Don't do anything, wait for them to come?

Is this really good?

After all, the opponent is the famous guwu family?

Shadow is a killer. In the past, every action had to do a lot of preparatory work, such as investigating the living habits of the target, defense forces, and even a habit of the target.

Therefore, he always believed in knowing himself and his enemy, and he would win every battle.

At present, in such an enemy's territory, I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark. At this time, we should at least make some preparations.

Even if everyone is a master, but the other side is not a master?

The twelve elites of the younger generation are so terrible. The older generation of the aristocratic family or the hidden experts are not inferior to the twelve elites, are they?

But Zhao Chengfeng and others did what they said. They talked and laughed at each other during dinner. It was not like preparing for the coming fierce battle in the enemy's territory, but like having a party in their own garden.

I really should eat and drink. I don't seem to worry about poisoning at all.

"Is this... Really good?"

The shadow feels a little square. Also can't do Zhao Chengfeng and others such "rough nerve", so the dinner food he basically didn't eat anything.

In the enemy's territory, eating the food provided by the enemy is a joke. For a killer, it's unthinkable.

He felt that if he was a member of the guwu family, Zhao Chengfeng and others might have died several times.

Although he admits that his fighting power is not as good as Zhao Chengfeng and others, it is not too difficult to kill such a careless target even if he is a master.

If he didn't lose to Zhao Chengfeng before, if he didn't want to follow Zhao Chengfeng, he might go further on the road of martial arts. He can't help but leave this place.

The bravery of skilled artists should not be so bold.

After dinner, everyone was arranged in their own room, but the shadow could not sleep anyway.

All of a sudden, he felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, the villa seemed to be very quiet, and all the servants seemed to disappear.

"No!" The shadow felt tight and realized that it was not good.

Then he got out of bed quietly. He felt that he had to do something. How could he really lie here waiting for the enemy?

As for the clothes, he didn't take them off at all, so he got out of bed very easily, and then went out of the room quietly. But as soon as he got out of the door, he didn't walk out a few steps. In the dark, there was a cold rebuke, "what are you going to do? Go back to your room!"

"Who?" The shadow was startled. Unexpectedly, it was found so soon. Then, with a bow, a blackened dagger slipped into the palm of the hand, and subconsciously wanted to attack the source of the sound.

But he immediately realized that the voice seemed to be familiar, vaguely was a member of Zhao Chengfeng's team.

"By the way, it seems to be called the blood monk."

But how can he be here? Is he guarding against me?

It turns out that they are not doing nothing, but guarding against me?

"Well, you think too much." In the dark, the blood monk seemed to see what he thought in his heart and hummed: "although we don't trust you completely, we don't want me to guard you specially. If so, we might as well control you directly."

Shadow heart move, feel each other say reasonable, but still some doubt.

But the blood monk said: "I just went to control the servants of those villas. I just passed by you. The boss told me that you were out of the room, so let me tell you not to act rashly, so as not to disturb our rhythm."

Shadow smell speech is a surprise, he thought Zhao Chengfeng and others did not do anything, did not expect not only to do, and action faster than himself.

Obviously, at this time, the villa has been completely controlled.

But he was still puzzled, because listening to the meaning of the blood monk, he walked out of the room, Zhao Chengfeng even knew before the blood monk.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's room is far away from his own room, not even in the same area. How did he know?

At this time, the blood monk in the dark suddenly gave a smile, "Hey, the guest has come, you go back to your room, I'm going to pick up the guest!"

"Coming?" The shadow smell speech in the heart move, the vision subconsciously looks around to sweep, but have no any discovery, hold one's breath, also have no any induction.

There is a little doubt in my heart.

According to the truth, his cultivation and killer's experience, generally within 100 meters, whether there is a strange breath to break in, he will feel something.

Just as he was about to ask again, he heard a scream coming from the hall on the first floor of the villa. Then the scream and the dreary sound of the body falling to the ground came one after another.

It seems that in an instant, no less than ten people have been put down.

Shadow felt numb and worried. He didn't know whether the screams came from the enemy or from Zhao Chengfeng and others.

"Hey, brother blood, who are you and how many people are there?" He spoke in the dark.

But there was no answer in the dark.

"Hello, blood brother, are you still there?" The shadow spoke again.

There was no sound for a long time.

The shadow frowned slightly and moved to the place where the voice came out.

Nothing there?

The blood monk had already left. He didn't notice anything.

"Well, how is that possible?" I'm also an expert in Lingwu realm. I'm third in the list of killers. What's my nickname, shadow?

In terms of stealth, even those two guys ranking before me can't beat me. Any one of Zhao Chengfeng's followers came and went in front of me, and I didn't even notice.

In the dark, the shadow felt his face a bit wooden.

That's the fear of professional instinct.

A moment later, I couldn't help a bitter smile.

"No wonder, no wonder that guy looks disgusted."

The shadow felt that he had never been hit so many times in his life.

He thought that Zhao Chengfeng's group were the most powerful than him, that is, Zhao Chengfeng and the inexperienced elder martial sister in Qingyi, plus a Shangguan Yan'er.

Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng's side looks a little bloody brave, as if he can only act recklessly and bareheaded, and even abused him in his best field.

"You can't judge a man by his appearance!" The shadow sighed.

Fortunately, he didn't know that he was lucky. What he met was the blood monk, not the shadow. Otherwise, he would not be able to find out standing beside him in such darkness. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll suffer even more.

However, now he is in a dilemma. He should follow Zhao Chengfeng's order and return to his room.

However, knowing that there was a strong enemy coming, he hid in the room and did nothing. He was not reconciled.

And if I don't show it at such a time, won't I have no chance?

Thinking of this, the shadow clenched its teeth and crept to the window.

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