Zhao Chengfeng sneered in his heart. But on his face, he didn't seem to be able to hear it at all. He pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "what you said seems to be quite reasonable. It seems that it's really unfair to you. Let's continue tomorrow according to what you said."

Then he looked at the old man with a smile.

As soon as the old man's eyes narrowed, he was surprised. I don't know whether the boy really didn't understand the meaning or deliberately provoked him.


The old man then showed a smile again and said in his heart: "it doesn't matter. No matter you are really confused or pretending to be confused, since you are given the opportunity to understand, or you don't cherish it, no wonder my guwu family is merciless!"

His heart was boiling, but his smile became more and more genial. He nodded and said kindly, "thank you for your understanding. I've said thank you here. By the way, do you have a place to stay?"

"I don't think so, sir. I originally thought that even if I killed all the twelve, it would be a short time, and it would not take much time, so the original itinerary was to go back and forth on the same day. " Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says that he has no taboo.

But his face was calm, but song Ke and others suddenly changed color. Even the high-level guests at the VIP table, many people could not help but stand up.

The audience took a breath.

"Forced God seems to have a grudge against this ancient martial family."

"It's too much for you to say. A fool can see it."

"Forget it, it's all about the fight between gods. It's nothing to do with us. We just need to watch the excitement. But then again, what's the origin of forcing God to do? It seems that he is not afraid of this ancient martial family? "

"You ask me, I ask who to go. To tell you the truth, it's the guwu family, guwu and so on. Today I really feel that it really exists. What's more, I suddenly feel that the world I used to live in is so fake, and now the world I live in is so terrible. I really hope that what I experience today is a dream! "

The crowd murmured, and then there was a silence. After a long time, many people could not help sighing.

The negative effect of Gu Wu in ordinary people's life came out at this time. Many people originally felt that life in this world was very safe, and even thought it was a little dull. Suddenly, they became a little strange.

This strange and can not help but let life out of a trace of fear and uneasiness.

All of us have to think.

"If one day I have to face an ancient warrior, what should I do? Can the state and the police still protect me? If not, then I can't even protect my life and property. "

Others, on the other hand, have the wildness and agitation they have never had before.

"Since there are ancient warriors in this world, can I become an ancient warrior? If I become an ancient warrior, I don't have to think about being so mediocre now. Can I change my way of living?"

Of course, more and more people, these ideas are fleeting, think about it and then throw it aside, and then continue to watch.

"Force God since is to seek Gu Wu family trouble, so next should be very lively?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow will God continue to challenge?"

"No, I think what you should think is, can you still live till tomorrow? Do you think that the old man's suspension of challenge is really for the sake of fairness?"

Although most of the onlookers are ordinary people, they may not know much about guwu, but in this era of information explosion, ordinary people do not necessarily know less about people's hearts and plots than guwu.

Especially on the Internet, there are some experts, many of whom have seen through the trickiness of both sides.

Of course, this is mainly the reason why Zhao Chengfeng no longer covers up.

However, what makes people creepy is that although both sides have basically not covered up their intention to kill, and even their words are murderous, they all have smiles that make people feel like spring breeze.

Especially the old man of the Song family, when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's provocative words, he was still smiling, as if he could not understand Zhao Chengfeng's provocation.

Nodded and asked with a smile: "in this case, it might as well let my song family do a little bit of the friendship of landlords?"

Then he turned to the middle-aged man in charge of the Song family and said, "Song Cheng, you're the only one to arrange this. People of the same age may be closer. Ke'er, how do you arrange these people's daily life? Don't let people say that the Song family neglects our guests!"

Such bearing, even Zhao Chengfeng can not help but secretly praise, this old man is really a good face.

What a thick black face and heart.

But song Ke was much worse than his grandfather. Although he was forced to bear it, his face was very ugly. After a cold look at Zhao Chengfeng, he agreed: "don't worry, grandfather. I'll arrange it. I won't let people say that I don't know anything about the Song family!"

Speaking of half a word, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a sneer and provocation: "I don't know if brother Zhao dares to accept the arrangement of my song family?"

"It doesn't matter to Zhao. If you live and eat for nothing, you will be ungrateful. Xiao Song, please." Zhao Chengfeng once provocation, the other side is not moved, he is no longer entangled, anyway, the final point depends on strength, not mouth.

He turned a deaf ear to song Ke's provocation, but he didn't reciprocate, calling him brother song.

Because in his eyes, the two sides are not at the same level at all. What qualifications do song Ke and others have for him to be called brothers.

The challenge arena can't go on any longer because of the bloody means of the previous two battles of the guwu family, ordinary ordinary martial arts people don't dare to try it easily.

What's more, the old song saying that Zhao Chengfeng should come back tomorrow is also a stop for today's challenge.

After the old man of the Song family had finished talking, the VIP banquet and the elite of the ten aristocratic families left one after another.

The audience scattered in twos and threes.

When they left, they all took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, but they didn't say anything. They didn't make any provocative moves. If they had any, they were looking down from above.

Even if the cloud little master once made a big effort to target Zhao Chengfeng, even if Zhao Chengfeng showed some strength before, they were slightly shocked.

But they still don't really pay attention to Zhao Chengfeng.

What's more, I'm still curious. I'm curious about why the cloud master aimed at such a young man in the earth world.

"Well, no matter what mystery he has, it should be clear when he dies." Among the elite of the inner gate, the gifted disciple of bingjiazong coldly glanced at Zhao Chengfeng, and then quietly withdrew his eyes.

On one side of him, the ancestor of the Song family just saw it and walked over with a smile, "what's the matter, is nephew Zhu also interested in this little brother?"

"Interested?" The genius of bingjiazong sneered and asked, "why should I be interested in a dead man?"

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