Ge Qingyun grits his teeth and moves. He directly punches Zhao Chengfeng. Although he is not fancy, he is quick and fierce. It feels like he wants to smash Zhao Chengfeng's face with a direct blow.

Zhao Chengfeng flashed slightly and avoided the blow easily, but he was puzzled in his heart, "this man is sick. If he fights, he will fight. What's more, he has to tell a story about your sister. What's more, I didn't listen to your story. Is it so angry? "

"Why, you can avoid my punch!" Ge Qingyun's fist failed. He seemed very surprised. He made a sound of Yi in his mouth. At the same time, his return fist was a sweep, and his speed was one point faster than before.

Then, the third fist, the fourth fist, the fifth fist... A fist is as fast as a fist. It takes only one breathing time to hit 24 fists in a row.

"Well?" Even Zhao Chengfeng was surprised.

One breath makes 24 punches, which is far beyond the limit of ordinary martial arts, not only the speed limit, but also the eye limit.

In other words, such a speed, ordinary people have been unable to capture.

The world is full of martial arts.

Fast is the only way.

How to hide when you can't even see it?

And Ge Qingyun's twenty-four fists, although there is no trick, but the strength and range of none of them are not shoddy.

"That's good!" Zhao Chengfeng exclaimed.


Zhao Chengfeng's mouth is slightly tilted.

Ge Qingyun didn't see how he moved. He didn't even see him retreat or dodge. It seemed that he had lost his reaction and stood still, but what made him stare big was

The twenty-four fists all fell into the empty space. They didn't even touch the corner of the clothes. Sometimes, from his angle, they seemed to have hit the target, but they didn't hit anything.

"Well, how is that possible?" Ge Qingyun retreats, looks at Zhao Chengfeng and his fists, his face is unbelievable.

This man was standing there, and I hit him, but why

Not only he, but also the elites of those aristocratic families around him were shocked.

Because in their eyes, Ge Qingyun's fists clearly hit the man just now, but the fact is right in front of them, Zhao Chengfeng is safe and sound, and even his hairstyle is not a bit messy.

"Is this man a ghost? Or is it 3D projection formed by super technology? "

Zhao Chengfeng would not be so surprised if he could simply avoid Ge Qingyun's attack, or resist Ge Qingyun's attack, or even beat Ge Qingyun to the ground with one punch.

The key is that they don't understand why Zhao Chengfeng is standing there, and why Ge Qingyun can't hit. Even though he seems to have hit, he doesn't seem to be a real person, which is beyond their understanding to some extent.

"What's the matter? How did he escape the attack of Ge family?" At the VIP table, a group of senior members of various families, as well as a lot of people, did not see the mystery and made a sound of surprise.

Of course, it's not that everyone doesn't understand it. There are also some people who can understand it, such as the old man of the Song family, and several real senior people who also belong to the "old" generation.

Their strength and vision are not comparable to those of the younger generation. Of course, they can see the reason, but it doesn't make them relaxed. On the contrary, they look more dignified than those who don't understand.

Because they understand it, they know better what it means.

Of course, it's not a ghost of Zhao Chengfeng, let alone a 3D projection.

"It's very simple, because his speed is faster than Ge Qingyun. No, it's too fast." The person who spoke was Zhu Shangfeng. His voice was very calm and seemed to take it for granted, but his eyes to Zhao Chengfeng were just as dignified.

"Faster?" Everyone was stunned. It seemed that the answer was so simple.

But when you think about it, is it easy?

No, it's not easy at all.

If we say that in terms of speed, especially in terms of boxing speed, Ge Qingyun is already the limit of the general Lingwu realm, physical body and eyes, then Zhao Chengfeng's moving speed even exceeds this limit, what does it mean?

"I don't believe it!" With a roar, Ge Qingyun pounced forward again, and then attacked again.

"I don't believe I can't hit you. Twenty four punches a second is not enough. Twenty five punches, twenty-six punches... I want to be faster, faster. Even if you're a ghost, I want you to be terrified!"

Ge Qingyun's mouth seemed to be pouring some kind of belief into himself, and he couldn't help drinking angrily.

Double fists like flying, crazy as Zhao Chengfeng crazy attack.

The boxing that had already reached the limit was suddenly shocked, and the speed was suddenly raised to a new level.

More than that, even at that moment, Ge Qingyun suddenly felt as if a barrier had been broken in his body, and the whole person had a new feeling.

No, not the whole person, but the whole world.

Whether it's the limitation of power or speed, it seems that it has been broken all of a sudden, and it's like stepping into a new world.

"Break through, I break through!"

As a warrior, Ge Qingyun doesn't know what this feeling means. This moment is really amazing and joyful.

"Ha ha ~, Lingwu peak, this is the feeling of Lingwu peak!" Ge Qingyun laughs and looks up at Zhao Chengfeng.

The color of surprise in my eyes is stronger, "I see it, I finally see it."

This time, in his eyes, Zhao Chengfeng is no longer motionless, although it is very vague, but he has seen that every time he punches, Zhao Chengfeng is shaking with a very small but very clever range.

It's just that the amplitude of the shaking is too ingenious and the speed is too fast, which makes him have the illusion that he has never moved.

It's like ordinary onlookers can't see his fist clearly.

Zhao Chengfeng is neither a ghost nor a shadow, just because he is faster than himself.

"Well, Zhao Chengfeng, you are really strong. No, you are stronger than I imagined, but it's a pity that you are too big. You want to tease me, but you didn't expect that your tease made me break through, so now you can't escape!"

Ge Qingyun grinned. The excitement and pleasure in his heart made him a little difficult to hold on to, and he couldn't help shaking.

"This young Ge family is really gifted and lucky to break through in this situation."

"Good, good, this Ge family is good."

"It's really good. It's Zhao's turn to regret it."

A group of aristocratic senior officials in the VIP banquet were surprised and delighted to see this scene, especially the elder of Ge family.

In contrast, the reactions of the other 11 elite families were complicated, including consternation, surprise, envy and envy.

"Ge Qingyun is so lucky that he can break through like this?"

Why isn't that me, asshole?

"Brother Ge is sure to win, but the bastard named Zhao is afraid to regret his death. Ha ha."

"Ha ha, needless to say, he had a chance to win, but now he lost his chance!"

"I deserve it. With a little ability, I went to the aristocratic family's territory to pretend to be forced. Unfortunately, I succeeded Ge Qingyun!"

But the audience can't see why. No matter Ge Qingyun's previous attack or Zhao Chengfeng's moving to avoid, they don't see anything, and even many people don't see the two sides fighting.

Many people are puzzled to hear the reaction of the VIP seat and the elite of those families nearby.

"What's the matter? It seems that these two people didn't do anything on the stage. Why are those aristocratic people so excited?"

"You ask me, I ask who? However, it seems that the old man of GE's family suffered a loss when they met just now, but now the situation may be turning over because of the pressure on Shentuo. "

"Ha? Doesn't that mean that it's very difficult to force God? "

"Well, probably!"

"He deserves it. If he doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to expand the result, NIMA will be forced. Now he will be struck by thunder!"

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