"Bet, what bet?" Asked the shadow, frowning.

"Look what you ask. What else can people of our status bet? Of course, it's money." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Poof!" The shadow almost didn't come out. It's money after a long time. What's your status. But he doesn't care. As a killer, he doesn't have the vulgar idea of talking about money. Being a killer is for money.

He immediately sneered and nodded: "yes, although it's a bit cheaper to bet with people like you, I won't refuse if you want to give me money. How much do you bet?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard that this guy was so easy to talk, he could not help but have a great affection for this shadow brother.

Just now, he was negotiating with Xia Bingbing and others to make a good dent in the Song family's business. However, when he asked, he didn't have much cash on hand. Although it wasn't too little, he always felt that it was not enough.

Since this guy is called the third in the list of Chinese killers, he should have a lot of money. Moreover, this kind of killer's money must be cash, and there is no problem that he can't turn over.

As soon as he was happy, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about shadow brother's attitude at all. When he heard shadow ask how much to gamble, he immediately grinned and rubbed his hands, and said shyly: "well, because recently he's a little short of money and cash can't be turned around. So, how about 100 million? Of course, it's mi Jin."

"Ha?" The shadow listened to the front part, and the color of disdain on his face became more intense. But Zhao Chengfeng said that 100 million yuan was returned to MI Jin, and his chin fell down.

Then the old man turned black. "NIMA, nerve, there are 100 million meters of money at random. You think it's a TV play or a novel. Every killer is rich. If you are rich enough to be a killer, are you brain disabled or am I brain disabled? "

Shadow really can't help it. The sincerity of the goods is playing with me.

"You have no money?" Zhao Chengfeng was disappointed, but with the hope of just in case, he asked, "how many do you have?"

Seeing his disappointed expression, the shadow could not help gnashing his teeth, but forced his way: "killers also have to eat and spend, so most of my money is real estate. I can take out about one or two million in cash, mikin."

This time it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn to be surprised, "is that the only thing?"

One or two million. Even if it's rice, it's useless.

In the heart disappoints that needless to say, originally thought is a fat sheep, does for a long time is a pauper.

Not only him, but also Huisheng, Shangguan Yan'er and others look at the shadow with disbelief.

"I didn't expect such a famous killer to be so poor. It's totally different from the legend."

"Sure enough, the legend is not credible."

"Chengfeng, forget it. The legend is full of lies. He can't be your fat sheep. But then again, if you are a killer, you may not be able to come back one day. "

The shadow was almost crying when these people saw it.

One or two million is a lot, OK? That's mikin.

When one or two million meter gold should be despised as money.

"What's a killer? I can't be a killer all my life if I don't have real estate. Do you have some accumulation?" The shadow said with a bitter smile.

"So it is. He plans to learn it well."

"That's understandable, and it makes sense. Who wants to be a killer all his life?"

"Forget about Chengfeng. Don't pit people. It's not easy. It's pathetic."

A few people you a word I a language, hear the shadow want to cry without tears.

But listen to Zhao Chengfeng suddenly very sincerely said to him: "I'm sorry, brother shadow, I don't understand the living condition of your business, I didn't expect it to be so hard, also, you have to go this way, you must have experienced a very miserable past. Forget it, let's stop gambling. You can save that money. When you go ashore in the future, you can make a living by doing some small business. "

"Yes, brother shadow, you don't mind. Money will be used more if you have it, and less if you don't have it. How can you live a life?"

"It's not. As the saying goes, a thousand hectares of buildings, but one seat to sleep, hundreds of millions of gold and jade, but three meals to eat, three thousand weak water, but one ladle to drink. Why do you want so much money? "

Huisheng and others also followed the words of comfort, these words are good words, but listen to the shadow in the ear how all feel strange.

How can I feel that they are persuading a beggar who is about to starve to death? Do I really need to be pitied?

All of a sudden, the shadow moved in his heart and felt that something was wrong. Then he heard several other people saying, "don't bet, don't bet."

Shadow heart suddenly a bright, suddenly understand over, the feelings of the original is this stubble.

"Stop, what do you mean no gambling! Bet, and bet As soon as the shadow raised his hand, he stopped a few people from saying. Then he swept his eyes and said with a sneer, "don't say anything. I'm not easy. I don't have much money, but I'm willing to go out. Life doesn't bring it, death doesn't bring it. "

"Ha?" Everyone was stunned. What's the matter? How can this guy say all his good words? He's still excited.

"Brother shadow, don't be impulsive. Chengfeng just intended to pit you. Don't listen to him or gamble." Xia Bingbing is kind-hearted, can't bear to see this guy die, good advice.

But she didn't say it was OK. She said it deepened the shadow's confidence and waved her hand: "mm-hmm, it doesn't matter. There's nothing wrong with it. I'm willing to admit defeat."

Then he added: "I don't have 100 million meters of gold, but all the cash and real estate I have in my hand are almost tens of thousands. If it's not enough, I'll put this person down. If I lose, I'll work for you for the rest of my life. I don't want any money. I believe it's worth some money with my real strength?"

People were stunned. How could anyone go to the pole and let others pit them? And they even pit themselves for the rest of their lives. Isn't that death?

"You, why are you doing this?" Zhao Chengfeng was speechless for a while.

You are a killer. Can you calm down? How can you survive such an impulse?

But the more he was like this, the more shadow felt that he had guessed correctly. These guys were deliberately playing with themselves.

Immediately interrupted him with a wave of his hand, sneered: "you don't care, you can't bet on gambling, you don't bet on gambling?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Chengfeng and other people's faces became cold, "OK, good advice is hard to be damned. It's rare for brother Feng to be soft hearted. He's not willing to

"In that case, bet on the amount of cash in your hand. Don't worry about postpartum half life." Zhao Chengfeng.

To tell you the truth, he doesn't think much of shadow.

There is no shortage of talents of this level around him, and they are all close people around him, who can be assured and vigorously cultivated. One more shadow can not change the overall situation, but it is a little chicken ribs.

If you really win, you won't give him a cent. Do you want to cultivate him? If you want to cultivate him, you need resources. If you don't cultivate him, you don't have any motivation. Can he work hard?

What's the use of waiting to die.

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