The shadow is going to let it out. Even if someone blows him to death on stage, he can't be shamed to death.

But as he was about to go on stage, he heard someone next to him cry, "wait a minute!"

Everyone was stunned.

Whoa, wait.

At first glance, the shadow was stunned, because it was Zhao Chengfeng who was not talking to others.

The shadow is not clear, so Zhao Chengfeng laughs: "brother, I suddenly want to discuss something with you!"

People are surprised. They don't know who this young man is. What do you want to discuss? When can't you? At this time, you have to discuss.

Shadow also some don't understand, think Zhao Chengfeng regret, intend to put the previous bet back.

But Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "brother, I want to discuss with you. Can I have a try on this one first? If I can't, how about you? So that people will not say that we kill chickens with ox knives and bully them. "

"Well, you're going up?" Hearing this, the shadow was stunned, and then understood that Zhao Chengfeng was just teasing him, but he didn't really want to run him to death.

But this is an explanation for him.

Instinctively relieved in the heart, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, there was a trace of shame and gratitude.

But subconsciously, I can't help but look at Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing, which means, "are you ok? Shouldn't you be these two? How can I see that these two are the strongest among you?"

But then I remembered Zhao Chengfeng's words, "can you see the accomplishments of me and this elder martial sister in Qingyi?" In my heart, I couldn't help laughing bitterly at myself. "I've made this old mistake again. People have already made it clear. It's obvious that this and that girl in green are the strongest, but they are so strong that they are beyond my understanding."

Ah, it's really summer insects.

Think through this layer, he was a little embarrassed and faltered: "that's OK, I'll leave it to you!"

It's just that he said that in his heart, he really didn't mean well and felt that he was too shameless.

But the people around him didn't know what he thought. He hesitated and hesitated. He thought he doubted that Zhao Chengfeng couldn't do it.

Immediately there were many kind-hearted people, advised: "brother, can you do it, this can not be forced ah, to death."

"Yes, brother. I think you'd better let this expert go directly. I don't think you're very powerful with your strength."

Hearing this, the shadow felt empty in his heart. He was afraid that Zhao Chengfeng would say, "OK, let the master go."

So without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, he said: "no problem, no problem, he can, he can!"

Then he slipped directly into the crowd.

Zhao Chengfeng is really angry and funny. "You know what I'm capable of. I'll do it. You're a dead friend, not a poor one."

However, he said with a smile: "don't worry, though my strength is not as good as that of this expert brother, I have practiced several tricks. In the past years, I went through the streets with my master. I broke a big stone in my chest and locked the gun with an iron monkey. If I met a real expert, it would be a little worse, but if these so-called guwu aristocratic families..."

Zhao Chengfeng, with a smile, then looked at the elite families above the challenge arena. His eyes narrowed slightly and said, "that's still a diamond in hand."

However, the crowd laughed even more bitterly at his remark.

"What's that? Iron Monkey locks the gun, and there's a big stone on the chest. Hey, you're playing tricks. It's OK to fool ordinary people. They're ancient martial arts."

"Don't be too young, brother."

However, after contacting Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, the elite of the aristocratic families in the challenge arena felt a tight heart, as if they were watched by some natural enemy.

There was a panic in my heart.

But when you look at it carefully, you can't see Zhao Chengfeng's true accomplishments and feel any surging Qi and blood, just like the shadow. It seems that he is a slightly stronger ordinary man.

I was surprised.

Then I think about the conversation between this man and the so-called "master brother". This man worships a martial arts practitioner in the realm of wild fox Zen as if he were a God. This kind of person is probably just a rough man who knows how to do tricks.

As for the look just now, it should be just an illusion.

At this time, the crowd, suddenly someone yelled: "Oh, I know this boy, just now he came, said he can hit twelve!"

This shout, immediately someone echoed: "yes, it's him. Just now, the goods said that let's go to charge the plate, saying that he would beat twelve."

All of them were stunned. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, they were all a little strange, "beat twelve, poof, talent, IP man, this is the way."

"There are more cattle than Yewen. Yewen beat ten, but they beat twelve. What's more, IP man's fight is just an ordinary boxer. He's an ancient martial arts master. It's not the same as that. "

"You can pull down, don't satirize, young man, come back quickly, you are so young."

"If you care about it, people will be happy."

"Ah, another life!"

Not only live, but also live on the Internet.

"Damn, there are all kinds of people these days. It's obvious that they will die, but they are still pretending to be forced."

"What do you know? It's called faking life."

"Such people deserve to die!"


All kinds of comments, all people regard Zhao Chengfeng as a psychopath.

Some people feel sorry, some people ridicule, and even curse.

Even the twelve elites, who were suspicious, couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yiwu of Zhang family, a sneer, "frog in the well, clown."

While talking, Zhao Chengfeng has already stepped into the challenge arena. He seems to have never heard of people's ridicule, or seems to have no idea of good or bad. Instead, he laughs and says, "by the way, thank you for the two mass actors' reminding, otherwise I will patronize and forget the business."

Then Xia Bingbing called to the audience: "wife, help me bet, 100 million meters of gold, and I'll single handedly pick up the elite of twelve guwu families."

He said that the noise on the stage and on the Internet was even more fierce.

"I'm a bull force, 100 million meters gold, brother, I'll give you ten thousand points for you

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"A person is a God when he is so wonderful. No, you are my God. Force God!"

Originally, there were some angry elites of the aristocratic family. They all laughed when they heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, "Damn, it's brain damage after working for a long time."

"I'll leave it to you. I'm not interested."

"I don't think so. I've had a fight just now. I can't be in the limelight all the time."

The twelve elites who were still fighting for the limelight lost interest one by one.

They want to be in the limelight, but they don't want to be the other protagonist of a farce.

However, people follow Zhao Chengfeng's eyes to see, but it is a Leng.

At the same time, all the live cameras are aimed at Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan'er.

So on the network also all Leng.

Then there was surprise.

"Ah, these three girls are so beautiful. Can't one of them really be a better wife?"

"How can it be? Do you really believe that he will bet 100 million meters?"

"Fart 100 million meters gold, 100 million essence is almost the same."

But everyone was surprised to find that the three women didn't refute the words of "force God", and one of them actually took out her mobile phone, which seemed to be a real bet.

People were confused.

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