Seeing this person's reaction, all the senior members of the aristocratic family were disappointed, "this old man can bear it!"

Others, however, are no better.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is not a soft persimmon, isn't it stupid to be strong at this time?

This is a bit beyond Zhao Chengfeng's expectation.

He thought that these aristocratic families were all above the top, and they must have a lot of face. This is the first time that these aristocratic families have shown their heads in front of the world. Even if they know that they can't fight, they must go up.

For this reason, he even held these aristocratic families so high.

Who knows these guys should be so counsellor, only one died, no one on?

"Hey, how about the pride of a good family and the domineering spirit of a good warrior, so that no one will go up? I haven't even started to fight yet? "

Zhao Chengfeng looked around and swept the remaining eleven people.

The eleven were swept by his eyes. Some of them had drooping eyelids, some frowned slightly, and some glared back at him, but no one moved.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is really wrong. These people are not frightened by the previous war.

The so-called literature is no first, martial arts is no second.

These so-called elites of aristocratic families are not convinced of each other. Everyone has some idea that they are better than others.

Although Ge Qingyun was in the forefront among them before, everyone actually had hidden means, so Ge Qingyun couldn't do it. They didn't think they couldn't do it.

However, although no one was afraid of the war just now, it also showed them that Zhao Chengfeng was not a soft persimmon.

And in the war just now, they all felt that they didn't see the bottom of Zhao Chengfeng.

As the children of the aristocratic family, they understand a truth better than the children of ordinary families: "if you pick up a bargain, you have to rob it. Ray had better let others pass."

In the present situation, Zhao Chengfeng is obviously not a cheap one to pick up. As for whether it's Lei or not, we have to let others pass by to know.

When the situation is not clear, only a fool can stand out.

Zhao Chengfeng mistakenly estimated this point, precisely because he is not a descendant of the aristocratic family, how can he understand the psychology of such people.

Seeing no one move, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help regretting, "I knew earlier that I shouldn't have played so hard just now."

But these people did not move. He beat these aristocratic families in the face again and again and made them angry. Then he led all the power of these aristocratic families out completely, and the plan of one-time thorough elimination could not be implemented.

"Hey, can you stop being such a counsellor, that song, this is not your territory? It is said that this challenge arena was initiated by the Song family. Since they dare not come, you can come! " Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to call the roll directly.

Song Ke didn't know how to play a deep role in this group. When the elder of Ge family tripped him up, he couldn't help but want to fight. He just sat back because the old man glared at him.

He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would call his name directly. He suddenly got angry and stood up, "fight and fight. Do you think song is afraid of you?"

However, as soon as he got up, a cold drink suddenly rang out from the VIP seat, "sit down!"

It's no one else. It's the old man of the Song family.

"Grandfather?" Song Ke was surprised and looked at the old man at the VIP table. He was a little difficult to understand.

Before the old man glared at him, he can understand, is to ask him not to stand out, had better let others to test the depth of this surname Zhao.

Anyway, at that time, it was everyone's face to lose face, and as long as Zhao was killed in the end, the face was not lost.

But now he was called and asked to sit down.

In this way, the face of the Song family is not lost?

But the old man ignored him, looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, and said slowly, "young man, your strength is good, but your manpower is limited after all. It's unfair to you and song Ke to fight with you in turn, so song Ke can't fight with you."

"Eh ~"

This person's words export, not only is Zhao Chengfeng, even the onlookers are booed.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it's unfair to me, but I don't care. Anyway, in my opinion, there is no difference between beating one and beating ten. But I'm curious. How can I treat you unfairly? Can I take advantage of a fight? "

When he said this, people around him burst into laughter, while song Ke was even green and red.

But the old man was not in a hurry. He said with a smile, "of course you have taken advantage. You think that you have already fought with song Ke. You or you don't care. But what other people think is that song Ke won. Everyone will think that he will take advantage of others' danger to win. If he loses, he will be twice laughed at. Young man, do you think it's fair? "

"..." Zhao Chengfeng asked himself that it was a fierce quarrel, but he was speechless.

Even the onlookers who originally booed could not help but give birth to a kind of "is it sauce? It makes sense.

In the crowd, the IMP and Huisheng and others could not help rolling their eyes, "I believe in your evil. I've seen shameless, and I've never seen such shameless."

But the old man didn't pay attention to the people's ideas at all, and continued with his righteous words: "if our guwu aristocratic family sets up this challenge arena, they can afford to lose martial arts, but they can't afford morality."

At this point, the man's eyes narrowed slightly, and his intention of killing flashed away, but his smile did not decrease at all. "Why don't you stop here today and come back tomorrow? Or so far, if you take away this box of gold, it can be regarded as a small addition to the martial arts club. If you don't give up and want to be my song family's friend, I'd like to welcome you. Our guwu family, especially our song family, always welcome talents from all walks of life. "

"Although you are young and old, you can grow up to such a degree outside my guwu family, which shows that you must have a lot of talent and a long way to go in the future. However, if you don't have the right environment and resources, it's hard to say where you can go, Xiaoyou."

The old man's previous words were also a kind of rhetorical, just to maintain the sense of face, but when it comes to the back, Zhao Chengfeng can feel a strong taste of both hard and soft.

The so-called "come back tomorrow", Zhao Chengfeng can be sure that if he only shows this degree at present, he will never live tomorrow.

In a word, the translation means "either die, or stop when it's good."

In addition, it has the meaning of drawing together.

But Zhao Chengfeng heart sneer, even if he really accept, with a box of gold left, just afraid that is temporarily not dead?

So in fact, there is only one way for the old man to be a dog for his family.

"Ha ha, what an ancient martial family, how overbearing!"

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