"Ah ~!" The shadow screamed, turned to the challenge arena, and saw torreson, who had no expression before, was shocked and couldn't believe it.

On the other side of him, the panic on Song Ke's face has disappeared, replaced by a touch of ridicule and banter.

"Hey, big man of foreign countries, you are too cruel to come up with such a terrible blow. Do you really want to kill people? Do you agree to make friends with martial arts?" Song Ke grabbed torreson's fist with one hand and cried.

If you don't look at the picture and just listen to the voice, do you think this guy is really accusing?

But with the picture and his expression, the feeling became a little strange.

If he had said that before, everyone would have sarcastic, "make friends with martial arts, and you will have a face. Your family has already killed one before, OK?"

But at this time, everyone was shocked by his grasp, and there was no irony in his heart.

As soon as torreson listened to him, he suddenly responded. He quickly pulled his fist and jumped back. Then he felt that it was not enough and stepped back. Then he put his fists in front of his chest and made a defensive posture. His eyes were staring at Song Ke, but his mind was still full of disbelief.

"How can it be, how can it be?"

Most of his will seems to have become a circular player, turning around, only this sentence: "how can it be possible?"

Only the 11 elites of the aristocratic families nearby turned their lips at the same time, and Zhao Chengfeng and others also sneered.

No matter what other elites and Zhao Chengfeng think, song Ke is very satisfied with the reaction of torreson and other audiences. He has a brighter smile on his face and a stronger sense of banter.

Seeing torreson's tense back defense, he didn't rush to attack, instead, he put up his hands to signal torreson not to be nervous.

Then he asked, "well, just now, have you already made up the picture that I was hit by your fist? Now, do you feel disappointed or surprised? Don't be afraid. Don't be nervous. You see, I'm not like you. I want to kill me when I come up, and... "

When song Ke said this, he gave a slight pause, with a cruel and teasing sneer in the corner of his mouth, "... I want to kill you, can you defend me? Why, I don't believe it, OK ~ "

A "OK" exit, others have moved, people only feel eyes, song Ke even directly disappeared in many people's vision.

Of course, he can't really disappear, but his speed is faster than most people's eyes.

At the same time, torreson heard someone shouting in the crowd, "torreson, admit defeat, admit...!"

At the other end of the challenge arena, torreson was surprised that someone called out his name and made him admit defeat.

However, he has no time to think about it. As a killer who has hunted other people's lives for countless times, even in a state of extreme shock, his intuition still exists.

So when song Ke's body moves, he already knows that it is impossible to admit defeat.

At this time, he had only two choices, either to prevent or to die, and there was no third choice.

So his reaction was not to admit defeat, but to retreat again, with a roar in his mouth and another powerful left fist.

In the name of thunder, the best defense is attack.

This is torreson's Creed.

He is also a killer in the name of thunder, the most intuitive instinctive strategy.

Under the challenge arena, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes lit up when he saw his reaction.

Others can't see song Ke's figure clearly, but in his eyes it is.

So he also clearly saw that torreson's retreat, although he certainly didn't see song Ke clearly, gave himself a space to cushion his strength and hit song Ke's attack line accurately.

"It's the thunder killer!" Zhao Chengfeng sighed softly, but then sighed again, "it's a pity ~!"

Torreson's fist was also beyond song Ke's expectation, which forced him to pause slightly. Although it was only a slight pause, he was furious in his heart.

Because it makes his gorgeous and perfect performance and his artistic sadism flawed.

"Ha ha, it's a good reaction. Unfortunately..." Song Ke smiles and bites his teeth.

Then the force was no longer reserved, and it ran forward furiously.

"Click ~!"

A sound of broken bones.

Torreson's fist hit song Ke, but it was his fist that broke, because at that moment, the place he hit was again covered with a layer of water like shimmer, which blocked his fist and shattered his phalanx.

Torreson snorted and wanted to step back again, but it was too late. The next second, song Ke's palm accurately pressed on his heart, but he didn't immediately exert himself. Instead, he looked at torreson licking his lips, joking and saying: "you are too weak!"

To the last word export, palm strength just suddenly vomit.

"Click ~!" There was another sound of fragmentation. Torreson's whole chest was completely concave, his mouth was full of blood, and his huge body flew out, and then he fell down the challenge arena with a bang.

"Ah ~!" Everyone exclaimed, flurried away, and then looked down at torreson on the ground.

I saw that his whole chest was completely sunken, and the blood foam in his mouth was gushing out. Although his eyes were still wide open, he had no spirit, and his eyes could not live.

There was a panic in everyone's heart.

"Another dead one!"

"Is this a contest? Is it a massacre?"

"Just now that rascal said that he was really hateful, but this foreigner just went up for a martial arts contest, and even killed him. Isn't this ancient martial arts family too cruel?"

This thought rose in the hearts of all the people.

Others were sighing.

"Torreson, the thunder killer, has a reputation in the underground world all over the world. He died here in this way."

"Well, who likes to fight in this kind of arena? Let's fight. I'd better fight soy sauce quietly, and I don't want the gold!"

But all of us can't help but have a thought. Isn't it true that these ancient martial families are being blown up on the Internet?

In reality, the aristocratic family is unfathomable, and guwu is really terrible. But this school is not like a good man. Does it take human life seriously?

"Even if you want to prove that your ancient martial arts are genuine, you don't need to be so bloody, do you?"

Many people at the scene couldn't help but have a little bit of resistance to the guwu family.

After all, most of the education in today's earth civilization tells us to cherish life.

In particular, the Chinese people have a saying since ancient times that human life is related to heaven.

The guwu aristocratic family's behavior of regarding human life as a weed is still too shocking for most people who have seen it with their own eyes.

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