"Elder Ge, how about GE Qingyun?" Seeing elder GE's strange expression, someone couldn't help asking.

Elder Ge angrily looks at Zhao Chengfeng and spits out two words: "exhaustion ~!"

"Ha, exhaustion?" Hearing this answer, everyone was stunned.

Some people do not understand, asked the people next to, "what does exhaustion mean?"

"I don't understand. I'm tired! But shouldn't Temo's life and death be an adjective? How can someone really fight with others and kill themselves? "

"Yes, and it seems that there was not much time in the war just now. Ten minutes, no more than 15 minutes at the most. In this way, one can be exhausted to death. Is this still an ancient warrior?"

However, the ordinary people and most of the netizens on the Internet were stunned, and even the elite of that group of aristocratic families and some senior members of the VIP banquet were unbelievable.

Some people think of what Zhu Shangfeng said before and can't help looking at him.

"Well, what do you think broke through the limit of consumption time and time again? Is there really a free lunch in the world?" Zhu Shangfeng snorts coldly, but his eyes look at Zhao Chengfeng. At this time, his eyes for Zhao Chengfeng are less hateful and more dignified.

Slowly way: "this person is really not simple, no wonder cloud Qing that fellow will so value this person."

"Zhu Shao, do you mean this boy made it on purpose?" Several aristocratic senior officials asked after hearing the words.

"Hum." Zhu Shangfeng snorted, but did not answer.

But a group of aristocratic senior officials look at Zhao Chengfeng more sharply.

"It's so bold. It's to deliberately provoke and humiliate my guwu family."

"Zhao Chengfeng, you are so cruel!" In the challenge arena, GE Changlao looks at Zhao Chengfeng with the same resentment.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng's hatred not only with the Ge family, but also with the whole guwu family became deeper.

The onlookers on the scene and on the Internet, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, also became a little strange and scared.

It seems that Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became a chainsaw killer, or a scissor killer.

"Hello..." Zhao Chengfeng raised his hands, "don't look at me with such eyes, OK? What I did, but he hit me and I just hid. Then you elite of your family didn't hit me, but I was tired to death. Is it my fault?"

"I'm so vicious. Where am I? I haven't dealt with it from the beginning to the end. Is that vicious? So what's the name of killing two people in two wars before your family Zhao Chengfeng sneered, "is there a rule in this arena that only your family can kill people, and the Challenger doesn't even have the right to escape?"

The onlookers on the stage and on the Internet had some fears and taboos about Zhao Chengfeng's strange tiring Ge Qingyun to death.

Hearing his words, he was stunned, and then he could not help nodding, "yes, two people were killed in the previous two battles of the guwu family, and there was not a word of apology and repentance. Now I'm tired to death by beating others, and I even say that others are vicious. Damn it, isn't that too overbearing? "

"That's right. It's the guwu family that can't beat people, but it's exhausting itself. It's also called guwu. When it's over, it's said that other people are cruel. NIMA, don't set up the challenge arena and go to touch porcelain. It's shameless. It's guaranteed to have a future!"

People's sense of guwu aristocratic family had been changing before. At this time, when they saw the attitude of elder nage, senior officials and other elites, their disgust and resistance became stronger.

Especially in the scene, even a little excited feeling.

"You..." looking around at the rising and falling accusations of Zhao Chengfeng, elder Ge looks ugly, but he doesn't know how to refute them.

Some words he said, these ordinary people may not understand, and he did not have the slightest evidence to prove that Zhao Chengfeng deliberately caused the result.

Ge Changlao also racked his brains to say something. At the VIP table, the old man of the Song family said, "well, GE Changlao, his sword is blind and his fists are merciless. It's more difficult to avoid death and injury than martial arts. He's just inferior to others. Come back!"

"Ah, it's like a human saying. It's also a family of ancient martial arts. Why is the gap so big? Elder Ge, you have to learn from this old gentleman." When Zhao Chengfeng heard the old man's words, he immediately laughed.

The old man of the Song family was originally watching the public opinion on the scene and on the Internet. Because of elder GE's words, the group was excited, so he wanted to say a decent word to make it over.

But he didn't consider the mood of the elder of Ge family. Ge Qingyun is now the biggest hope for the revival of Ge family.

Now, death is the end of the Ge family's hope. The grief and indignation in Ge Chang's heart is not what the Song family can understand.

The words of the elder of the Song family are like throwing a handful of salt on elder GE's wound, especially the words "you are inferior to others" and the command like "you come back", which hurt elder GE's self-esteem more severely.

Can't help but give birth to a kind of, Ge Qingyun died, Ge family has become the feeling of abandoning death.

But just at this time, Zhao Chengfeng followed closely to mend a knife.

At that moment, the elder of Ge family's eyes were red, but the influence of Ge family was not as much as that of Song family. To be able to sit here was just the last seat of respectful company. As soon as GE Qingyun died, Ge family just had a little backbone, which was equal to being interrupted again.

If he really wanted to turn his face around, he didn't dare to go back like this. He couldn't swallow his breath. He was excited and couldn't help sneering at himself. He said: "well, well, our Ge family's skills are not as good as others. Who let our Ge family be the last class in the guwu family? However, the Song family is the leader of our guwu family. This time, the challenge arena is initiated by the Song family, Qingyun's enemies are going to trouble nephew song Jiaxian! "

After that, he looked at GE Qingyun who had no breath, closed his eyes, brushed his sleeve and sighed, "ah ~!"

Then he took another look at Zhao Chengfeng. Although his hatred seemed to be real, he didn't say anything and angrily returned to the VIP seat.

The old man of the Song family originally wanted to make ends meet, but who wanted to set himself on fire? The elder of the Ge family choked with a word. He was so breathless that he didn't breathe. His face was green and red, and his eyes swept around, hoping that someone would come out and step down.

But the rest of the high-level are drooping eyelids, eyes, nose, nose, heart, like a temple Bodhisattva.

"Damn, a group of bastards, who do I stand up to speak for, not for our common reputation? I have been left behind. " The old man of the Song family swore in his heart. Then he glanced at the old man of the Ge family and said, "well, what a Ge family! The broken jar is broken, isn't it? You'll see. "

However, he was resentful in his heart and looked ugly, but he didn't say a word in his mouth. He glared at Song Ke, who wanted to stand up, and stopped him from coming out. Then he closed his eyes and sat back in his seat.

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