However, the shadow didn't know what he thought. He sneered in his heart, but waved his hand on his face and said in a righteous way: "mm-hmm, how can we do that? It's hard to catch up with a word from the eldest husband. If you say you bet everything, you bet everything. But then again, you say you have 100 million, and I don't see it. If I lose everything, I won't mention it. You'll never blink if you let me die. "

"If you lose..." shadow hey ran a smile, "I don't want you a hundred million, thirty million, not much, can you let some first see?"

"Are you sure you want to watch and gamble?" Zhao Chengfeng is also a little tired of crooked, squinting to confirm.

Yes, at the beginning, I really planned to pit you, but what happened to you? Who let you have no vision, no insight, but also opinionated, pretending to force, pit you is to let you grow insight.

Moreover, I have already explained that you are pitiful. You are not finished.

I'll give you another chance. You're not going forward or backward, ha ha

Shadow completely did not notice the evil spirit in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, smell a pick eyebrows, "of course, to see, to bet!"

"Ha ha, that's OK. Let's do it. Kill or bury." Zhao Chengfeng smiles in his heart, and then says to Xia Bingbing, "show him!"

Xia Bingbing hesitated for a while, finally with a bitter smile, took out his mobile phone, opened the account page of a Swiss bank, and handed it to the shadow, "why do you need it?"

"Hum." Shadow don't know Xia Bingbing is really sympathizing with him, think she is love money, proud of the hum a, eyes a Piao, the face showed a trace of accident color.

"I didn't expect that there was 100 million meters of cash on hand at any time."

He thought that Zhao Chengfeng was playing with him on purpose just now. Of course, he didn't think that Zhao Chengfeng could really put out 100 million meters of cash.

Although Zhao Chengfeng may have some background and some assets, there are so many people in the world with a wealth of more than 100 million meters of gold, but few of them can take out so much cash at any time.

Even if the total assets exceed this number several times or dozens of times, they may not be able to come out at any time.

"Is this guy serious just now? Is he really going to gamble with 100 million meters? This is also..."

In fact, it's not 100 million, it's 100 million in zero, and only a fraction of it is more than all his possessions.

The shadow suddenly feels a little empty, but it's too late to retreat at this time.

"Well, do you still need to confirm?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

Shadow old face slightly a red, shake head, "need not."

He is at least a top figure in the killer world. He still has some basic knowledge. He also knows about all the major banks. The bank account Xia Bingbing used is just within the scope of his knowledge.

So, just at a glance, he can be sure that Xia Bingbing's page is not faked at all.

It is also true that the information above and itself are genuine.

"In that case, no problem?" Zhao Chengfeng asked jokingly.

"No problem." Shadow a bite teeth, then also took out the mobile phone, seems to be intended to announce their account amount, but Zhao Chengfeng but a wave of hands, "no, this little money, I believe your character."

Shadow old face once again a red, hide of hum a.

At this time, on the challenge arena, torreson also signed the letter of life and death, and the object of his challenge is not others, it is song Ke.

The lawyer leads the etiquette lady to walk down the challenge arena with the paper. The middle-aged Song family, who is in charge of the challenge arena, asks the two humanitarians, "are you ready?"

"As long as this foreign friend is ready, I have no problem, any time!" Song Ke finally waited for the chance to be in the limelight. He was very excited, but he pretended to be casual.

Opposite him, it's thunder torreson.

Westerners themselves are generally bigger than Easterners, and torreson is absolutely huge even among Westerners. He is about 1.9 meters tall and weighs at least 120 kg. Standing there, he has the posture of a human Titan.

"I'm ready, too," he said in broken Chinese

Then he pointed to song Ke, "you, despise, you will die!"

"Ha ha, thank you for reminding me, but I won't be the one who will die!" Song Ke chuckled and shrugged. He didn't pay attention to torreson's words.

As the elite of the aristocratic family, he naturally doesn't pay much attention to the martial arts outside the aristocratic family. Recently, some of them have learned a lot from a group of young elites in the inner gate, and their accomplishments and combat power have improved by leaps and bounds. Torreson's wild fox Zen is not in his eyes.

However, he was very satisfied with torreson's height and power. "If you beat such a big man, hehe, how can you beat a shrewd woman like ou Yangqing, who is also a foreigner? Maybe you can win honor for your country!"

His casual and contempt, not only torreson felt, the following audience of course also see in the eye.

There were some worried shadows in the crowd. Seeing his appearance, I felt relieved.

"Well, a dandy is a dandy. Although he has some strength, such a slight attitude can't win."

Think of here, he intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Zhao Chengfeng, want to see his face should be very ugly now.

But when he saw it, he could not help but frown. Zhao Chengfeng was not in the stands at all. Instead, he was biting his ears with the woman around him. He didn't know what to say, but was staring at by the woman from time to time.

Feelings of their own entanglement for a long time, the other side did not care.

Hateful in shadow's heart, he could not help biting his teeth slightly. Suddenly, he felt that this guy's expression and song Ke in the challenge arena were similar.

"Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. No wonder he is so optimistic about that dandy. All his feelings are a virtue."

I bet with this kind of person.

"Hum." The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He turned his head and didn't go to see Zhao Chengfeng any more. Otherwise, he felt that he would be angry to death.

"Come on, even if he is a dandy, he is evil, but at least the money is true. If, no, not if, he is sure to win. Then, with the 30 million yuan, I may be able to consider retirement. "

After thinking about this, the shadow felt better. After touching his chin, he thought, "do I want to fight later? There are 30 million meters of gold. If I add a box of gold, I can not only retire, but also buy a manor in a small country in Europe. I can eat and die leisurely in the later half of my life."

If you think about it this way, it seems that it's good to have more such dandies.

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