Song Ke was so angry that he said: "good, good advice is hard to be a damned ghost."

Immediately a sneer, anyway, there is no chance to force, so no longer say, hand a move, next to a special etiquette lady, has been holding two pallets came up, put a document.

There was also a fat man with glasses, who came up behind the two etiquette ladies.

"These are two exemption agreements, the so-called documents of life and death, which have been notarized by the relevant legal departments and have legal effect. Once the two parties sign the agreement voluntarily, they will not bear any legal responsibility for any death or injury in the course of the competition." When he came to the stage, the fat man with glasses pushed his glasses. It was very stylized.

"In that case, sign it. Elder martial sister Ouyang, you can sign one, too." Song Ke pointed to the two books in the tray.

The woman didn't say a word. After they finished speaking, she had already picked up the pen and signed her name on one of them.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman in surprise. Next to her, Shangguan Yan'er sneered, "what's the matter? What's the matter with you when you see the beauty?"

"What nonsense, am I such a person? Besides, with you and Bingbing and elder martial sister Qingyi, does she mean to be a beauty? " Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "I'm just thinking that this woman is called Ouyang elder martial sister. Is she from Ouyang family? She looks better than Ouyang tiger and Ouyang dragon, so it's a bit strange."

Shangguan Yan'er is skeptical of what he said in front of her, but she is basically satisfied with the answer. She just gives him a white eye, "you are considerate, even elder martial sister Qingyi has not forgotten."

Green dress originally didn't care, hear Shangguan Yan son this words, but cold stare Zhao Chengfeng one eye.

Zhao Chengfeng was depressed in his heart. "What's the matter? I'm praising you."

Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing are amused to see this.

Shangguan Yan'er then said: "it's not easy for a family to accumulate for thousands of years, but many things have been hidden as the inside information before, and even the talents of the younger generation may not be exposed. You see, none of these twelve people is below the middle stage of Lingwu. If Bingbing and I want to go up, we dare not say 100% victory to any one of them. "


"Well, sign it." Looking at the disclaimer in the tray, Zhang San hesitated for a moment. He immediately gritted his teeth and took up a pen to write his name.

The two also each pressed their fingerprints on their own disclaimer.

"Well, is that all right?" As soon as he lost his pen, he laughed. He took a watermelon knife in his hand and looked at the woman of Ouyang family fiercely. A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Heart way: "young girl, the man for gold, said to have to work hard."

The fat lawyer took a look at the document, nodded to song Ke and said that there was no problem. Then, with song Ke's signal, he went down the challenge arena with two etiquette ladies.

Song Ke himself took a look at Zhang San, snorted and sneered. Together with other people, he left the challenge arena for a while and sat down in the seat specially prepared for them.

Although he was a little resentful of Zhang San's disturbing him, he was already a dead man in his eyes, and master song Ke was too lazy to bother with him.

"I'd like to remind you that your fists and feet are blind and your swords are merciless. Now that you have entered the challenge arena and signed the letter of life and death, life and death will be settled. However, the purpose of our guwu aristocratic family's setting up the challenge arena this time is just to rectify the name of the aristocratic family, so please show mercy to your subordinates and try not to really see life and death!"

The challenge arena host of the Song family stood up and said at this time.

But when he said this, he gave ouyangqing a look in his eyes and quietly cut his throat. Then he looked at the shrewd Zhang San with a smile, and sneered in his heart, "since you want money, you don't want to die, so leave your life, or you'll make the world think that all the ghosts and ghosts can come to my guwu family's territory."

The shrewd Zhang San didn't know it. He thought it was these guwu aristocratic families that really made him show mercy. He couldn't help sneering in his heart. "What a shitty guwu aristocratic family! As expected, those old people who play Tai Chi in the park are just like those old people. In fact, they are not only like goods, but also challenge arena and life and death documents. In the end, they are not counsellors."

But he said with a smile: "it's a matter of course to be merciful. My third brother Zhang is a pity. I'm not willing to cut him down for such a beautiful little sister."

"It's just that you've said that if you can't stop it, it's not my fault. So, little sister, I advise you to admit defeat. It's gold. It's not good. Third brother, I'll take some losses and plunge in the door. It's also fat water that doesn't flow out of the field ~!"

It's a good idea when the goods arrive. Not only do you want gold, but also people want it. Besides, you're looking at another woman and wondering if you'll challenge another one later.

But his voice is still settled, suddenly feel a shadow flash, a petite figure has arrived in front of the body.

"Trenching ~!" Splash skin Zhang San was startled, exclaimed: "did not shout to start, this starts!"

While shouting, he picked up the watermelon knife and slashed forward. But when he saw the figure in front of him, he slashed at the empty place. At the same time, he felt a chill on his arm, and then a pain came from his heart.

"Ah ~!" With a scream, Zhang San turned his head and saw a deep visible bone scar on his arm. The blood spattered out, and his whole arm was dyed red in an instant.

And at this time, he heard the song's host smilingly say two words, "start!"

"Fuck NIMA, now it's starting to work?" Zhang sangqi scolded, but the Song family's host ignored him at all. After that, he began to turn around and walk to one side, not like a referee, but like a nearby theater.

At this time, Pipi Zhang San also understood that this arena is really bloody, and there is only one rule, that is, there is no rule at all.

But it was too late for him to understand the rule, because at this time, he was stabbed in the other arm and thigh, and his blood was dripping.

However, this guy is used to hanging out on the street. At this time, he provoked a fierce voice and yelled, "Stinky bitch, come back, I'll kill you!"

In his hand, he waved the watermelon knife again. This time, he remembered the previous lesson. Instead of straight cutting, he turned it into horizontal cutting.

I didn't care if I didn't cut it. I directly hit back with another knife. I thought to myself, "if I beat my teacher Fu with a random fist, I can't believe I can't see you. You're a little girl. Where have you seen blood? I'm thick skinned. I can't die if I hit you. You're finished if I cut you."

Don't say, this guy's bravery. If he fights in the street, he will not be his opponent. Even those who are stronger than him will be scared by his bravery.

Unfortunately, today he really came to the wrong place and picked the wrong person.

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