No matter how he cuts, his opponent is not the one he used to know. His small body looks unhappy, but he walks like a butterfly in the light of a knife.

Don't say cut, even the corner of the clothes can't touch, even let the other party's step slightly disordered can't do.

On the contrary, there were more than a dozen wounds on his body in the twinkling of an eye.

These wounds are deep and shallow, but all are not fatal, but the blood can't stop flowing down. In a moment, splashy Zhang San was covered with blood, and even had several more wounds on his face.

Slowly, he was afraid. No matter how brave he was, no matter how desperate he was, he was an individual. If he was cut, he would not be afraid.

But no matter how he cut, the other side just like a virtual shadow, how to cut all can't see, the face has never the slightest expression, just indifferent looking at him, a knife in his body left a wound.

At this meeting, even if he is an idiot, he knows a truth: "no matter how high his kung fu is, he's afraid of kitchen knives, and he's afraid of beating his teacher Fu with fists. It's all deceiving."

Damn, I can't even cut a watermelon knife, let alone a kitchen knife.

Of course, what scares him most is the indifferent eyes of the other party, which are totally indifferent. A kind of indifference that does not regard him as life at all.

Zhang San also has a life in his own hands, which is also called "killing without blinking". But now he knows that the so-called "killing without blinking" is a kind of exaggeration in his description, and it is the real realism in this woman.

Because this woman doesn't take human life for human life at all.

Not only him, but also the onlookers under the stage have been silenced. This kind of battle has too strong impact on most of them.

At the beginning, most people thought that the so-called challenge arena, at most, was similar to the fighting competition on TV. They said that they were conceited of life and death, but most of them were beaten as pigs at most.

But looking at it, they began to feel wrong.

"It's really killing people, and it's sadistic killing!" Many people with children quickly cover their eyes and want to leave, but for some reason, there seems to be a special kind of magic in this battle, which frightens their mind and makes them unable to move.

In the crowd, Zhao Chengfeng and others also frowned slightly, "do these ancient martial families intend to announce their existence in this way?"

"Good guy, I underestimate these guwu families?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered in his heart.

He is very clear about the impact of today's challenge arena on ordinary people once it is spread through the media and the Internet.

"Are these aristocratic families no longer afraid of government intervention?"

But that's just right. I don't have to worry about it.

At this time, the stage of the shrewd Zhang San finally can not help the fear in the heart, open mouth will admit defeat, "I recognize..."

A word "lose" didn't have time to say it. A knife flashed, but it was slipping through the middle of his mouth, and the cheeks on both sides were instantly opened.

The words behind instantly turned into a howl, and the watermelon knife fell to the ground.

Poupi Zhang San covers his face with his hands, and the blood rushes along his fingers. He subconsciously wants to squat down.

But at this time, has been like wearing a butterfly general Ouyang Qing, cold standing in front of him, looking down at him.

The shrewd Zhang San subconsciously raised his head and looked at the woman he thought he could bully. Then he felt that his throat was cold. A cold knife cut his throat in an instant, and the blood shot

"Ah ~!" The audience also screamed.

"I killed someone. I really killed someone!" Everyone couldn't help showing a look of horror. Even the surrounding media are stunned, do not know how to do?

It should be a farce that they expected to report for duty. Why did they kill people in the first place.

"What about the police? Nobody's in charge?" People subconsciously think of the police.

But Zhao Chengfeng and others clearly know that the police won't come. This is Linshan City, the territory of the Song family, and the challenge arena was jointly set up by 12 ancient martial families.

This is also the first time that the guwu family has made an official appearance in front of the world. How can we not settle it easily? If we can't even make sure of this, then the guwu family is not the guwu family.

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng feels vaguely that the Chinese government seems to have realized that the world may change greatly, and he is afraid that he plans to let the ordinary people see something in advance.

And the guwu family was inspired by themselves to take the initiative to jump out, which undoubtedly became such an opportunity.

"Too much!" The black skin man suddenly said in the crowd, but he was just about to speak when an old man stood up in the VIP seat above the challenge arena, slapped the table and drank, "Ouyang's little girl, how dare you

"Grandfather song!" Ouyang Qing bent down to salute.

"Just now that boy clearly planned to give up, why do you want to kill?" The old man demanded harshly.

It can be said that he asked everyone's voice, and they all nodded subconsciously: "yes, although that guy is not a good thing, although he said he owes the disclaimer, it's not your guwu family's saying that he is merciful. That family is going to admit defeat, and you still cut their mouths off and kill them, Isn't that cruel? "

"I can't see that a little girl, who is very beautiful, is so poisonous!"

Just when everyone thought that the old man of the Song family wanted to do justice, he heard the old man snort again, "I also know that this man is not a good man. I have spoken a lot of humiliation to you before. You have resentment in your heart, and you can be forgiven. Just this time, it's not the same!"

After that, he said to the other eleven people: "listen carefully. Although you are conceited of life and death in the challenge arena, remember not to be a killer. You have to forgive others. Otherwise, what do people think of our guwu family?"

Ouyangqing and the eleven stood up and bowed to promise, "yes, we must remember."

"Well, good." The old man nodded and seemed to be very satisfied with the attitude of the people. He sat down again and immediately thought of something. He added: "we must deal with the dead and injured properly. Although we are not responsible in law, we can't ignore in morality."

The middle-aged man of the Song family, who was in charge of the challenge arena, quickly agreed: "yes, ancestor, we will deal with the affairs of the dead and injured properly. We will never let anyone say that we are not good at our family."

He said, his eyes swept the crowd, then waved his hand and said: "come on, clean up, the challenge arena continues, anyone else want to challenge?"

The crowd was stunned, "is this over?"

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