A group of elite members of the inner door could not help being silent for a long time.

"If there are such people, of course, they should be respected. How can a warrior not respect the strong?" Zhu Shangfeng murmured, then another frown, "but, if there is such a person, why have we never heard of it, everyone, have you heard of it?"

Other elites of inner door shake their heads together.

Some people speculated: "if things are true, then there is only one possibility. It may be that his existence makes some big forces or strong people taboo. If so, it's not surprising that we haven't heard of it. It's not uncommon in the inner world. "

This makes one say, other people also nod together, "very likely."

They were talking, and all the senior members of the aristocratic family were listening to them. Suddenly, the senior member of the aristocratic family who showed his scars suddenly thought of something and cried, "by the way, I remember. After the master scolded me, he whispered," it's really worthy of flying dragon sword. It's a pity that he has a brother who doesn't fight and provokes women who shouldn't be provoked, otherwise... "

"A brother who doesn't win, a woman who shouldn't be provoked? What does that mean? " After hearing this, a group of inner door elites were even more confused and looked at each other.

The senior officials of many aristocratic families also shook their heads, indicating that they did not know any more.

Suddenly one of them said, "elder martial brother Zhu, you said that Yunqing made a lot of moves. Is it really aimed at that person?"

"What do you mean, do you mean that Zhao Chengfeng has something to do with that man?" Zhu Shangfeng frowned and looked at the man.

"This, this, that's what I guess. Otherwise, Zhao Chengfeng would be in such trouble?" Zhu Shangfeng asked that person, but he was not sure.

Zhu Shangfeng frowned and stopped talking. Instead, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng, who was standing opposite Ge Qingyun in the challenge arena.

"Does this person really have any background? It doesn't look like he is very powerful. Why is Yunqing such a jerk? And what he said is that our exile to the earth is not an accident. What does it mean? Those high-level people, no, exactly, what is Bai Yujing going to do? "

Damn, I don't know anything, but Yunqing seems to be mastering everything. Even I seem to have become his pawn.

"Hateful, hateful, really hateful!"

When he thinks of Yunqing, Zhu Shangfeng can't help but resent Zhao Chengfeng, who Yunqing had to deal with before.

Because he didn't think much of him, but he deliberately dealt with Zhao Chengfeng, a human being in the earth world. Can't he say that Zhu Shangfeng is inferior to such a person?

This is really a kind of mentality that is difficult for normal people to understand.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know this, otherwise he will feel more puzzled.

Of course, it's also possible that he didn't care at all, just like he was facing the hatred eyes of the young Ge family.

"Zhao Chengfeng?" Ge Qingyun narrowed his eyes and uttered three words like confirmation from his teeth. Although the tone was deliberately playful, the chill was also undisguised.

"Yes, it's your ancestor." Zhao Chengfeng laughs carelessly.

Although he didn't know Ge Qingyun, he was not surprised to hear that the other party was GE's family. However, they didn't take it seriously at all. On the contrary, they fell in love.

He came here today to kill people. If the other party really didn't want to kill him, or he was friendly, he would be embarrassed to start.

I'm sorry for him. That's just right.

When he heard that Zhao Chengfeng claimed to be his ancestor as soon as he opened his mouth, Ge Qingyun had a playful look on his face and suddenly sank, his teeth creaking.

However, he didn't start immediately. With a cold hum, he tried to resist the impulse of directly killing this hateful guy with one punch. He said again, "do you know who I am?"

Zhao Chengfeng can't help laughing when he hears the words. He says in his heart, "you don't know who you are. I know who you are."

Although he had a conflict with the Ge family at the beginning, he also beat some people in the Ge family, thinking that this product should be one of them.

But there were more Ge family members who had been beaten by him at that time, and he could remember them everywhere.

But he pretended to ponder seriously for a while, and then shook his head and said: "ah, people are old, there are a lot of gray grandchildren and heavy grandchildren. I really can't remember the old ancestors, but I can't remember that they are all the same. They are all a group of unfilial children and grandchildren."

"You, you want to die!" Ge Qingyun's teeth creaked again. He was not very good at words. According to his normal temper, he had already started directly.

The reason why he said so much was that he hated Zhao Chengfeng too much, and he felt that the victory was in his hands, so he wanted Zhao Chengfeng to understand the whole story, and then to see Zhao Chengfeng's regret when he was dying.

I regret that he shouldn't have hurt Ge Qingyun's brother.

In fact, Ge Qingyun has never really seen Zhao Chengfeng, or even touched him. The reason why he can recognize Zhao Chengfeng at a glance is that he has seen Zhao Chengfeng's images and materials more than once.

Because it was this guy named Zhao Chengfeng who hurt his only relative, the brother who depended on him from childhood.

And let his brother, who was not very gifted, completely cut off the road of martial arts because of his injury, so he was completely abandoned by his family. Finally, he was driven to the mine by his family and became a miner.

But there was nothing he could do. When he finally came to the fore and got the family's attention, he learned that his brother had lost his life in a cave collapse.

Looking at the incomplete body being carried out from the mine, Ge Qingyun didn't shed a tear. But from that moment on, he vowed in his heart that he would kill the culprit Zhao Chengfeng.

Let the culprit repent for his crime, let him cry, and then kill him.

So when he saw that Zhao Chengfeng had taken the initiative to deliver it to the door, he was more excited than angry.

Or how much hate, how happy.

But the situation in front of him was totally different from what he had imagined countless times.

The man in front of him didn't associate with his brother as he thought. After listening to his story, he expressed his fear and shock.

The bastard didn't respond when he saw his face that was eight or nine points similar to his brother's.

When he opens his mouth, he makes a fuss. He opens his mouth to his ancestors and closes his mouth to his grandson. He doesn't even give him a chance to tell a story.

Ge Qingyun just felt so angry that he couldn't release, "how can there be such a person in this world? Can you follow the script?"

"Good!" Ge Qingyun clenched his teeth and spat out a good word, "you don't listen to my story, do you? I'll call you to listen to my story honestly, and then I'll make you regret it. Your intestines are blue!"

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