After a long time, they rolled their eyes. They didn't even want to talk. They turned around and went to the side.

In the heart actually secretly scolds, "detains, detains your younger sister, grandmother's, has been engaged in for a long time is a neuropathy!"

"Well, these days people always want to get rich, but opportunities are just around the corner, but they don't see them. Brother Feng, it's rare for me to look after them and give them inside information. I don't believe it. " Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and sighed.

The black man on the other side had a keen ear. He could hear all the people's words, including Zhao Chengfeng's sigh, but he didn't take them seriously. He just chuckled and said, "if someone believes your lies, there will be ghosts. If it's the two girls next to you, it's possible to challenge one of them. "

This person said once again looked at Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing, the color of fear in his eyes flashed, then his eyes turned and fell on Zhao Chengfeng, a sneer, "hum ~ you, ha ha ~!"

The man shook his head and ignored Zhao Chengfeng. Instead, he looked at the challenge arena.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. What's wrong with this man? When people talk to him, he likes to reply, but he just likes to pick on others.

But before he spoke, green clothes beside him gave a cold hum, "hum, summer insects don't know ice and snow."

Black skin man heard that someone had compared him with Xia Chong. He frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at the green clothes, and his look was awe inspiring.

"I didn't notice just now. This woman has a good temperament. Is she also a master?" The black man was surprised and felt it carefully, but

"Well?" The black skin man frowned again and said in his heart: "strange, this woman's temperament and manner is a master, but she can't feel the fluctuation of Qi and blood. It seems that she is just an ordinary person."

"Yes, it should be the lady of a wealthy family. This kind of momentum should be formed by staying in the upper position for a long time." Thinking of this, the black man smiles, shakes his head and says with a smile: "summer insects don't speak ice and snow? Ha ha, that's all. Summer insects are summer insects. What do you know about martial arts? I'll tell you something. "

Zhao Chengfeng was startled and saw the willow eyebrows in green standing up. But the next second, he seemed to bear it again and didn't start. Then he took a long breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at the black man.

Heart way: "good fellow, you this is to kill, his mother to kill to open the door, kill home.". Fortunately, this aunt seems to have learned some rules of the earth recently. She knows that she can't kill people casually, otherwise, hehe ~ "

However, the black man over there didn't know that he had been in the gate of hell. If he hadn't caught up with black and white impermanence's holiday, he would have been working in hell now. He also put his chin up and pulled it like twenty-five or eighty thousand.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help shaking his head with a bitter smile. "Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness."

The twelve members of the aristocratic family have already entered the challenge arena. One of them is song Ke of the Song family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, from today on, twelve of us are here to set up a challenge arena. We welcome experts from all sides to come and give advice. If anyone can beat any of us, needless to say, you can take away a box of gold." Song Ke stood in front of the stage and held his hand high.

Then he pointed to the boxes of gold again, which led to another slight disturbance under the stage, and many people were swallowing.

All of a sudden, a man jumped out of the audience and yelled, "I'll come. I'll come. Damn it, people die for money and birds die for food. Today I'll see how powerful this so-called Wulin expert is."

While talking, the crowd saw a young man with tattoos all over his body, carrying a watermelon knife, rushing to the challenge arena.

At first glance, this person's posture is that he is a shrewd person who often works in the market. This kind of person is used to fighting. Although he has no tricks, he is usually superstitious in a saying: "no matter how good his kung fu is, he is afraid of kitchen knives. What ancient martial arts master? Fart, it's almost the same to scare those good men and women. It's almost the same to scare Laozi. Hehe, grandma's grandma. You're so close to me! "

"Just you, girl, it's not me bullying women, it's where you shouldn't have come!" As soon as he came to power, he was good at pointing at one of the twelve women, and the petite one of the two.

Everyone under the stage to see this "Huo" a coax, really someone knows this naughty.

"Zhang San, you are really the one who lost us Lin Shan men. You even challenge a girl on the stage. Can NIMA be a little promising?" Some of them laughed.

Other people hear the sound is also a kind of coax.

Zhang San is nothing. He's been on the street all the year round. He hasn't done anything shameless. Do you still care about his face? Smell speech not only don't feel ashamed, but toward the stage bah out a thick phlegm, "Ha bah, you these grandsons also special have no face to say, man, I dare to come up, you special dare?"

"What's the matter with challenging a girl? She's also a master. What's the matter, sister? Is that right? Of course, if you're afraid, you'll just give up. Brother gold will take it away and leave it to you later. Let's have a chat! " The second half of his sentence is to his challenger.

All the onlookers could not help showing their contempt.

Even Zhao Chengfeng and others can't help shaking their heads, but others don't notice that Zhao Chengfeng and others can clearly feel the petite aristocratic woman, whose eyes have been filled with murderous spirit.

She didn't say anything about her words. She walked slowly out of the ranks. Every step she took made her eyes cold. When she came to the opposite side of her, she felt something wrong with her. She couldn't tell why, but she only felt numb on her scalp. She felt a little nervous in her heart, but it was too late to say anything at this time.

"Do you use a blade?" The woman asked. At the same time, she had a three inch long dagger in her hand.

That splashed the subcutaneous consciousness to see the dagger in the other hand, and then look at the watermelon knife in his own hand, a contrast felt that his this long too much, suddenly a little more confident.

A twist neck, "well, what's the matter, didn't say not to use!"

"No ~!" The woman said again.

I'm going to do it.

At this time, there were two voices at the same time: "wait a minute!"

It's song Ke and song's challenge arena.

"Elder martial sister Ouyang, wait a minute." Cried song Ke.

Then he took a disgusted look at the rascal. It wasn't because he was a rascal, but he managed to stand up and try to force him back, but he was destroyed by the bastard.

He's a junior of the Song family and the initiator of this challenge arena. As a result, he's cooled down before he has finished his words. How can he not be angry.

So he looked at the shrewd Zhang San, but his eyes were more gloomy than the woman's, but he was afraid of the way's demeanor, and he still forced his anger: "my friend, are you sure you want to challenge elder martial sister Ouyang?"

"Who is your friend?" After this slow down, Zhang San got up again. Seeing song Ke talking, he thought that the guwu family was afraid and wanted to frighten him down.

He turned his eyes and said, "why don't you challenge me when you talk so much nonsense? Why don't you say you can't challenge her? Hey, hey, I said, it's not true. You're the guwu family. You can't keep your word. She's your elder martial sister, not Laozi's elder martial sister. "

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