When I opened the curtain and looked out, I saw that all the lights outside the villa had gone out. All the fields were dark, only the dim light reflected by the neon in the distance. I saw the dark shadows rushing to the main door of the villa from all around. I couldn't see how many people there were, but absolutely not a few.

At this time, the enemy seemed to realize that it was impossible to assassinate quietly, so they were no longer hidden. Countless people rushed to the villa.

Just look at the movements of those figures, everyone is not ordinary people. Among ordinary people, everyone is a master of fighting.

Shadow thinks that he has experienced some battles, but his heart can't help beating when he sees this scene.

If the tasks he carried out in the past were assassinations, there is no doubt that there is a war in front of him, a war between fighters.

But what shocked him even more was that there were only three people outside the gate of the villa. They were Huisheng, blood monk and the young man named Xiaogui.

The three stood outside the villa with horns for each other, and the shadows rushed at them crazily, but in exchange for the screams and blood lights. What's more, they fell down dozens of steps away.

It's like there's a life forbidden zone around the three people.

Step into the penalty area and die!

"Who are these people?"

Shadow heart shock inexplicable.

If these three people say that their accomplishments are not as good as their own, they are not so good at killing people.

All of a sudden, he felt that even if he went down, he might not show any performance.

To this extent, it may not need Zhao Chengfeng and the inexplicable elder martial sister in green, even Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing.

Of course, he knew that since the guwu family had started, it must be more than that.

Sure enough, just at this time, a group of people appeared outside the garden of the other hall.

Although separated very far, also can feel that is a group of experts. The outside breath, across such a long distance, the shadow felt a sense of being oppressed, and the breathing seemed to be blocked.

This group of people appeared, and the blood monk and other three people who met the enemy outside the villa were also worried. The other party didn't make a move, but they already felt great pressure.

"Stop it

A powerful and low voice from the group of people sounded, a moth like fierce attack of the shadow, hear this sound is a meal, even has rushed to the front of the shadow have stopped, slowly back.

Blood monk three pressure suddenly light, and then subconsciously to pursue forward.

At this time, however, three Qi engines instantly locked the three people, and the blood monk felt that their scalp was numb, as if they were being watched by some terrible creatures, and their hands and feet felt a little disobedient.

"Lingwu intermediate master!"

Sensing this kind of breath, the blood monk three people instantly understood the level of the bearer.

But the three did not flinch, especially the blood monk. With a roar in his mouth, the whole man stepped forward instead of retreating. Taking advantage of the situation, he chopped an assassin who wanted to retreat to the ground.

Although the other two were not good at close combat, they also took a step forward because of his Qi and his unyielding will.

"Hum, I don't know how to live or die!"

Among those who came, three figures burst into a rage. With a cold hum, the three figures rose up in the sky and immediately came to kill them like an eagle pouncing on a rabbit.

But at this moment, all the lights of the whole bieguan garden suddenly lit up, and the originally dark bieguan garden was as bright as day.

All the assassins, including the three men who stood high in mid air, were unprepared and had a great momentum.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

At this time, three white objects suddenly flew out of the villa door. They were fast and ill. Everyone didn't see what they were, so they were hit in the face.

"Ouch ~!"

"Ah ~!"

"Ah ~!"

Only three screams followed by "bang bang ~!" The three sounds were like the sound of mud sacks smashing on the ground. When the people came back to their senses, the three men who were just as powerful had already been on the ground paved with stone slabs in the courtyard.

Don't move. Don't know.

There was a brief silence inside and outside the villa.

At the window on the second floor, the shadow was stunned, some unbelievable.

The three masters who could kill him at the sight of their momentum were killed at once. Looking at the object that killed the three, the shadow could not help but be stunned again.

It's just three cups.

A face-to-face, no, to be exact, did not even face, Zhao Chengfeng people did not come out, just throw out three tea cups, three Lingwu mid master was killed by Shengsheng.

Seeing this scene, the assassins could not help being stunned.

"To cover up, to be furtive, to be a member of the guwu family, is that the only way?"

Zhao Chengfeng walked out of the door slowly. He glanced at the three assassins on the ground. Then he looked around with a touch of sarcasm.

Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing followed each other, only Qingqiu was still sitting in the hall, with her legs up and a red wine glass in her hand. She seemed to be blind to everything outside the door.


When the visitors heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, their declining momentum seemed to be stimulated to a general level, and they went up again and drank furiously.

"Zhao Chengfeng, originally just wanted to give you a warning, but you don't know how to repent and dare to hurt others. You're dead!"

One of the leaders of the group suddenly pulled off the mask on his face, revealing a face full of anger.

It's no one else. It's the ancestor of the Song family.

His action seems to be a deliberate remark on his own words, which means that he is not afraid to be seen by you now.

"Oh, it turned out that Mr. Song had all taken part in the work himself. What an accident, an accident!"

Although Zhao Chengfeng broke the name of "guwu family", he was surprised to see that the old man came in person.

I thought I would kill these old guys. I'm afraid I have to call them directly.

Who knew the main course would be served so soon.

"Well, I'm afraid the rest of you are also very important people. Don't hide them and show them?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the people behind the old man and said with a smile.

Some of the others who followed the old man silently pulled off the mask, while others hesitated to pull off the mask, but looked at the old man.

One of them immediately looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said coldly, "Zhao Chengfeng, you asked us to take off the face towel. Do you know what it means?"

"It means that not only you, but also these people around you will die. They could not have died, at least they don't have to die!"

"Don't you have to die?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "do you mean it depends on your mood?"

"Yes The man naturally heard the banter in Zhao Chengfeng's tone, but he didn't think so at all.

"Although you must die against our guwu family, our guwu family does not kill people indiscriminately, and we do not want to involve innocent people. Of course, it is not wrong to say that we should look at our mood!"

"It's a pity that they can't do it now. They're all going to die. You're responsible for all this!" This population said so, but the eyes intentionally or unintentionally looked at the song ancestors.

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