"It's true. I heard that a woman from the yuan family is now with Zhao Chengfeng. When Zhao Chengfeng was in the northwest, he went out for the yuan family and even made the Ge family suffer a lot."

"I see. This time, Zhao Chengfeng is dead!"

"Yes, it seems that Zhao Chengfeng had no ability to make the Ge family suffer losses before. Unfortunately, he doesn't know that GE Qingyun is no longer comparable to the younger generation of the Ge family."

"That's right. Although all the young elites of our aristocratic family have been trained and instructed by the elder martial brothers of our inner family, their gains are different. Ge Qingyun has been taught by elder martial brother Zhu of bingjiamen, and his strength is among the best among us. How can Zhao Chengfeng be his opponent?"

"It's ridiculous that Zhao Chengfeng still holds the old almanac and thinks that our generation is as arrogant as before. He has bet 100 million meters. He really doesn't know how to live or die!"

After hearing the reason, all the elites of the aristocratic family said with a smile.

Everyone looks at Zhao Chengfeng like a dead man.

At the VIP table, people all smile when they see Ge Qingyun appear.

"I didn't expect that it was the younger generation of Ge family. There would be no accident."

"It's true that the Ge family is so lucky that he has won the blue eye of martial nephew Zhu of bingjiamen. Today, his strength is also the best among the younger generation. Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know the origin, he doesn't think it's better."

With a trace of envy, the old man said to one of the senior members of the Ge family: "brother Ge, what a blessing!"

The Ge family's senior leader laughed and said modestly, "wherever you go, it's just Zhu Shao who never gives up."

But his face was red, and he was obviously excited and proud.

The Ge family is the bottom of all the aristocratic families. That is to say, it has some influence in the remote areas of Northwest China. It can not be compared with the top aristocratic families, even the yuan family.

If it had not been for the decline of the yuan family, there would have been nothing wrong with the other families in Northwest China, including the Ge family.

This time, after the inner door elites contacted with the guwu family, the Ge family also sent several young people to the inner door elites.

Unexpectedly, Ge Qingyun was valued by Zhu Shangfeng of bingjiamen.

This makes the Ge family very excited.

You know, Bingjia gate is one of the top major gates in the inner gate world. It is said that Zhu Shangfeng also has a great position in Bingjia gate. He has been a master of magic martial arts since he was young.

If you can get his attention, if you come to the inner gate, and then you can enter the army gate smoothly through this relationship, Ge Qingyun will really make a smooth progress, and GE's family will also rise with the tide.

How can the Ge family not be happy with such a good thing.

Therefore, the senior Ge family also showed great respect for Zhu Shangfeng. Instead of being called "nephew Zhu" like the old man before him, he respectfully called "Zhu Shao".

After that, he gave a smile to Zhu Shangfeng, who was also sitting on the VIP table and dressed in armor.

The latter didn't show any humility. He just sat still and said with a smile: "elder Ge is very polite. Someone just gave him some advice and gave him some training resources. It's his own efforts that brother Ge can achieve. Of course, it's nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng. "

He said here, sword eyebrow slightly wrinkled, and then said: "although I don't know why Yunqing used the Internet to target this person in a big way, it's not too good to see him!"

"Yes, this man seems to be pretty good. Why did yunshaozhu use the Internet public opinion to target him, and let us use the official power to cooperate. Hiss, how strange! "

Think of that mysterious cloud little Lord, many aristocratic high-level also can't help but wonder.

They don't think Zhao Chengfeng is a powerful person.

"Well, who knows what's wrong with him." Zhu Shangfeng and others were unwilling to mention the cloud master more. They hummed coldly: "if you don't mention this person, you'd better continue to talk about the mysterious person. After entering the inner world, people in the earth world can be invincible among their peers. Don't you really know his specific name?"

"Well, we really don't know. This man is very mysterious. Haven't you heard of him in the inner door?" The senior members of the aristocratic family all looked slightly calm when they said this. They were obviously deeply afraid of that man.

The elites in the inner gate frowned slightly when they were asked by the senior members of the aristocratic family.

Zhu Shangfeng shook his head. "I've never heard of it. It's said that there was a story about the invincible guy of the same generation. But the characters in the story are either dead or the top people in the inner world. They are not the same as the people you said."

"It shouldn't be misrepresentation, or exaggeration, or no one at all?" Another inner elite is suspicious.

But when he said that, all the senior members of the aristocratic family shook their heads together, "no, no, no way!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know why there is no news of this person in the inner world, but the existence of that person is by no means false. In that war, our aristocratic family saw it personally ~ "the old man of the Song family shook his head firmly.

"Yes, many of us have experienced the war with our own eyes, and even participated in it. Everyone, you see..." another senior member of the aristocratic family said while tearing open his shirt, revealing a ferocious wound more than ten centimeters long. He said with some fear: "this is what the man left."

When they looked up, they could not help taking a breath.

I saw the scar lying like a centipede on the person's clavicle, and it was almost the throat.

It can be seen that this man is lucky to live to the present.

Seeing the expressions of the people, the senior member of the aristocratic family said with a tragic smile: "today, I still remember that man's unique demeanor and terrible fighting power at that time."

"He has only one sword. There are hundreds of masters in my family, and more than a dozen masters from the inner world. They are scared to death by him."

"By the way, that man was about the same age as you are now. Before that, I never imagined that there would be someone in this world who could have such extraordinary fighting power at such an age. It's terrible, it's terrible

There are even two "terrors" in this population. After so many years, they still have a look of fear in their eyes. Many senior members of the aristocratic families present also have the same look of apprehension.

"Yes, I said at that time," how can there be such a person in this world? Is this still a person? " But he was scolded by an expert from the inner gate and said, "hum, the frog in the well dares to speak up. Even in the inner gate world, he is invincible. How can you measure him?" I don't know why, the two sides are clearly enemies, but the tone of the inner door expert always seems to be full of respect. " The high-level slightly frowned.

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