The more the shadow thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea, and he couldn't help smiling.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a burst of "Oh Hoo" exclamation from the crowd.

Looking up, it turned out that when he was daydreaming, the two people in the challenge arena were already fighting together.

I can see that torreson, who is tall and big, is half enraged by the other side's contempt, and half takes the initiative to attack as soon as he comes up, relying on his own advantage.

He didn't have any fancy either. He just went straight to song Ke's face with a straight fist.

Good torreson. He deserves the reputation of thunder.

This punch is really as powerful as thunder and as fast as lightning. A simple punch makes a sound explosion.


The sound of the air being pumped out was like a thunderbolt. Even people who didn't know anything about martial arts at the scene could not help but lose their voice.

"Great The shadow saw the punch, and all the thoughts in his mind were instantly suppressed.

As a famous killer, he is always conceited that he is not inferior to others, but when he sees torreson's punch, he takes a breath.

He asked himself that if only on the attack speed and strength, he was far behind torreson.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't feel that he is really torreson's opponent, because the battle between victory and defeat is never just about strength and speed.

He's a fighter, not a boxer.

It's just that the expert knows if there is one. Torreson's fist really surprised him.

In particular, a closer look, torreson's punch does not seem to be simple.

"What is that, static electricity? No, it's not static electricity, it's weak electricity. Thunder torreson, actually can control electric energy

Toresen's fist was wrapped with many invisible electric sparks.

Although I've heard about it for a long time, I'm still surprised to see that someone can really make his attack with the power of thunder and lightning.

As a killer, he knows very well that although such current is only weak, it can not increase much damage, but once hit, it will inevitably cause slight paralysis and nerve reaction.

Although it may be very subtle, the battle between masters is only a tiny difference. For a killer, this little bit of paralysis and nerve twitch is enough to kill the other person seven or eight times.

This time, the shadow is really scared.

At the same time, on the challenge arena, song Ke was scared when he saw the punch. His face was no longer as casual as before. Instead, he was flustered and frightened.

In a hurry, he forgot to dodge and retreat. He stretched out a hand at random and planned to block the thundering fist.

Seeing this scene, the audience opened their mouths wide.

Shadow couldn't help laughing bitterly, "this kind of waste was so arrogant just now. When he started, he was even flustered before fighting the enemy!"

Take a hand to block. Are you kidding? Do you think you are the Hulk?

"Ah ~!" Shadow sighed in his heart. He could hardly bear to see it again, because he had already thought that the end of the boy named song Ke must be his whole arm, even his shoulder.

He doesn't think thunder will be soft hearted because of the other party's food. That's impossible. As a killer, he knows very well that there is no word soft hearted in the killer's dictionary.

Because a soft hand means failure and death.

Killers who can survive after several missions have basically forgotten what it's like to be soft handed.

Sure enough, when he looked around, there was no change in the expression of thunder's face, and there was no slowing down of his boxing.



All hands meet.


It's just a slap, and then

Nothing happened.

There was no sound of broken bones, no bloody picture of the bones of the forearm passing through the elbow and then the whole shoulder being broken.

The powerful blow stopped and was caught by a hand that was almost half as small.

As if hit on an invisible iron wall, half an inch can not move forward.

Although the light on the fist was still flickering and making a slight crackle.

But it didn't have any effect either.

A closer look, song Ke's hand seems to be wrapped with a layer of light, it is the light layer will block those electric light outside, completely unable to cause any harm to him.

"Dig a slot, this is to fight against counterfeiting, so fierce a punch, unexpectedly was caught casually?"

"It must be acting. I'm a jerk. Those masters in the park often play it."

"I don't think it's possible. This arena will kill people. Who will take their lives to perform? Moreover, if it's a performance, it's too awesome."

"It's true, it doesn't look like it was played, but I thought that the boy opposite was also beaten up by a group of people, and this result..."

"Hey, you see there seems to be light on his hands. Fuck, special effects? Hi Tech

"Bullshit special effects, this is not a video, is it special? How about the scene?"

"Tell me what's going on?"

"Well, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe that's how Gu Wu Hung himself!"

Listening to the exclamations and exclamations, I felt a blank in my mind.

The dandy named song Ke caught torreson's terrible blow at random. Even he could hardly help thinking that there was something wrong with it.

But reason told him that it was impossible. Torreson just couldn't have come here to help these so-called guwu families make a fake. What's more, he could see whether the punch just now was true or not.

It's just

What the hell is going on?

"Ah ~" suddenly, he heard a helpless sigh from someone nearby. Subconsciously, he turned his head and saw Zhao Chengfeng looking at torreson on the challenge arena with a full face of regret. There was no accident in his expression.

Shadow heart clattered, an idea involuntarily came out: "you know it will be this kind of result, why is this? That dandy doesn't look so strong! "

"Well, it's really better than I expected. It should be because of the people in the inner gate. It seems that the aristocratic family has benefited from them!" Zhao Chengfeng seems to be answering him and muttering to himself.

"What, what inner door, good, you The shadow sounds more cute.

"How are you getting along with this torreson?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned his head and asked him.

"Me?" Shadow originally wanted to ask, what are you talking about? When he suddenly asked, he was stunned. Some of them didn't understand what it meant. Subconsciously, he said, "well, I just heard his name and saw his information. I saw it for the first time today."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Zhao Chengfeng.

What do you mean

"I mean, if you have friendship with him and don't want him to die, you'd better let him admit defeat as soon as possible, otherwise..." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "he will die ~!"

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