"You lost." Zhao Chengfeng took a look at the shadow of some lost souls and said.

The shadow was stunned for a moment, then came back to look at Zhao Chengfeng, but his eyes were still a little blank.

As a killer, he was so lost that we can see the impact in his heart.

Although he was not the one who failed in the war just now, the so-called thing hurts its kind and the rabbit dies.

If torreson is in a fierce battle, and then unfortunately lost, he may not have such a feeling, and even may feel that torreson is useless, if I would never lose.

But torreson's failure just now was a crushing one, which made him feel a little hard to accept.

Because he knows that although he and torreson are not good, who is better or who is weaker, but it should be between Bo Zhong and torreson. Torreson lost so miserably, so he went for nothing.

"But why?" Hearing that Zhao Chengfeng said that he had lost, he forgot to care about it for a moment, and forgot to think about the consequences after losing. Instead, he tangled and asked: "the boy's accomplishments are not as overwhelming as torreson's, let alone his fighting experience and fighting consciousness. I dare say torreson is at least several times better than him. Why would torreson still lose and lose so miserably? "

"There is no gap in cultivation to the point of being overwhelming?" It's also interesting for Zhao Chengfeng to see that this guy is still concerned about this issue even though he has lost his personal freedom. However, to his question, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing, "how do you make sure that there is no overwhelming gap between them?"

"This of course... I..." shadow smell speech subconsciously want to say, this of course is by my intuition and eyes, can say half, but can't go on.

Because if his intuition and eyes are right, torreson won't lose and he won't lose.

But now, torreson lost. He lost his life. He lost all his savings for the rest of his life, even for the rest of his life.

He has always been very confident, and even has some self-confident intuition and observation ability. Suddenly, he feels a little unreliable.

With a smile, Zhao Chengfeng said again, "can you see my accomplishments, as well as the accomplishments of the elder martial sister Qingyi around me?"

Shadow smell speech looked at Zhao Chengfeng and Qingyi, open mouth want to speak, but then smile and shake his head.

Originally, he always thought that Zhao Chengfeng and Qingyi were ordinary people, but now in this situation, he was not sure.

Just now in that battle, toresen was defeated, but his self-confidence was also frustrated.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "that's right. Since you can't see our accomplishments, how can you determine the gap between them. Of course, the fact is similar to what you said. Although their accomplishments are a little different, they are not so different. "

The shadow can't be determined, but Zhao Chengfeng can see that the cultivation of both sides, to be exact, torreson is not weak, but also has the level of Lingwu in the middle stage, and song Ke is the late stage of Lingwu.

It's the same realm of Lingwu. It's a little different. In terms of combat power, it's not insurmountable.

"But the problem is that the difference between them is not only these, but also the realm of Lingwu. However, because of the different levels of cultivation, the strength and total amount of Qi are different. In addition, there are also combat skills. No one of these things can be compared with the elite of these aristocratic families."

In fact, there is another thing he didn't say, that is, the existence of the inner gate has already brought about the influence of those elites of the inner gate.

"With these gaps, plus the gap of cultivation itself, how could torreson win, ah ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng finished with a sigh, some regret in the heart.

Then he patted the shadow's shoulder sympathetically and said, "OK, don't worry about these. Anyway, it doesn't matter to you. What do you care about now? Anyway, you have nothing. Are you still afraid of wearing shoes when you are barefoot?"

When they heard the speech, they could not help laughing.

Are you comforting people?

Shadow is also a wry smile, in the heart secretly belly Fei, "I strangled to go, good fellow, I originally also forced myself not to consider these, you this is forced to remind me."

However, he is also single and has no intention of defaulting. Of course, at this meeting, he can see that Zhao Chengfeng and other people are not simple.

What's the first evil in China? It's pure bullshit. How can this kind of person be just as simple as that.

Even if he wants to default on his debts, he may not be able to. He might as well be single.

Immediately, he said: "don't worry, I'll give you the cash I have. Do you want the real estate deed or cash directly? If you want to turn it into cash, I need some time, myself..."

"Stop!" Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand and interrupted him, saying: "that's OK. What do you want to do? I'll give you a discount!"

"Ha?" Shadow a Leng, some accidents, "you, you don't want me?"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "nonsense, what do I want you to do? I have a wife. I don't stir the base, and even if I stir the base, do you see the little brother around me, who is tender and tender, can I get you?"

"Boss, why do you have nothing to do with me? If you want to say so, my sisters in law will not trust you to be alone with me." Return to the silent Tao.

Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er didn't speak, but the kid was beside, but he said with a smile: "Hey, don't say it, I always feel that you and the boss are a little ambiguous, come back to life, to be honest..."

"Shut up Zhao Chengfeng and Huisheng kick him on the ass at the same time.

"I asked if your brother could stop yelling all the time!" Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er give three brothers a white eye.

Green dress despises lightly hum, "vulgar!"

As soon as the third girl opens her mouth, the kid and Huisheng don't dare to make a sound. Zhao Chengfeng is also a little angry. He touches his nose and smiles.

The shadow next to me looked at these people, how to say, and ran to amuse them. They were saying that my life was a big deal. Please be serious.

"I said Mr. Zhao, and you, I mean seriously. I'm not boasting. I have some strength, and I'm famous in the underground world of China. Now I've lost, and I've decided to admit defeat. Are you sure you want to refuse?"

When Zhao Chengfeng and others heard him speak, they couldn't help looking at each other, then they all gave a bitter smile, "it seems that this guy still doesn't recognize the truth."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "brother shadow, I think what I said is very clear. You are powerful or famous, but are you not good at being a free man? Even if it's just a killer, now you've lost everything, but as long as you don't get trapped in the future, you still have a chance to earn it back in the foreseeable future. Why don't you think about it? "

Several other people also looked at him, as if they were asking, "yes, why don't you think about it?"

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