That... Dwarf

The short eyebrows of the middle-aged man of the Song family beat, and his teeth bit with a bang, which was very dangerous.

"How can this bastard talk? Although I'm not tall, I'm not a dwarf, OK?" He took a deep breath and took a hard look at Zhao Chengfeng. Then he forced his anger back. He comforted himself in his heart and said, "forget it, don't worry about him. Anyway, this kind of person will be killed later!"

Then he waved to the lawyer and the two etiquette ladies and said, "take the exemption agreement and let him sign it!"

"But young man, after signing, you can't go back!" Of course, he said the second half of the sentence to Zhao Chengfeng, for fear that Zhao Chengfeng just came up to play a trick. After signing the agreement, he said that I couldn't compete. Although the goods took out a hundred million bet, he didn't say that he was the first villain in China. Although it was hacked out, his style can fully deserve the title. He may not be able to do such a thing. "

In addition, he also said this in order to run, humiliate Zhao Chengfeng, to revenge the "dwarf".

Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng has already stood up, just for the sake of hating these guwu aristocratic families. How can he humiliate them? He rolled his eyes and said, "what so much nonsense, you can't regret after signing? What kind of bullshit agreement do you make when you're a young man and I sign a bargain? Young master, I've been working hard to come up here just to sign a broken agreement with you. What's the matter? "

"You..." the middle-aged man choked and couldn't speak.

"What are you, you? Am I wrong? Young master, I came up to fight your family, not to sign an agreement. " When Zhao Chengfeng saw that he was going to reply, he immediately sneered and said sarcastically: "besides, I regret what you can do to me. I won't fight after I sign. What can you do to me? Do you bite me or bark at me? Don't think you will be great in the year of the dog. "

Zhao Chengfeng said, but also deliberately show a very cheap look, that feeling let everyone look have a kind of "want to hit him ah" impulse.

Not to mention the middle-aged man of the Song family, his angry face turned blue.

"This son of a bitch, why is his mouth so cheap? I just want to say, are you? What is the year of the dog? I'm great. What's the relationship between being great and the year of the dog? " Song's middle-aged Leng hasn't responded for a long time. What's the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words.

A lot of people on the Internet can't help but put out a face covering expression, "I sympathize with this uncle. I'm a jerk. Zhao Chengfeng's mouth is too damaged. He doesn't swear with dirty words at all."

"It's not as simple as not using dirty words. Look at his expression. It's really cheap."

"Ha ha, it's really cheap, but why do I find it so enjoyable?"

"It's very enjoyable, and don't you think it's reasonable?"

"That's right. What's regret after signing? How can you run after signing? There's no rule that you have to fight after signing!"

"I felt very tall before, but now I feel like I'm very short of scolding."

No one paid much attention to it. The wind review on the Internet has gradually turned.

Of course, some people still disagree.

"Hum, no matter how powerful the mouth gun is, what's the use? I'll move my hand later. I'm afraid I'll be dead!"

"I'm not afraid, but I'm sure I'll die. I didn't see enough of the Waiguo experts before. It's OK to force God to pretend to force me to fight? Ha ha, I don't think he's a fighting man. "

"Force God, this is to kill again!"

Although there are some changes in the wind direction on the Internet, no one is optimistic about Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is the number one villain in China. Previously, the Internet only said how he bullied men and women and how lawless, but there was no news about how powerful Zhao Chengfeng was.

Although it was later said that Zhao Chengfeng's background was the guwu family, it must be false now. Otherwise, how could he come to kick the guwu family?

Of course, this is also the reason why Huisheng didn't let the free labor under his control brush posts.

Because before he came to power, Zhao Chengfeng told Huisheng that there was no need to go to the public opinion on the pipe network.

Now it's time to open the dice cup, and public opinion has no effect.

Not only on the Internet, but also in the audience, no one is really optimistic about Zhao Chengfeng.

Although everyone was amazed at this man's sudden bet of 100 million yuan, they were all curious about the origin of this young man who used to watch Internet news before.

But no one thinks that Zhao Chengfeng can really win.

After all, the performances of the elites of the previous aristocratic families had a strong impact on the audience. They felt that they were not ordinary people at all, just like the superheroes in foreign blockbusters or the cultivation masters in online novels.

How can such a person win?

Another thing, Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel like an expert at all.

So everyone secretly thinks that this young man is also afraid of tragedy. What 100 million bets, what challenges the twelve elites are all farce in the end.

But at this time, they subconsciously avoided this idea. When they saw Zhao Chengfeng scolding the middle-aged and aristocratic family of the Song family, they felt very happy. Some people even openly applauded Zhao Chengfeng.

These cheers also made the middle-aged man of the Song family look even worse. He wanted to say something more, but the senior officials in the VIP banquet were impatient.

"OK, song Cheng!" The old man of the Song family gave a cold hum, then jumped over the middle-aged man and said to the fat lawyer and the etiquette lady, "give him the agreement and let him sign it!"

Then he said to the elite of the twelve aristocratic families, "who are you going to get rid of him! No matter who he is, if he dares to challenge our guwu family, he will pay the price! "

The old man's voice is full of hegemony.

With that, he glanced at Zhao Chengfeng coldly. His killing intention in his eyes was undisguised. He obviously hated Zhao Chengfeng, who dared to challenge the authority of his aristocratic family.

Zhao Chengfeng met his eyes, but did not shrink at all. On the contrary, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted, "what you want is your attitude."

At the elite table, the elite of the twelve aristocratic families were not interested in Zhao Chengfeng, because they felt that they had no sense of achievement with such a teaser.

But after hearing the words of the old man of the Song family, everyone's attitude has changed, because Zhao Chengfeng is no longer a brainless teaser, but a person who defies the authority of the aristocratic family.

Song Ke was the first to stand up and said, "I'll do it!"

"No, brother song, you've already had a fight. Let me have it!" Another man said.

With that, he went straight to the challenge arena without waiting for song Ke and others to agree.

Seeing this, song Ke and others were stunned and sat down again.

But these people were slightly surprised, "I didn't expect that GE Qingyun was the most low-key, almost silent, and would fight today!"

"Ha ha, in fact, it's nothing to be surprised about. You may not know that Zhao Chengfeng and Ge family have a feud." Ouyang Qing said.

"How could it be?"

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