"Ha ha ~!" The old man of the Song family burst out laughing, "so, please master Zhu."

Feeling the killing intention in Zhu Shangfeng's words, the old man of the Song family was immediately determined.

Originally, he wanted to put forward what conditions, in order to move these inner door elites.

I didn't expect that he hadn't mentioned it yet. Zhu Shangfeng had already killed him. Naturally, he couldn't get it.

The old man of the Song family once again took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and his party, who were leaving under the guidance of song Ke, with a slight sneer, "no matter who you are, if you dare to fight against my guwu family, you are looking for death."


Linshan City, Fenghu bieguan, a garden villa near the lake.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the Song family was quite generous. They arranged such a good place for us. It's good, it's good!" Zhao Chengfeng patted the fence of the wide balcony, looked at the lake and mountain scenery in the distance, and said with a smile that he was very satisfied.

Next to Huisheng and others also said: "it's really good. Look at the beautiful scenery of the lakes and mountains, the garden scenery, it's worthy of the ancient Wu family. It's amazing to build such a paradise like place in the center of the city."

"Ha ha, as long as you are satisfied." Even though song Ke knew his grandfather's plan, his face could not help twitching when he looked at Zhao Chengfeng and others' smile, which was cheap and good.

And the heart is not reconciled.

The purpose of this challenge competition of guwu aristocratic family is to make them stand out and let the world feel the power and prestige of guwu aristocratic family.

Now, because this annoying guy appears, he has to use other means. In this way, even if he is killed in the end, there is no doubt that the effect of this challenge will be discounted.

Of course, there must be some opinions about these. For example, Zhao Chengfeng and others have given up the challenge and left. It can even be said that Zhao Chengfeng and others are afraid to run away. But what do people think after watching the game in which Zhao Chengfeng tired Ge Qingyun to death?

With his knees, he knew that people outside would never believe the words of the guwu family. It was like a bubble of dog dung on the snow to their glory.

But he had to listen to his grandfather, because after seeing Zhao Chengfeng's battle, he was not sure that he could absolutely defeat him.

If it comes down to ge Qingyun in the end, he will never want to.

So although he was not reconciled, he had to endure.

Even if I wish I could smash that hateful smiling face with one punch, I have to smile in my mouth, but I can only sneer in my heart.

"But, boss, I feel a little strange here?" Song Ke is secretly belly Fei, but listen to Zhao Chengfeng side of a bald suddenly frown ponder.

Song Ke could not help but listen to the bald head and said: "there are several villas around here. How can you feel lonely? There is no popularity at all!"

Blood monk this said, Zhao Chengfeng also hold chin way: "well, really a little strange."

Then he looked at Song Ke.

Song Ke was surprised and said in secret: "no, I didn't expect these guys to be very alert."

Of course, he knew why the surrounding villas were not occupied. In fact, it was not that there were no people, but that the people who had lived in the surrounding villas had been invited to leave long before they came.

Zhao Chengfeng and others are arranged to live in the Song family's other house for convenience. How can other people live nearby.

But of course he won't tell Zhao Chengfeng and others. What if Zhao Chengfeng and others run away?

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng looked at himself, song Ke said: "ah, this, this is not strange. This other restaurant is originally a place for our family to entertain distinguished guests. Not everyone is qualified to live in it. Generally, no one is normal."

"Oh, that's it." Zhao Chengfeng and others sneer in the heart, but they all make a sudden appearance.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said with a embarrassed look: "but since this is a place to entertain distinguished guests, are we a bit inappropriate?"

"No, Mr. Zhao is very polite. For our guwu family, you are not a distinguished guest. Who else is a distinguished guest?" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng and others actually believed it, song Ke was relieved.

Then the servant in the villa said solemnly, "listen up, these are the most distinguished guests. You must be well received. Don't neglect them. Do you hear me?"

After saying that, he did not wait for Zhao Chengfeng and others to say anything else. He said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. After all, I have to prepare well to meet Mr. Zhao's master tomorrow."

After saying that, he didn't give Zhao Chengfeng a chance to speak, so he left in a hurry. He didn't call the manager of the villa until he came to the door of the villa. He said solemnly, "listen up, closely monitor the every move of these people, but as long as they don't leave the villa, you won't do anything."

"In addition, tell others that after dark, everyone will be honest in their room. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to take care of it!"

The steward is also an old man of the Song family. Although he doesn't fully understand song Ke's words, he probably has guessed that these people are arranged here. They are not dignitaries. Maybe they will never go out alive tomorrow.

However, as a servant, he is very clear about what he should be in charge of, what he should not be in charge of, what he should know and what he should not know. So when he heard song Ke's words, he didn't show any difference. He just nodded and said, "don't worry, young master Ke. I'll tell others later."

"Well." Nodding and stepping away, the steward returned to the villa with a professional smile.

In the villa, after Song Ke left, the shadow who came with Zhao Chengfeng and others frowned slightly and said: "Zhao... Cough, boss, I think these guwu aristocratic families seem to have bad intentions. Why do we live in the place they arranged?"

Zhao Chengfeng lit up a world show and held it in his mouth. Then he took a look at him, leaned back and ignored him.

That means, "what are you doing? Who asked you to follow me?"

"..." the shadow is a little embarrassed and depressed. Before today, he never thought that the super killer, the master of Lingwu realm, who is the third in his list of killers, would be so worthless that he would be despised.

However, after seeing the battle before Zhao Chengfeng, he didn't just feel that he was willing to accept defeat. Instead, he decided to rely on Zhao Chengfeng. If he could follow such a master, he felt that he was likely to go further.

Although he is a killer, he is also a warrior, and a warrior with the pursuit of martial arts. So in his mind, if the road of martial arts can go further, there is nothing unacceptable.

So even if Zhao Chengfeng looks disgusted, he still has the cheek to follow. Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng didn't catch up with him. Besides Zhao Chengfeng's disgust, other people, except the elder martial sister in Qingyi, had a good attitude towards him.

For example, at this time, Huisheng and others all laughed when they saw that he was embarrassed. Then Huisheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's not like, but of course, we kicked them. It's strange that they can have good intentions."

Shadow a Zheng, then old face a little red, realized that he did say a nonsense, this kind of simple problem, Zhao Chengfeng and others how can not see, but he is still a little worried asked, "then how do we do now?"

"How? You don't have to do anything, eat, sleep and wait for them to come The blood monk said with a smile.

"Ha?" The shadow is a little confused.

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