didn't expect the universe to be so complicated.

"Well, elder martial sister Qingyi, if the inner world is about to dry up, what do you think they will do, or how can they change the status quo?"

Zhao Chengfeng asked solemnly.

"Do you want to ask, will they choose to invade the earth or enter Chiba world?" Qingyi didn't stare at him this time, but with a smile. But with this smile, Zhao Chengfeng always felt that he was joking.

But Zhao Chengfeng still nodded, "yes, which choice do you think is more likely for them?"

"I can't answer you this question because it's not them, but if it's me, I will choose to enter Chiba world. Because of the current environment of the earth world, they are waiting to die when they come in, otherwise why did they have to go back then? "

"Is it?" Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, but he felt that things might not develop like this.

"Of course, entering Chiba world is almost like seeking death for them, because it is a world that is even more cruel than you think. That's the real law of the jungle. The winner is king

"Even in your world, foreigners will be excluded. You can imagine that the world of the jungle will not allow a group of foreigners to fight for resources in their own territory." Green clothes sneer a way.

Zhao Chengfeng and others can't help sinking in their hearts. They can't imagine how cruel the world is, but what they can imagine is that if the inner world really invades the earth, then people in the earth world will survive in such a world even if they are not wiped out.

It may also exist as an absolute weak person.

"No, we can't make things like that." Zhao Chengfeng and others have secret ways in their hearts.

Moreover, people who depend on the inner world must not choose to enter the Chiba world.

Although the current situation, it seems that people in the inner world are unlikely to invade the earth, because there is no spiritual power on the earth.

But what if

"By the way, elder martial sister Qingyi, do you think there is a way to change the current environment of the earth and let Lingli reappear?" Zhao Chengfeng's mind suddenly flashed, thinking of a possibility.

Shangguan Yan'er, Xia Bingbing and others are shocked by his idea, and then look at Qingyi together.

The latter also froze, after a long time just hesitated way: "this, impossible."

Then he shook his head, "no, it's impossible. If they could do it in those years, they would be much stronger then. Why wait until now?"

"Impossible?" Zhao Chengfeng whispered, but there was a very bad feeling in his heart. Is it really impossible? No, I'm afraid it's very possible.

They couldn't do it back then, but have they spent so many years in vain?

"No, I can't work with these aristocratic families. I have to cut off the mess quickly. After I get rid of it, I have to find out what the people in the inner world are planning as soon as possible, and I have to stop it."

Although it may be beneficial for him to recover his spiritual power in the earth world, because he is also a cultivator. If he is in a place with strong spiritual power, he may achieve many times higher than now.

But the earth world can be without martial arts, but it can not be without civilization.

The efforts of mankind for thousands of years must not be destroyed.

Today's earth world is always bad, and there is no real equality for human beings.

But there is still a relative order.

Even the existence of the guwu family has to be dormant.

He is such a master himself. If he really wants to do something illegal, he has to look forward and backward.

On the surface, it is a kind of bondage to himself. But the people around him are a kind of protection.

If you really live in a place like Chiba world, how can you guarantee the safety of people around you, such as Chen Shuxian, Beibei and Tian xiner, who have no force.

"Elder martial sister, I have another question. Is there anything else in the inner world besides guwu, such as how they set up the space channel? Isn't that what force alone can do? " Zhao Chengfeng asked again, he is eager to understand the knowledge of the inner world.

As a soldier, he knew that only when he knew himself and his enemy could he win a hundred battles.

"This is of course. Generally, a low-level space such as the hemiplane is purely dependent on human power, and the warrior in the innate realm may tear it up. Unfortunately, such forced tearing is unstable and can only exist for a short time. There must be auxiliary means to establish a stable channel."

"But I don't know about the inner world. I just say Chiba world. Besides martial arts, Chiba world has several important civilization foundations."

They are: Qimen, dunjia, alchemy, pharmacy, jiejie and magic. There is a formula in Chiba world, which is called "Qimen is the array, dunjia is the soldier, alchemy is boundless, medicine is inorganic, the boundary is not broken, magic method is not destroyed."

"Among them, Qimen is an array. The meaning is very simple, that is to say, Qimen is mainly an array, while dunjia is a soldier. It means that dunjia is mainly a soldier's puppet. And alchemy is the most complicated, almost equivalent to the technology of your world, so it is called boundless, which means there is no boundary. "

"The pharmaceutical industry is also broad and profound. It can almost kill the dead, help others to cultivate themselves, and even kill people. It's really a coincidence. So it's called pharmaceutical inorganic. "

"Border crossing is the strongest defense way. Of course, it's not only defense, but also can change the world. But the most common and powerful place is defense, so it's named unbreakable."

"Illusory method is called speculation. It is a kind of illusory art, but when it is powerful, it can illusory virtual reality, illusory death for life, and immortal."

"If we open up space passageways in Chiba world, the most common ones are jiejie and Qimen."

This time, no one interrupted her.

At the end of the day, there was a trace of nostalgia on her face, as if she was homesick.

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, "boy, if you really want to be worthy of my younger martial sister, I advise you not to live on this earth. Although it's peaceful here, it's not a place for men to make contributions. If you don't go out, you'll never know how wonderful the outside world is. "

When she said that, Xia Bingbing frowned and said with a smile: "little younger martial sister, I know you don't like me to take care of your private affairs, and I also decided to ignore it. However, isn't it really good for him to have some words from little younger martial sister?"

Xia Bingbing was in a trance.

I feel that today's elder martial sister is a little different. For example, she would not have advised Zhao Chengfeng to go to Chiba world before.

Then he nodded and said, "elder martial sister, I will consider your words, but I respect the choice of Chengfeng."

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