Most of these people can't understand it, and even mengdai guess is full of discussion.

There are a few who know a little bit about the door, such as shadow and others, who frown slightly, and some worry about Zhao Chengfeng.

All of a sudden, a hostage doubted, "no, I don't feel worried or regretful."

"Well, it seems that's true when you say that?" This person said so, everyone also noticed Zhao Chengfeng's look, as expected did not have a trace of regret, did not have the feeling of pursuing victory.

Face as always or a pair of cynical smile, it looks like looking at a group of idiots.

"Hey, is forcing God really sure or just pretending to be forced? How can I feel those aristocratic families are so excited?"

It's true

Not only the VIP seats and elites, Ge Qingyun, one of the protagonists in the challenge arena, seems to have been excited to the point of distortion.

Although these ordinary audiences can't see the specific actions of both sides, they can see that GE Qingyun seems to be attacking all the time, and it seems that the more he attacks, the more fierce he is.

But gradually, not to mention the outsiders, even the high-level and the other 11 elites in the VIP banquet, felt that something was wrong.

The crowd under the stage can't see clearly, but the senior leaders can see clearly, which is the reason why they keep excited all the time, because they can feel Ge Qingyun's attack. It seems that every punch is breaking through, surpassing, and pressing Zhao Chengfeng every time.

Every time, it seems that as long as it's faster, as long as it's more accurate and less accurate, it can hit the target, and Zhao Chengfeng will be forced to a dead corner.

But the problem is that the difference has always been.

Every time it seems that both sides are the limit, but Ge Qingyun again and again beyond the previous limit, but the difference is still a little bit.

"It's a bit wrong. Zhao is a bit strange! What do you see, nephew Zhu? " The old man of the Song family frowned slightly and turned his head to ask Zhu Shangfeng.

The latter also frowned, but Wen Yan shook his head.

In a flash, five minutes have passed, ten minutes have passed

On the stage, two people attack each other and hide each other. Strangely enough, they didn't even have a collision.

After fighting for a long time, there was no sound except the wind of boxing and Ge Qingyun's breath.


"How does it feel a little weird?"

Not only the top management, but also the elite of the other eleven families got goose bumps.

It's not just that I feel wrong, it's even a little bit of fear.

These people are still like this, not to mention Ge Qingyun. At this time, there is no joy of breaking the boundaries in his heart.

There is only chill and fear, there is anger, anger because of fear.

The anger replaced the excitement, but it played the same role, prompting him to keep punching and attacking, because he didn't dare to stop.

Although his whole body has been wet with sweat, the hair on his forehead seems to be picked up from the water, dripping down. At the same time, his eyes become more and more blurred because of sweat and physical strength.

But he didn't dare to stop. There was a feeling in his heart that as soon as he stopped, he would die.

Finally, Zhu Shangfeng, who was at the VIP table, felt this strange feeling and opened his lips slightly. "You'd better let him admit defeat, or he will be tired to death by himself!"

All the senior members of the aristocratic family had been watching the battle in the challenge arena. When they heard this, they were shocked, but some of them couldn't react.

Some surprised to see to this soldier a door inside door elite.

"Zhu Shao, what do you mean? Although that boy is a little strange, even if Qingyun is not his opponent, he should not be tired to death, right The elder of Ge family is not reconciled.

Although he felt that something was wrong, he always held a glimmer of hope in his heart. Maybe this kind of pressure can make GE Qingyun break through a little bit more. In that case, he may not be able to turn defeat into victory.

Now if you admit defeat directly, I'm afraid Ge Qingyun will leave a shadow behind, right?

"Fool, can't you see that? That Zhao Chengfeng is just playing with Ge Qingyun. Any breakthrough or chance to turn defeat into victory is just an illusion! Under the influence of this illusion, his current consumption is at least ten times as much as usual, but he can't stop and he won't be exhausted. Is there any other end? " Zhu Shangfeng frowned impatiently.

"Ha? Illusion? " Hearing Zhu Shangfeng's words, all the senior members of the aristocratic family were stunned, some unbelievable.

If Zhao Chengfeng is teasing Ge Qingyun or playing cat and mouse, they still believe it, but everything is an illusion.

How is that possible?

We can all see that GE Qingyun broke through just now under the pressure of the construction of Zhao.

And not only from the late Lingwu breakthrough to the peak of understanding, but also the speed and fighting consciousness are obviously improving.

How can it be an illusion?

However, Zhu Shangfeng did not answer again.

There has been no sound of the battle, suddenly came a dull bang.

"Did you hit it?" Hearing this voice, the senior officials of many aristocratic families immediately turned to the challenge arena, but what they saw made them dumbfounded.

I don't know when GE Qingyun has fallen on the challenge arena, foaming and twitching.

Seeing this scene, GE's parents, who were still questioning Zhu Shangfeng just now, were stunned and immediately became furious, "son of a bitch, what have you done?"

"Who's the name of the son of a bitch?"

"Nonsense, of course..." elder GE's subconscious answer, said half of the reaction.

On the challenge arena, Zhao Chengfeng covered his stomach and squatted on the ground, beating the ground with one hand desperately. "It's a pity that such an old Terrier has been cheated. It's a pity that you don't do the Dragon suit of a domestic comedy."

Elder GE's face turned red and blue. "You, you're not much better. You're so old. Why don't you write a domestic comedy?"

People a burst of speechless, "a domestic comedy provoked you?"

"Well, anyway, what did you do?" Elder Ge faltered and cheered again.

Zhao Chengfeng also slowly stood up, patted the dust on the edge of his hand, with a smile, some innocent way: "what did I do? Are you blind? I didn't do anything. "

"You didn't do it, you didn't do it, how could he?" The elder of Ge family walked up to the challenge arena and quickly came to ge Qingyun. He explored Ge Qingyun's pulse with his hand, and his face became more and more ugly.

Although Ge Qingyun's pulse condition is still there, it is weak and disordered to an unimaginable level. Although he is not very proficient in medicine, he also knows that when the pulse condition reaches such a level, this person is no longer saved.

But through the pulse, Ge Qingyun is not injured, internal injuries are not.

This is heart failure.

It's incredible that an ancient warrior, who has reached the peak of Lingwu, should die of heart failure.

He suddenly thought of what Zhu Shangfeng had just said.

Ge Qingyun is really tired to death.

Elder Ge was shocked and unbelievable.

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