The shadow in the heart of these people is a grievance.

I can't think of it. No, I really can't. I'm also an expert in Lingwu realm. In the underground world of China, I'm ranked third in the list of killers. Do you think it's Chinese cabbage.

How many powerful forces, the rich and powerful people have to work hard to let me take over their tasks. If I want to say who I want to take refuge in, even what kind of powerful forces, the rich and powerful people will compete to hire me.

Now I don't want anything. I work for you for nothing. I'm still despised. Can I think about it?

However, he was not easy to say what he said. He could only say: "freedom is certainly good. It's just that a man can't eat what he says."

"Ha ha, it's not that you've broken your promise. I don't accept it. So just relax, even if it comes out, it won't pollute your reputation as the third most famous killer in China." Zhao Chengfeng seems to have no idea what he thinks. He laughs.

"Fame, I'm a killer. What kind of reputation do you want? Why on earth don't you accept the question? What's wrong with me? " Shadow is also a corner, and he is not really bent on giving Zhao Chengfeng white work.

Even when I thought that the second half of my life would end like this, I was still a little worried and unwilling. But the problem is that Zhao Chengfeng gave up on him so easily, which made him very unwilling.

I feel that a beautiful woman is concerned and pursued everywhere. Countless men are flocking to her. This beautiful woman is really boring.

But suddenly, a man turned a blind eye to her. Instead of looking at her, the beauty began to be unwilling and even doubted herself.

Why don't you look at me?

The mentality of shadow at this time is similar to this.

But this kind of thought can't be directly publicized in the mouth, can only stubbornly shake his head, "that can't, not you say don't affect don't affect, anyway I can't speak don't calculate words!"

"Er ~" listen to him say so, Shangguan Yan'er and Huisheng and others are not surprised, "this person is not sick? Just now, I told him that the bet was a pit. Forget it, he insisted on it. Now, he said that he would only take half of the gamble, not the rest of his life, and let him be free. He even went on the pole and insisted that he couldn't do it. "

Zhao Chengfeng is also very surprised, "I went, you this person how so greasy crooked, all said, let you free, you are still energetic."

"Forget it, or I won't take any of your money, real estate or anything. Can we take this bet as if we haven't played? I'm afraid of you, OK? "

Even some regret in the heart, "you say I'm fine, why do you have to make a bet with this goods? With millions of rice gold, plus some so-called real estate, I'm so tired of such a crooked guy. I'm not fussy?"

This time it was the shadow's turn to be stunned. After a long time, he couldn't bear to cry: "is there something wrong with you? Do you know who I am? I..."

"You shout a little louder, you tell me, you tell everyone around here, who are you?" Zhao Chengfeng a look at this goods also anxious eye, also hurled oneself to shout, not from sneer way.

His voice is too loud to be heard, and his identity is not suitable for public disclosure.

This reaction, the following words suddenly, subconsciously looked around, and then some embarrassed to continue: "I, my identity you don't know?"

"I don't know." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

"You ~" shadow didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to be so naughty. She said that you said you broke my origin just now. Now you say you don't know. You don't know how you broke my origin?

"Well, anyway, my identity doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm also a master of Lingwu realm." The shadow was choked for a long time, and then some gritted their teeth.

He means, I am such a master, give you white work, why don't you?

"Wow, you are a master?" Of course, Zhao Chengfeng understood what he meant, but pretended not to understand. Instead, he exaggerated.

When he called, people around him immediately noticed. Many people heard that some experts had turned their heads to look at him, because now the challenge arena has been empty for a long time, and no one has challenged him since torreson. The elite disciples of the aristocratic family took turns to fight for all kinds of ridicule and hatred, and the audience felt that they couldn't stop.

At this time, I suddenly heard that there are experts, where can I not look over.

The shadow was seen by people like this, only felt hairy all over.

Wronged to see to Zhao Chengfeng, "big brother, we say our, can not so pit?"

But Zhao Chengfeng was still surprised and said: "what is Lingwu realm? It sounds so tall. You must be very powerful. Go up and challenge!"

People around don't know what Lingwu realm is, but Zhao Chengfeng's words express their feelings. They all say: "what realm is there in guwu, which is like a novel, but it sounds really powerful. Let's go, man. Look at the arrogance of these bullshit aristocratic families. No one in China has said it. It's too irritating."

"Yes, it's true that there are only two people challenging in the challenge arena for a long time. The decent one turns out to be a foreigner and the Huaxia one turns out to be a rascal. Although it's true, aren't they Huaxia people themselves?"

"That's to say, what kind of guwu aristocratic family? Those grandsons on the Internet are so shameless that I would have gone up if I could."

"Great Xia, let's go!"

On the challenge arena, the people of the guwu family also heard the following news. One of the elite members of the family stood up and looked at this side. He said with a smile: "Oh, I didn't expect that there were real experts on the scene. Lingwu realm is good. I'm willing to learn from you!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, another elite of his family stood up and said, "I'm Zhang Yiwu, and I'm willing to learn from my brother."

"In the next song dynasty, although Xiaosheng was a foreign friend before, I am confident that the master is still in China, and I am willing to learn from my brother."

"Ouyang's family, Ouyang Qing, also believes that there are really great men in China. You don't dislike Ouyang Qing as a woman, and you are willing to learn from her."

"Dong family..."

"Chen family..."


One by one, the elites of the aristocratic families stood up one after another to invite them to fight.

The cold sweat came down on the shadow forehead.


Are you kidding? Torreson's been killed with two blows. I'll go up. Okay?

However, if you don't go up, it will be blocked again.

As soon as I looked up, I saw that Zhao Chengfeng and others were looking at me with a smile. Suddenly, I felt ashamed. "What's the name of an expert like me? People don't like me. I don't accept it. What's my qualification?"

Then he gritted his teeth, "well, today is today. I'm a warrior. I'd rather be killed than be shamed to death."

With this in mind, the shadow was in a panic. With a smile and a fist, he was about to speak when he heard someone nearby shouting, "wait!"

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